
Monday, January 3, 2011

Mind Your Own

Nadia D. Gaffar wrote to the Calgary Herald...

When I heard that 84-year-old Hugh Hefner was getting married again to a 24-year-old, my instinctive reaction was yuck!

That's fine; she was not asked to marry either of them. Nobody has to like their choices, but they should be legal and they are. So should other marital choices. Say what you will about the 84-year-old or the 24-year-old and their decision, but it should not be illegal. Nor should this intergenerational marriage.

I guess it should not surprise me that men are still trying to legally have and justify multiple female partners. Ever heard of Bountiful, B.C.? Wonder what the reaction would have been if a woman had written that letter and suggested females have multiple partners "as long as she can be legally allowed to look after and be able to afford it and do material justice to them"?

Women should be able to have multiple husbands, or wives, or husbands and wives. What's wrong with people having the freedom to marry? Why does this person feel a need to speak out against the marital choices of others? I wonder what her relationship choices have been?
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