Advocating for the right of consenting adults to share and enjoy love, sex, residence, and marriage without limits on the gender, number, or relation of participants. Full marriage equality is a basic human right.
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- Polytical.org [UK]
- PolyFamilies.com
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- PolyamoryOnline.org
- ChristianPolygamy.com
- Charlie Glickman [PhD SexEd]
Friday, December 31, 2021
Tuesday, December 28, 2021
“I’m Stuck at Home With Family”
If staying home has (or had) you thinking about sex with a family member, you’re not alone. Over the past two years, more people than usual have been contacting me or finding this blog with questions like...
Do siblings have sex?
Is it OK to have sex with your mother?
How do I have sex with my brother?
Is it normal to feel horny for my dad?
I fantasize about my daughter.
I want my sister.
I'm feeling attracted to my son.
Should I try to have sex with my mom?
Can I do it with my brother?
Do brothers and sisters have sex?
Is it weird that I want to make love to my brother?
How can I tell if my son wants to have sex with me?
I think my brother is giving me signs he wants to have sex.
How do I seduce my father?
Do people ever have sex with their parents?
I've wanted my son for years, and now that we're home together all of the time I need him.
People are stuck at home and they are considering relieving their sexual tension with a family member, and they have questions.
Lockdowns, shutdowns, staying home, self-isolating, quarantines... people are stuck home and, in many cases, that means being without a partner, a lover, a boyfriend, a girlfriend, a date, a booty call, a hookup, or a chance to meet someone.... unless that someone is someone who lives with them. People are stuck at home with their family members, and many of them are feeling horny, missing sex, feeling deprived of sex. They have urges and needs. They’re frustrated.
There are mothers who want to see if their son or daughter is down for some fun. There are sisters who want to know if they can get together with their brother. Their are sons who ache to be with their mother or father. Or both.
You get the idea.
Whether they are blood family or step or adopted, or maybe not even officially family but have been living together, people are wondering, fantasizing, itching. Masturbation only does so much. A family-with-benefits experiment, or something more romantic, are very real possibilities.
Is it OK? Yes, if everyone involved consents, it is OK.
There is no good reason people who want to be affectionate with each other should deny themselves and each other, if they mutually agree to that affection. Even if it is embraces, caresses, shoulder rubs, kisses... it needn't go any further than you mutually agree. But many of you who dare to do more will find it extremely pleasurable.
You might feel like you're odd, but it is far more common than most people think, and the indication I have is that more people than ever are doing it right now. Whether you’ve never considered it before or you’ve wanted it for a long time, why wait? If you can't think of a good reason to wait or hold back, don't! Just don't be crude or overbearing in how you go about this. If you need more inspiration, read about just a few of the people who’ve already enjoyed this. You love and care about each other. Why not be affectionate, if that is that is what you want?
And if you're separated from a relative right now that you'd like to have fun with through technology, see this.
Feel free to contact Keith if you want to discuss this.
For further reading...
Why Do I Feel This Way?
When Someone You Love Wants to Love You More
Consanguinamory (Consensual Incest) FAQ
More About This Blog
Do siblings have sex?
Is it OK to have sex with your mother?
How do I have sex with my brother?
Is it normal to feel horny for my dad?
I fantasize about my daughter.
I want my sister.
I'm feeling attracted to my son.
Should I try to have sex with my mom?
Can I do it with my brother?
Do brothers and sisters have sex?
Is it weird that I want to make love to my brother?
How can I tell if my son wants to have sex with me?
I think my brother is giving me signs he wants to have sex.
How do I seduce my father?
Do people ever have sex with their parents?
I've wanted my son for years, and now that we're home together all of the time I need him.
People are stuck at home and they are considering relieving their sexual tension with a family member, and they have questions.
Lockdowns, shutdowns, staying home, self-isolating, quarantines... people are stuck home and, in many cases, that means being without a partner, a lover, a boyfriend, a girlfriend, a date, a booty call, a hookup, or a chance to meet someone.... unless that someone is someone who lives with them. People are stuck at home with their family members, and many of them are feeling horny, missing sex, feeling deprived of sex. They have urges and needs. They’re frustrated.
There are mothers who want to see if their son or daughter is down for some fun. There are sisters who want to know if they can get together with their brother. Their are sons who ache to be with their mother or father. Or both.
You get the idea.
Whether they are blood family or step or adopted, or maybe not even officially family but have been living together, people are wondering, fantasizing, itching. Masturbation only does so much. A family-with-benefits experiment, or something more romantic, are very real possibilities.
