
Friday, March 26, 2021

Media Request

Here is a request from the media. This person is looking for those who've experienced Genetic Sexual Attraction or consanguinamorous relationships. More of my thoughts below.


Hey everyone, 

Hope you guys are doing good. 

Keith Pullman has kindly allowed me to send across a message to you all. 

I hope you don’t mind and you don’t find this too intrusive. 

My name is Candice Fernandez and I’m a feature writer at HotSpot Media, a press agency in Birmingham, UK. 

I source and write features for the national women’s magazines across the UK. 

I wondered if you would be interested in speaking to me about Genetic Sexual Attraction, whether it is something you have experienced in life, or if you’re in a relationship with a relative at the moment? 

It doesn't matter if you were reunited or grew up together, anything is welcome.

It’d be for a UK magazine feature and it’d focus on how love has absolutely no bounds. 

I think GSA is a very misunderstood taboo in society today and am really looking to break down those barriers.

Hopefully, we can get more people to understand it. 

The aim of the article is to raise awareness and even perhaps inspire other GSA people reading, not to be ashamed. 

I'd like to reassure you that I'd never publish your story without your permission. 

You would receive a full read back to ensure you were completely happy with how it sounded. 

We cannot publish the article without your 100% approval. 

You would need to be named and pictured. 

But if it puts your mind at ease, we’d be happy to give you fake surnames. 

This way, no one can look you up. 

It would also only appear in one UK magazine for one week only. It wouldn’t go online either. 

So the likeliness of people you know seeing it, is actually quite slim. 

Of course, you would be paid for sharing your story too. 

If you’re interested in hearing more about the process or if you have any questions at all, please contact me in confidence on 0121 55 11 004 / 07706 254 066. 

Or you can email me at:

There would be no obligation for you to go ahead with an article if you had reservations after speaking with me.

Thank you for taking the time to read this. 

Regardless if anyone gets back to me, I think you're all wonderful people and I wish you the best with everything! 

Take care, Candice


Emphasis mine.

All I know is what is in that notice. But based on what she has said, if you are at all inclined to consider participating, I recommend contacting her. Ask her questions. If you end up not participating in her article, there's no harm to you.

While caution is justified, we need to get GSA and consanguinamory stories in the media in a positive way.
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  1. Were not gonna find truth about consanguinamory on tv or at school. It's like were not taught the truth about consanguinamory.

    1. Hi, I do remember seeing a documentary about GSA on TV. It was pretty good. I personally think eventually it will be on TV and films more in the future. There is a film called A Simple Favour which features a sister and brother having sex and it's not shown, I think, in a negative way.


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