
Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Out on DVD: “From Beginning to End”

Here’s an article on “a gay Brazilian incest love story”…

So it is for writer and director Aluizio Abranches, whose 2009 drama From Beginning To End — detailing the tender yet forbidden love between two impossibly attractive young half-brothers — sold out sessions at last year’s Melbourne Queer Film Festival and has since proved divisive viewing for audiences worldwide.

For a film with such an explosive topic at its core, From Beginning To End is for the most part a quiet and gentle love story, with brothers Thomas and Francisco (played by Rafael Cardoso and João Gabriel Vasconcellos) encountering little opposition to their passionate relationship.

It would be nice if consanguinamory between any adult family members could exist without opposition.

Abranches says…

“I treated it as a very normal love story, which some people have criticised. But that’s what I think it is — I didn’t want to judge the brothers.”

Good for him. We need more filmmakers to treat consanguineous sex and consanguinamorous people this way.
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1 comment:

  1. I'd just like to say that I talk about and link to the film here:


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