
Tuesday, March 23, 2021

A Healing Love Between Son and Mother

There are many ways people can be consanguinamorous. There are also many benefits to consanguinamory, including that it can be healing. Here's a slightly different interview than most of the ones published here. 

As this interview is being published, there are many people still spending more time home with family members. Perhaps some of them will find this interview an inspiration? Or they can see this for some possibilities.

People in consanguinamorous relationships are everywhere, though consanguinamorists tend to be closeted. Fortunately, some are willing to be interviewed for this blog. As a result, Full Marriage Equality has featured scores of exclusive interviews with lovers denied the freedom to marry and have that marriage treated equally under the law. Most can’t even be out of the closet or they’ll face prosecution under absurd incest laws, which, instead of focusing on abuse, also target consensual relationships.

The man interviewed below should’ve been free to be open about the special love he shared with his lover. 
They were consenting adults who weren’t hurting anyone; why should they have been denied their rights? In much of the world, they could’ve been criminally prosecuted for their love, and might’ve been persecuted severely in addition.

Read the interview below and see for yourself what this man has to say about the healing bond they shared. You may think this relationship is interesting, or it might make you uncomfortable, or you might find it ideal, even highly romantic or erotic, but whatever your reaction, should lovers like these be denied equal access to marriage or any other rights simply because they love each other this way? Should they have to hide?

Also please note that someone you love, respect, and admire could be in a similar relationship right now. Should they be attacked and denied rights because of the "incest" label?

**WARNING: Mild mentions of sexual touch.**


Anonymous Man: I can tell you my story, I see you're trustable but I can't support your cause openly.

FULL MARRIAGE EQUALITY: That’s how it is for most. I would never reveal your secrets. 

Anonymous Man: That's important for me. I have a family now, and nobody knows anything about my story.

I'm Italian living in Germany. I work as an engineer.

When I was younger, around my twenties I had a sexual relationship with my mother. It lasted three years.

FME: Did your mother raise you? How did it start? Did you live with her? Who lived with her?

Yes, she raised me. It started after my father passed away. We got closer and closer to overcome our grief. There were four of us, my mother, my two brothers and me.

But the relationship between me and her was different respect to the one with my brothers. When I was a child I had many health issues and she took care of me.

Those experiences already made us closer, also physically

FME: Did your brothers know about this?

No they didn't. They knew that she and I had a very strong bond, that we were very intimate, but they never knew what we did; that we crossed the line.

FME: Did you initiate it or did she?

I did. After my father death she was very depressed,  she stopped taking care of herself,  certain days she didn't leave the bed in the morning. She also took drugs for depression, and when she had those very bad days I took care of her. I started even washing her.

One day I was so sick watching her in that state, completely not responsive, with no light in the eyes, that when I was washing her in the bath, instead of washing her intimate areas very quickly as I used to do, I spent more time down there, basically masturbating her.

That worked like if I had pushed her life button.

And I kissed her.

We didn't become lovers immediately, but for a while, every time I washed her, I did that thing, bringing her to orgasm.

It started in that way.

FME: She eventually responded to touch you?

Yes, but not immediately. At the beginning, we never talked of what we did during the bath, like it didn't happen. But slowly, she was coming to light again, She was healing.

My brothers noticed that. They told me "We don't know how you're helping mom but it's working." Of course I told them it was the medicines and therapy.

At a certain point she was definitely better and she started washing by herself. But one night she came into my room and she told me she wanted to return the love I gave her if I wanted.

I said yes and we made love for the first time.

We had to pay attention because my brothers still lived with us.

But in one year, with my mother going better and better, they left home.

FME: So it was just you two, then?

Yes, for two years.

FME: Did you actually sleep together?

Yes we did. For those two years we used to live like husband and wife.

But actually, we often slept together beforea nd my brothers knew it. The "official" reason was not to leave her alone during the night. 

But not all the nights. For example even my brothers from time to time said me like, "I saw mom particularly sad, maybe it's better if this night you sleep with her?"

FME: Do you think that it is possible they know or suspect the truth, but have decided not to talk about it?

Well, yes, it's possible. Or at least I thought it sometimes. Because they were so understanding and sympathetic with me and her, never a question, leaving us alone at home often.

FME: The lovemaking was special, wasn’t it?

Yes. Totally. I wasn't at my first experience. I already had girlfriends, but nothing was comparable with sex with her. I love my wife, but sex with her is not like the sex with my mother. Of course I don't complain. It's simply as it is.

FME: How did your mother react when you found your wife?

She was happy. She always said that our sexual relationship was temporary; that I deserved a family. She always pushed me to find girls even if we were together.

FME: Would you say you and your mother are both better because you shared lovemaking?

Absolutely. And I tell you another thing. I would have kept going with her. But she didn't want that. I told her that if she had wanted I would have been with her my whole life, but she said that even if she loved me like a man, the right thing to do, for me, was to find a girl and make a family. She always said "I want to be a grandmother."

My wife really loves my mother. They are very similar. There was a period when I wanted to tell my wife about her, but eventually I thought it wasn't a good idea.

I'm happy to have found you and your blog. I didn't imagine at all. I thought we were like the only ones in this situation.


Clearly, these lovers were consenting adults who weren't hurting anyone, and yet they wouldn't even be able to exercise their basic human right to marry as things are now. They loved each other and were happy, yet they were denied fundamental rights. They can't couldn’t even be open about their love without risking prosecution, in so much of the world! Anyone who’d deny such lovers their healing, equality, and freedom should be ashamed of themselves.

Why should they have been, or anyone else like them now, be denied their rights? There’s no good reason. We need to recognize that all adults should be free to be with any and all consenting adults as they mutually consent, and part of doing that is adopting relationship rights for all, including full marriage equality sooner rather than later. People are being hurt because of a denial of their basic human rights to love each other freely.

You can read other interviews I have done here. As you'll see, there are people from all walks of life, around the world, who are in consanguinamorous relationships.

If you are in a relationship like this and are looking for help or others you can talk with, read this.

If you want to be interviewed about your "forbidden" relationship, or that of someone you know, connect with me by checking under the "Get Connected" tab there at the top of the page or emailing me at fullmarriageequality at protonmail dot com or see here.

If you know someone who is in a relationship like this, please read this.

Thank you, Anoymous, 
for doing this interview about your beautiful, intergenerationalconsanguinamorous relationship! We wish you well in life and ongoing healing and overcoming from your abuse and loss.
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  1. A very moving story and the mother didn't act selfishly and let the son move on with his life.
    She acknowledged his role as a healer and must have been grateful just as he was while in his early life she looked after him.
    Hats off.

  2. This is a touching story and a good example of how love can heal such deep, emotional wounds. While not all instances will call for it, the intimacy this mother and son shared not only strengthened their bond, but it also helped them move on from loss, one of the hardest human experiences. He's a great son for tending to his mother like that. Their relationship shows that love without restraints can be a fulfilling, as well as a healing, experience.

  3. Thanks a lot for the nice comments, very much appreciated. I really hope my story could help someone else in his/her journey.

    1. It will.You have exhibited rare courage while admitting.

  4. I was involved sexually with my mother for a short time. It didn't last long, but it was a good thing for both of us. The only bad thing is she was(and still is) married to my father. It helped us get through something difficult and move forward.

    1. These are usually the very circumstances that I have come across in 4-5 cases of M-S incest.

    2. Me and my mom have even sexual for about 15 years while she was with my dad. He was always mean to her and cheated on her. She did not want to divorce because me and my brother were in school. But my mom came to me for support comfort and we just started making each other feel really good and couldn't stop.

    3. You have been a good son and she has been wise while turning to you and not any outsider.


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