Advocating for the right of consenting adults to share and enjoy love, sex, residence, and marriage without limits on the gender, number, or relation of participants. Full marriage equality is a basic human right.
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Sunday, February 19, 2023
Tell Your Story
Is one of your parents, children, other family members, or friends in such a relationship, or have they been?
Are you the adult child of such a relationship, whether you were a biological child, adopted, or stepchild?
If you can say "yes" to one or more of those questions, I’d like to interview you. It doesn’t matter if the relationship is/was very casual, is a serious lifelong relationship, or somewhere between.
What qualifies as “forbidden?” While most of my interviews printed on the blog so far have been with people in consanguinamorous (consensual incest) relationships, I’m also interested in any consensual adult relationships that are forbidden by law, custom, tradition, community, or family and/or is subject to discrimination. This includes, but isn’t necessarily limited to, relationships with someone who is from an older or younger (adult) generation, or from a different race; gay or lesbian relationships; open relationships or marriages, relationships that include swinging, swapping, group, or polyamorous relationships; polygamous relationships or marriages, plural marriages, polyandry, or polygyny; and relationships often perceived as incestuous, such as between cousins, or Genetic Sexual Attraction relationships, or being with a close blood, step, adoptive, or in-law relative.
I’d like to interview you and publish the interview on my blog, and I can do so while protecting your anonymity.
What you get in return:
1. Loads of cash. Well, no, not really. I don’t accept funding for this blog and I won’t pay for participation. Sorry. This blog is a labor of love in every sense of the word. Also, I want people who just want to sincerely share their experiences, not someone who will sensationalize for cash.
2. The satisfaction of knowing you are making a difference in the lives of many people around the world. People are relieved to read of other experiences like their own, and those who wonder about these relationships come away a little more enlightened.
3. Being able to tell of your relationship and experiences to someone who supports your rights and respects you while still maintaining your privacy.
4. A link to a website or profile of yours, depending on privacy issues.
The best way to contact me is via email. Check the Get Connected tab at the top of the screen (web version) or email me at fullmarriageequality at protonmail dot com.
To prevent spam, comments will have to be approved, so your comment may not appear for several hours. Feedback is welcome, including disagreement. I only delete/reject/mark as spam: spam, vulgar or hateful attacks, repeated spouting of bigotry from the same person that does not add to the discussion, and the like. I will not reject comments based on disagreement, but if you don't think consenting adults should be free to love each other, then I do not consent to have you repeatedly spout hate on my blog without adding anything to the discourse.
If you want to write to me privately, then either contact me on Facebook, email me at fullmarriageequality at protonmail dot com, or tell me in your comment that you do NOT want it published. Otherwise, anything you write here is fair game to be used in a subsequent entry. If you want to be anonymous, that is fine.
IT IS OK TO TALK ABOUT SEX IN YOUR COMMENTS, BUT PLEASE CHOOSE YOUR WORDS CAREFULLY AS I WANT THIS BLOG TO BE AS "SAFE FOR WORK" AS POSSIBLE. If your comment includes graphic descriptions of activity involving minors, it's not going to get published.
ReplyDeleteIve been sexually involved with my son Dan for some time now and on a consistent "full time" level for over two years. I of course can't 100% speak for my son but he has seemed happy in every way with the sexual side of our already very close mother/son bond, and as lately he often suggests ideas for our future together I can only conclude that he's happy that we're more of a committed couple now than ever before. I myself am overjoyed at how amazingly well we exist as a couple, and am still in awe of the unrivaled sexual passion we share which has only grown as we've come to complete terms with living together as mother and son but also as a man and woman. I will not say that our success is common, but the incidence of a mother and son becoming closer than deemed appropriate is truly far from a rarity. I believe and am hopeful that times are changing, and that should Dan desire it I can be his legal wife one day, despite being his birth mother. I believe that these times are approaching due to the acceptance and support (after being satisfied that there are no consent issues) from the MANY he and I have told over the years, the ambivalence and neutrality of some, and the very rare negative reactions. At least assuming they are told individually or in small groups. The only issues we've had with being harassed have been when a rumor reaches a large group at the same time, and the people overreact out of fear of being judged themselves. I think that if people would finally admit that they don't care if a mother and her son enjoy having sex with each other, the myth that most people DO care would fade and incest couples could love openly.