Is it OK? Yes, if everyone involved consents, it is OK.
There is no good reason people who want to be affectionate with each other should deny themselves and each other, if they mutually agree to that affection. Even if it is embraces, caresses, shoulder rubs, kisses... it needn't go any further than you mutually agree. But many of you who dare to do more will find it extremely pleasurable.
You might feel like you're odd, but it is far more common than most people think, and the indication I have is that more people than ever are doing it right now. Whether you’ve never considered it before or you’ve wanted it for a long time, why wait? If you can't think of a good reason to wait or hold back, don't! Just don't be crude or overbearing in how you go about this. If you need more inspiration, read about just a few of the people who’ve already enjoyed this. You love and care about each other. Why not be affectionate, if that is that is what you want?
And if you're separated from a relative right now that you'd like to have fun with through technology, see this.
Feel free to contact Keith if you want to discuss this.
For further reading...
Why Do I Feel This Way?
When Someone You Love Wants to Love You More
Consanguinamory (Consensual Incest) FAQ
More About This Blog
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Sunday, December 26, 2021
Ringing in the New Year At Home?
Are you going to be at home with family while ringing in the New Year?
Who will you be kissing at midnight?
If you do find, or already have found, yourself having feelings for. or sharing affection with, family members, you're definitely not alone. It appears that the last couples of years has seen more of that than any previous time in history. And, as it was before COVID-19, it was common enough for close relatives to share sexual or romantic affection that you certainly know people who have. You are NOT alone.
Whether you're blood relatives, step relatives, adoptive relatives, in-laws, or honorary relatives, there's nothing wrong with your feelings and, depending on the circumstances, there may be nothing wrong with sharing more affection.
Will you make the most of this time?
You might need to read one or more entries on this blog that I list below. Feel free to contact me.
Here's a special message for young people.
Consanguinamory (Consensual Incest) FAQ
It's more common than most people think for close relatives to share sexual affection or experimentation. Intrafamilial sex and romance is as old as time.
Do You Have Feelings For a Close Relative?
Do you think or know that a close relative has feelings for you?
Yes, it is OK. But should you "do it" in your specific situation?
You might be able to make it happen. If you're the parent, there is more to consider.
Taking it slow and cautiously might be the way, unless the two (or three, or...?) of you can't hold back. Sometimes, the ice just needs breaking.
Stepsiblings, stepparents, and stepchildren might want to read this.
Are you considering coming out as consanguinamorous?
A message for family and friends.
How To Be An Ally to Consanguinamorous People You Know
Are you considering, or involved in, a situation that isn't monogamous?
Read exclusive interviews with close relatives who are involved in everything from spousal-style relationships to family-with-benefits arrangements.
If you've already shared sexual affection and are trying to sort everything out, this might help.
If you can't be together geographically, you might be able to make the most of the distance.
Who will you be kissing at midnight?
If you do find, or already have found, yourself having feelings for. or sharing affection with, family members, you're definitely not alone. It appears that the last couples of years has seen more of that than any previous time in history. And, as it was before COVID-19, it was common enough for close relatives to share sexual or romantic affection that you certainly know people who have. You are NOT alone.
Whether you're blood relatives, step relatives, adoptive relatives, in-laws, or honorary relatives, there's nothing wrong with your feelings and, depending on the circumstances, there may be nothing wrong with sharing more affection.
Will you make the most of this time?
You might need to read one or more entries on this blog that I list below. Feel free to contact me.
Here's a special message for young people.
Consanguinamory (Consensual Incest) FAQ
It's more common than most people think for close relatives to share sexual affection or experimentation. Intrafamilial sex and romance is as old as time.
Do You Have Feelings For a Close Relative?
Do you think or know that a close relative has feelings for you?
Yes, it is OK. But should you "do it" in your specific situation?
You might be able to make it happen. If you're the parent, there is more to consider.
Taking it slow and cautiously might be the way, unless the two (or three, or...?) of you can't hold back. Sometimes, the ice just needs breaking.
Stepsiblings, stepparents, and stepchildren might want to read this.
Are you considering coming out as consanguinamorous?
A message for family and friends.
How To Be An Ally to Consanguinamorous People You Know
Are you considering, or involved in, a situation that isn't monogamous?
Read exclusive interviews with close relatives who are involved in everything from spousal-style relationships to family-with-benefits arrangements.
If you've already shared sexual affection and are trying to sort everything out, this might help.
If you can't be together geographically, you might be able to make the most of the distance.
