A kind soul who has been friendly to this blog for a long time reminded me of some
dead links and alerted me to others I hadn't noticed. Thank you so much for that!
I appreciate help from you, dear readers.
This blog is a labor of love, in multiple ways. I do this out of love. I do not accept any money for this blog, not even through advertising. This is not how I earn income. This is how I help. This is how I contribute and give back. People need to speak up for equality, and I am someone who will.
I have no paid staff. I have limited time. So, it helps me when you point things out to me. Please forgive me for dead links. This blog has been around for over twelve years and having some links die is unavoidable. I'll try to fix important links when I can.
Someone else told me he was having
trouble posting a comment. Since I didn't change anything, that might be a (hopefully temporary) problem with Blogger. You are also free to send me comments through
contacting me and you can tell me to post them on the blog or not to post them. Something I recommend if you've written a comment here is to copy your comment before attempted to post it, so that if something goes wrong, you can paste the comment when you try again, or you can send it to me.
Always feel free to
reach out to me, dear readers. And always feel free to re-establish contact if it has been a while. There aren't a lot of active "Consanguinamory Consultants," and there are so many of you, people who read our posts for any number of reasons, so it is usually going to be up to you to keep in touch.
You are
welcome here and welcome to contact me regardless of your gender, sexual orientation, relationships, kinks, etc.