On the issue of family members having children together I'll say only that I'm positive that it can work.
I feel passionately about this and would like to help normalize a beauty ignored by the world
Are you and Dan going to have kids together?
DeleteDear Ann Motheroftwo,
DeleteHow did it begin and who initiated it? How old are you now that you both are thinking of a future together?
Why were you harassed?Who spilled the beans? Most incestuous couples must be managing to hide their relationship as living with a family member beyond a certain age doesn't automatically mean they are incestuous.
DeleteI’ve been with a woman who was intimate with her son. When I listened to the whole story I realized it was a unique and beautiful relationship.
Deleteiknowwhatisaw, it's great that you see it that way. She's lucky. I'd be interested in communicating with you about this. You can email me at fullmarriageequality at protonmail dot com.
DeleteDon't try to normalize this beautiful relationship as that would incur massive backlash.Just enjoy it and forget the world.
DeleteThis did not happen to me but my best friend was having an affair with her first cousin who was also my friend. He was a Viet Nam vet and suffered PTSD, but being with her helped him. Unfortunately the relationship did not last and he moved to Hawaii. Society can not dictate who you love. And as a struggling writer, I have one polyamorous relationship in my story. The only conflict comes from outsiders who want her to choose.
ReplyDeleteHi I am a 65 year old woman that has been involved in a consensual relationship with my son for the past 25 years, before all the internet and support groups. I'm thankful there are blogs like this to share and help. People ask me how we lasted so long. Its like any other relationship. You have to work at it. Communication is especially important. I see so many think its just about sex. There is so much more to it. He is my best friend, my husband in every-way but legally, my lover and he happens to be my son too. I know he feels the same about me. How can anyone tell me or try to make me think this is wrong? Its not. What two consenting adults do is their business. We are lucky. We live in a state where its not illegal. We just can't get married and I hope that gets changed someday too. I think as this gets more and more out in the open and commonplace, people ideas will change and it will be accepted as gay marriage is now. May not be in my life time but I believe it will one day.
ReplyDeleteThanks for sharing that. I would like to be in contact with you. If you would be so kind, please email me at fullmarriageequality at yahoo dot com
DeleteCongratulations on having such a deep love for a long term,
would love to pick your. rain & learn more from such a beautiful & confident mother as you...pls email me & have a conversation..
DeleteThe people who know about your Relationship with your son appear very magnanimous.
DeleteI still feel they shouldn't have known.
Best luck.
Did your beautiful relationship begin spontaneously or circumstances played a major role?
DeleteThank you so very much for your site; it's informative and brings solace.
ReplyDeleteI felt as if hiding my relationships were the only option, but your site has helped me to accept that how I feel isn't wrong.
Sevral years ago, after my dad had died of cancer, my one niece who was 20, decided to visit again. We're related by marriage and I'd always treated her with kindness and respect; and she was one of the few in my entire family whom always loved and accepted me as I was. I'm approx 18 yrs older than she and one night, quote innocently our short lived relationship began. We were romantically invovled for only a few months, and though I would've loved nothing more than to have continued our involvement, we both knew it was a bad idea. Our families would've rejected her completely; I shudder to think of what they'd have done to me!
Wind the clock ahead a few years, and I'd become attracted to another family member. This time it was my oldest daughter, in her mod 20's. Though even hinting at such a relationship, she expressed discomfort. Since unlike her bio dad, I've never rejected her. And she's always been my most ardent supporter. Unless she initiates things, she'll never know how I truly feel... Yet, I somehow think she's gathered it.