Again, you can contact Keith and you can comment below (including anonymously), so please share your thoughts, experiences, questions, plans, or anything else you want to share.
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Thursday, December 23, 2021
As 2021 Gives Way to 2022
We hope you've had or wish you a Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah, Yuletide Greetings, Solstice Salutations, Happy New Year, and Happy Holidays!
Whatever holidays you celebrate, or even if you don't celebrate any, we wish you a fabulous season full of warmth and love.
As it is time for the end-of-the-year and New Year holidays, this blog may not be updated as often as normal for the next few weeks. However, I will be checking, daily or more often, the various ways people can get in touch with me.
Whatever holidays you celebrate, or even if you don't celebrate any, we wish you a fabulous season full of warmth and love.
As it is time for the end-of-the-year and New Year holidays, this blog may not be updated as often as normal for the next few weeks. However, I will be checking, daily or more often, the various ways people can get in touch with me.
May you and your loved ones have peace, health, and happiness.
Some of you are, or will be, heading home for the Winter holidays and school breaks. Some of you have been home because you always are, and still others have been home or are heading back home due to physical distancing during the pandemic. Whichever is your situation, a lot of you are, or will be, spending more time at home with family.
If you're LGBTQ, polyamorous or any other form of ethical, consensual, or disclosed nonmonogamy, consanguinamorous, or otherwise in a relationship (or, NOT in a relationship) and some in your family are prejudiced against you because of it: I'm so sorry. You are worthy of affirmation. May you get through this time with as little trouble as possible.
If you do find, or already have found, yourself having feelings for. or sharing affection with, family members, you're definitely not alone. It appears that this year has seen more of that during this pandemic than any other time in history. And, as it was before, it was common enough for close relatives to share sexual or romantic affection that you certainly know people who have. You are NOT alone.
Whether you're blood relatives, step relatives, adoptive relatives, in-laws, or honorary relatives, there's nothing wrong with your feelings and, depending on the circumstances, there may be nothing wrong with sharing more affection.
Will you make the most of this time?
You might need to read one or more entries on this blog that I list below.
Here's a special message for young people.
Consanguinamory (Consensual Incest) FAQ
It's more common than most people think for close relatives to share sexual affection or experimentation. Intrafamial sex and romance is as old as time.
Do You Have Feelings For a Close Relative?
Do you think or know that a close relative has feelings for you?
Yes, it is OK. But should you "do it" in your specific situation?
You might be able to make it happen. If you're the parent, there is more to consider.
Taking it slow and cautiously might be the way, unless the two (or three, or...?) of you can't hold back. Sometimes, the ice just needs breaking.
Stepsiblings, stepparents, and stepchildren might want to read this.
Are you considering coming out as consanguinamorous?
A message for family and friends.
How To Be An Ally to Consanguinamorous People You Know
Are you considering, or involved in, a situation that isn't monogamous?
Read exclusive interviews with close relatives who are involved in everything from spousal-style relationships to family-with-benefits arrangements.
If you've already shared sexual affection and are trying to sort everything out, this might help.
If you can't be together geographically, you might be able to make the most of the distance.
If you're LGBTQ, polyamorous or any other form of ethical, consensual, or disclosed nonmonogamy, consanguinamorous, or otherwise in a relationship (or, NOT in a relationship) and some in your family are prejudiced against you because of it: I'm so sorry. You are worthy of affirmation. May you get through this time with as little trouble as possible.
If you do find, or already have found, yourself having feelings for. or sharing affection with, family members, you're definitely not alone. It appears that this year has seen more of that during this pandemic than any other time in history. And, as it was before, it was common enough for close relatives to share sexual or romantic affection that you certainly know people who have. You are NOT alone.
Whether you're blood relatives, step relatives, adoptive relatives, in-laws, or honorary relatives, there's nothing wrong with your feelings and, depending on the circumstances, there may be nothing wrong with sharing more affection.
Will you make the most of this time?
You might need to read one or more entries on this blog that I list below.
Here's a special message for young people.
Consanguinamory (Consensual Incest) FAQ
It's more common than most people think for close relatives to share sexual affection or experimentation. Intrafamial sex and romance is as old as time.
Do You Have Feelings For a Close Relative?
Do you think or know that a close relative has feelings for you?
Yes, it is OK. But should you "do it" in your specific situation?
You might be able to make it happen. If you're the parent, there is more to consider.
Taking it slow and cautiously might be the way, unless the two (or three, or...?) of you can't hold back. Sometimes, the ice just needs breaking.
Stepsiblings, stepparents, and stepchildren might want to read this.