What I'd spent the past couple years trying to understand why what I felt was wrong.
Considering that I'd never force nor coerce her and want only her happiness; I've come to understand that the problem is our hyocritical society! So many I know will vociferously demand and fight for "acceptance and equality of love fro everyone"... Except when it's a form which goes against their closely held preconceptions and ideals of "good" or "bad".
And worse? I'm considered guilty of a horrible crime!!
The crime of not being able to avoid falling in love with someone that society has decided is unconventional. And so many equate what most of us here feel with pedophilia or rape (YIKES!!). When the bulk of our respective society tells us to jist be ourselves, don't be afraid of showing who you really are... If it involves a loving, consensual, but unconventional relationship; it's all a ploy to entice their next victim ehoch they'll conveniently label as "monster" to show itself so that they can attack it!!
But if developing such intense feelings are wrong, then let's be britally honest. In my case, the greatest impetus wasn't from anything my daughter or I did... It's because of the abuse I've suffered so often from "good, decent and normal" people.
Thanks for your kind words. Please feel free to write me privately at fullmarriageequality at yahoo dot com
DeleteI want to have sexual relations with my mother. how can i make love to her?
ReplyDeleteThis is the best general advice I have: http://marriage-equality.blogspot.com/p/blog-page.html
DeleteInteresting brother-sister story here:
I'm 51 years old married mom. I'm sexually involved with my 27 years old son. My husband is still alive, but he doesn't know.
ReplyDeleteKeith, you say you don't support cheating. But I don't know what to do. I love my husband very much and I don't want to be separated from him. At the same time I love my son too and the physical satisfaction he gives me makes our bond stronger. And to be honest me and husband not sexually active for over 20 years or so. But that didn't make me love him less. I never cheated on him before and I know he would never cheat on me. But now I have fallen into a quicksand and I can't find a way to get up. I don't know what should we do.
Anonymous, if you haven't done so yet, please write me an email at fullmarriageequality at protonmail dot com
DeleteI promise I won't condemn you. I think your situation is more common than people think.
You haven't asked my advice but I am carrying on eith my mom without my dad knowing it and none of us is feeling any guilt.Carry on.
DeleteI have the exact same situation but I haven’t done it with my mom . Me and her really want it and the time around her is so sexually charged as physical contact sexually did occur but I haven’t move forward with it because of her and dad’s marriage . I don’t know what to do I feel like I’ll lose the opportunity I really love her and she loves me but if I don’t move on my feelings I’m afraid she will lose interest as I don’t have the guts to just do it. I really really want to indulge with her sexually and emotionally and she certainly does too but I don’t know what to do.
DeleteAnonymous, if you haven't done so yet, please write me an email at fullmarriageequality at protonmail dot com
DeleteI promise I won't condemn you.
Just keep it between the two and stop feeling guilty.There must be some issues you have shared with your husband but not yoir son.It's like those.Good luck.You are doing nothing wrong.Your husband has probably lost the ability to be sexually active.So you have chosen the correct and safer option compared to getting involved with an outsider-which is fraught with many risks.
DeleteCheating where it doesn't harm anyone shouldn't make you feel guilty.
DeleteYou both are happy together and are wisely keeping the adverse impact of extramarital affairs.
I wish you had explained how you and your son began.
I am the mom from original post. I just wanted to give an update. Last year my husband died due to covid as he had comorbid conditions and the condition deteriorated for him suddenly. After few months of his death las December, we moved to a new city where his new office is. He proposed to me on valentine's day and we got engaged. We started living like a couple.
DeleteI am 54 now. As I said few months ago, me and my son are living like a couple in a new place. He wants to have kids with me. I am still not menopaused. So I think I still can get pregnant. But there are higher risk of health related problems. Any suggestion?
DeleteI've visited this sight for a long time. Love the interview series. I don't have any experience, but wanted to suggest a post. Women tend to be the primary consumers of erotic fiction. Literotica has a list of most popular stories. Easily 3/4ths are incest stories! I would therefore guess that incest is a very common fantasy among women too! But they won't talk about it! fantassy is not reality, but isnt that something? The wikipedia article on literotica states from 2 sources women are the primary consumers of erotic fiction.
ReplyDeletePerhaps you could do a bit of simple statistics, classifying which stories are most popular. I am sure it would lead to new traffic too! btw, its mostly m/s and b/s. And its also mostly older women reading erotic fiction! Now i need to find me a milf!
Thanks for this. I'll consider it. Good luck on your search.
DeleteOriginal Anonymous Poster, did you find her then?
DeleteI am a 22 year old male. My sister and I have been in an incestuous relationship together since our teenage years (consensual the whole time). Even though it has caused some past hardships, we've never regretted it I love her like I never thought it was possible to love anyone.
ReplyDeleteConsensual incest, at least between siblings, is not a taboo. It's the most amazing, powerful, wonderful bond that you can experience. I came across your site while looking for something to bring me hope that maybe one day, we might be accepted as "siblings in love" instead of having to choose whether to be siblings OR in love whenever we go somewhere new in public. Whenever I ask someone why consensual incest is wrong they can only answer "Because it is" or "Because its a family member." I would give up anything to protect the relationship she and I have together. There's no one I trust more with my heart. There's no one I want more than her. And even if I could change the fact that she is my sister, I wouldn't. It's part of the many factors making our bond what it is.
I am a filmmaker and a journalist. I know it can be hard to find content for something, especially something controversial such as incest. If you'd like to know my full story, I'll be glad to talk to you. If you are, I will set up a new gmail account to communicate with. I am sure you are trustworthy but after what we've been through when people found out once, I can't bring myself to risk sending it from an account I publicly use. Ironically that's actually the primary reason why I wish to share my story- so that one day, others don't have to be afraid to. I am asking first because the full story (if that's what you want) will be a mile or two long, and I will have to type in out over one or two day, as I do have many obligations to attend to daily. So if you're not interested, I'd rather not spend the time typing it for nothing.
I will check for your reply. Thank you for what you do.
I want to hear whatever you have to say. Please to write me at fullmarriageequality at protonmail dot com and I will keep your anonymity like I have for so many others.
DeleteI am sure your parents didn't mind and you both have kept it a secret.
DeleteI hope you and you sister are still together and are happy.
DeleteI am reconnecting with my brother after 25 years we were each others 1st and want to rekindle our full relationship
DeleteWhat can the interviewees expect?
ReplyDeleteEmail me at fullmarriageequality at protonmail dot com and find out. I never share what someone tells me privately with anyone; unless they give me permission. So they can expect that their privacy will be protected.
DeleteA father and daughter couple from the Spanish island of Mallorca have had their love child taken away from them after going public with their incestuous relationship.
ReplyDeleteThe pair insist they are in love and should be allowed to keep their new baby daughter, who is also the father’s granddaughter and, technically, the mother’s half-sister.
The father Cris, 36, and daughter Sara, 18, aren’t breaking any laws in Spain but have had their child temporarily taken away by the state, reports Cronica Balear.
“We may be father and daughter but she has never seen me as a parent because I am much more like a friend than a father figure,” the baby’s dad said of his relationship with his teenage daughter.
So incest isn't legal in Spain as vlaimed by some.
DeleteDon't know if you posted this Dad/Dau GSA case.
ReplyDeleteTalking to a Man Who's Been in Love with His Sister for 20 Years
"Tom" and "Lena" are in a loving relationship and have a young child together. They're also brother and sister.
I’m a 30 year old female and and I have been in a consensual sexual relationship with my brother and sister since my early teen years.
ReplyDeleteWe have since married people who know and are supportive of us.
My brother and I have a daughter together.
Congrats! And thanks for sharing that. If you haven't done so already, please email me at fullmarriageequality at protonmail dot com.
DeleteFantastic.Wish you 3 the best in Life.
DeleteThank you. We are living our best life. The love we have is as strong as ever.
DeleteDearest friend,
DeleteI'm an Indian, Male, 32, Asian; is very much happy and delighted to hear your story as a sister, who have been in consensus sexual relationship together with your brother as a husband and wife and being so gifted to have a daughter as a prove of ultimate incestuous love between your brother and you.
Unfortunately I'm not lucky as you are, me and my sister had been engaged with consensus sexual relationship too but it didn't last long for me. I miss my sister very much as being closely intimate.
She's, 30, about to get married this year 2023, which even makes me feeling so bad for not having her back at least as normal brother sister relationship.
My Best Wishes to Dear Bro-Sis Couples that Living as Husband & Wife.
Keep Continue Loving Lustfully Each Other. Do Make Unconditional Love & Have Pleasurable Sex.
Keith, how do you deal with death threats for supporting incest?
ReplyDeleteThey actually issue those? I thought such things happen in certain communities.
DeleteThat's the problem with society around us.They project their prejudices on those who support incest.
ReplyDeleteIt's best to be discreet about many issues.
Would love to chat more
ReplyDeleteDear Anonymous who submitted a comment here yesterday about anonymity in sharing your story... see here:
This isn't easy for me to write, as I've never told anyone this, but I was in a relationship with my biological mother for a few years now, until just recently when she passed away. Her death broke me, she was both wife and mother, friend and confidant. I didn't know her as I grew up, she found me what feels like ages ago yet also like yesterday.
ReplyDeleteIn our room short time we almost had a daughter yet we lost her right when she was due. That broke us, and I think changed our relationship all because she thought I blamed her though I honestly blamed myself for not protecting them better.
Every day I miss her voice, eyes, hugs, kisses, wisdom, strength, and so much more. Our love was a full circle, and our bond is something I both miss and know will never find again as no woman can love the way she loved.
To those in an incestual relationship, treasure each other, love without bounds or limits. Love so fiercely, so intensely that when the end comes your love will echo through the eons.
Sorry to hear this,Anonymous.I
ReplyDeleteUnderstand perfectly your sentiments.No words of consolations can make you feel composed.
I want to let y'all know, who are in some form of consanguinamory relationship, that not everyone, outside of the world of incestuous relationships, thinks cruelly upon these people.I have read numerous forums/blogs where people leave cruel comments about people in situations like these when they don't even know these people personally and their specific situation.I think many people automatically think of movies like 'Deliverance" and "The Hills Have Eyes" or pedophilia when it comes to incest. Now, I do not know anyone personally that is in one of these relationship types but then again one never knows what exactly happens behind closed doors when you're not around and because it is still illegal in most places it has to remain "hush-hush". As for me, I don't judge people in these types of relationships. Whether it be mother-son, father-daughter , sister-brother etc. When people with health issues can procreate and women above the age of 40 are allowed(both situations that come with complications including a rise in possible health issues of the child) why not a healthy consanguinamorous couple?
ReplyDeleteWatch this first: https://youtu.be/FGR18jbyjJE
Before I begin, I hope the Bro-Sis Couple would live Happily Ever After as Husband & Wife with their 4 perfectly born healthy kids without getting disturbed and cursed by anyone till the end.
Because there are many Unlucky Bro-Sis Lovers who can't get to live together and mostly got separated in between of their life as growing because of 3rd party influences that breaks the Pure Bro-Sis Love Relationship by getting Closer Physically Intimacy for Passionate Making Love with Irresistible Bonds that Ties Lustfully Each Other for Intense & Kinky Sex Pleasure.
Currently, I, 32yrs old and my sis, 30yrs old of this year 2023, experienced been engaged with intimate consensual brother sister relationship.
It begins when we were both very young around as I was 5yrs & my sis was 3yrs. We were brought up so close from playing with each other, sleeping on the same bed, showering nakedly together, shares and eat food together.
Eventually as we grows, I and my little sister tend to spend time alone together, shares secrets each other, studies together and watches TV show together alone at home as our parents out for work and back home late.
As growing between the age (Me,5-12yrs) (my little sis, 3-10yrs) before turning puberty I and my little baby sis learned so much of how on getting sexualy intimacy between boy& girl such as mouth kissing, tongue kissing, kissing eachother's private part, getting on 69 position, fingering, cuddling nakedly, masturbation, playing with each other private part, penetrating my erected penis into my baby sis's pussy, holding hands while caressing, kissing my baby sister's feet, her toenails, her legs, her butt, her back, her tummy, her hands, her fingernails, her chest, her neck, her ears, her lips, her nose, her cheeks, her forehead, and many more others.
To get more feels of having consensual intimacy, we always starts by playing games like she'll be the doctor and I'll be the patient that goes to her with my penis erected, then my baby sis will try to have a better look by holding my penis with her cute little fingers, stroking my erected penis it front and back, kissing my penis,
it really turns me so ON while looking at her fingernails/her soft feet/cute little toenails.
Then the other time, we will pretend as if I and my baby sis are boyfriend and girlfriend, we will act out from starting being lovers untill I and my baby sis gets married and turn to husband and wife living with a baby of our own. We play the role as if we were real couple that shares cuddles, kissing, holding hands, caresses each other until the part we about to get married, then I and my cute little baby sis will get undressed as I'll carry my cute little baby sister to my bedroom as whispering I LOVE YOU to each other with my penis erected waiting to get into my adorable baby sister's pussy. As we got into my bedroom, my lovely sister will lay on top of me as I'll be pushing my penis into her pussy then we start to kiss and cuddles without pulling my penis out of her pussy until one point, I'll pull out and start to masturbates because we doesn't know how to hump each other at that time yet.
Then at night, we try to sneak into each others room after our parents sleep, I and my cute little sis would be start by kissing, cuddling, hugging, caressing each others body parts and masturbates before sleeping.
It was our daily routine for US until I, 13yrs old and my cute lovely sister, 11yrs old gets puberty as my sister turns so pretty and beautiful with her small budding breast and her pointy little cute nipples, her grown fingernails and toenails arouses me sexually so much as My sister getting so gorgeous day by day as she's turning like a Princess.
Part II
ReplyDeleteOur parents, caught Us few times being naked on the bed while we were on the play before we got puberty. And that makes my parents to warns Us strictly and make us get separated from getting together along anymore. Then as my Princess Sis grows, she totally cut off our ties and doesn't speaks at all as she turns 12yrs old onwards till today.
I've tried so many times of getting her back with Our Precious Relationship but She doesn't bothers at all.
At one time, when I was 27yrs old, I tried confessing my feelings for her to My Princess Sister, but it turns out a nightmare that burst out to our parents.
I'm tired of trying to persuade My Princess Sister, but I won't stop having the feelings for her because She's My First Love, My First Love Kiss, My First Sexual Partner, My First Life Partner (WIFE), My First Princess, My First Lover and My Only Incestuously Loved Sister.
It's not Sex that I wanted from Her, I want to spend time talking stories and sharing secrets, I want to hang out going for movie, food, shopping, walking the beach, vacation, I want to hold her by my arms, take lots of selfies together, I want to go for long night ride, I want to celebrate her birthday, I want to choose her pedicure and manicure, I want to buy her clothes, dresses, heels, I want to beautify and adore her, I want to be her best friend, I want to wipe her tears, I want to spend my whole live with My Princess Sister because...
(Indian Brother, 32 yrs old, Southeast Asia)
Great story and I'm sure many people can relate that have grown up with a sister or brother. I think many people feel desire towards their sibling and some are lucky to have sexual interactions with a sibling. Its something I always wanted.