Are you considering coming out as consanguinamorous?
A message for family and friends.
How To Be An Ally to Consanguinamorous People You Know
Are you considering, or involved in, a situation that isn't monogamous?
Read exclusive interviews with close relatives who are involved in everything from spousal-style relationships to family-with-benefits arrangements.
If you've already shared sexual affection and are trying to sort everything out, this might help.
If you can't be together geographically, you might be able to make the most of the distance.
Again, you can contact me and you can comment below (including anonymously), so please share your thoughts, experiences, questions, plans, or anything else you want to share.
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Wednesday, December 22, 2021
When In-Laws Get Along Really Well

Self-described swinger Brook Maklin has outlined her unusual family arrangement in a few viral posts.
It's less unusual than most people would think.
In the videos on the account @brookmaklin213, the social media user can be seen with two women who she claims are her mom and her sister.Speaking to the camera, Maklin claims that she shares her husband with her mum.
There are people who embrace some form of nonmonogamy, but wouldn't ever want their partner to be with a family member, and people who aren't nonmonogamous themselves, but understand/support it as long as it doesn't involve in-laws (or blood relatives). But to others, including me, this is backwards. Who better for a partner to be with than your close relative? You love your partner, you love your family member, and you trust each other. Isn't that better than someone they picked up in a bar or an app? You all already know and love each other. Something polyamorists often deal with is what kind of relationship with any, to have with their metamour; if the metamour is a problem, that can be a big problem. But if their metamour is somomeone they already know and love, great!
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Monday, December 20, 2021
Yes, We Support Consanguinamory
As this blog supports the rights of ALL who can consent to share love, sex, kink, residence, partnership, and marriage as they mutually agree, that necessarily includes consanguineous relationships, also known as consanguinamory, intrafamilial sexuality and romance, or consensual incest. This includes supporting people experiencing Genetic Sexual Attraction whether they are sexually affectionate or not.
The "i" word often gets very strong reactions, but it is wrong to conflate abuse, assault, or molestation with romance, affection, or recreational sex between consenting people. That's one reason we prefer to use the term consanguinamorous or consanguinamory.
These relationships exist between close relatives who first meet well into adulthood as well as those who were raised with each other. They include "family with benefits" relationships and fully rounded romances. They can be youthful experimentation, golden years fun, short flings, lifelong spousal relationships, or everything between. They can be closed, monogamous pairings, open relationships, polyamorous, or otherwise nonmonogamous.
They also happen all over the planet and always have, regardless of race, class, educational status, or rural or urban settings. They are common enough that you know people who are having, or have had, such experiences, maybe even people you admire very much.
We don't apologize for that.
We hope you do or will do the same.
We are here to help people who are in, have been in, or want to be in such relationships. We support their rights and aim to assist them in their relationships.
Yes, some people are disgusted by the very thought. That's fine. They don't have to be involved in these relationships. But they shouldn't be able to interfere in the relationships of others.
If you, or someone you know, has had such experiences, or you have questions or comments, you're always welcome to contact Keith. You can also comment below (including anonymously). There is also a place to get in contact with others.
Here are other entries that might be of some help.
Interviews With the Consanguinamorous
Why Is Consanguinamory Illegal In Many Places?
Why Do I Feel This Way?
When Someone You Love Wants to Love You More
Should You Do It?
Sometimes The Ice Just Needs Breaking
For Parents Considering Consanguinamory
You Did the Taboo - Now What?
Consaguinamory and Reproduction
Coping With Being Outed as Consanguinamorous
Coming Out Consanguinamorous
How To Be An Ally to Consanguinamorous People You Know
The "i" word often gets very strong reactions, but it is wrong to conflate abuse, assault, or molestation with romance, affection, or recreational sex between consenting people. That's one reason we prefer to use the term consanguinamorous or consanguinamory.
These relationships exist between close relatives who first meet well into adulthood as well as those who were raised with each other. They include "family with benefits" relationships and fully rounded romances. They can be youthful experimentation, golden years fun, short flings, lifelong spousal relationships, or everything between. They can be closed, monogamous pairings, open relationships, polyamorous, or otherwise nonmonogamous.
They also happen all over the planet and always have, regardless of race, class, educational status, or rural or urban settings. They are common enough that you know people who are having, or have had, such experiences, maybe even people you admire very much.
We fully support such affection.
We don't apologize for that.
We hope you do or will do the same.
We are here to help people who are in, have been in, or want to be in such relationships. We support their rights and aim to assist them in their relationships.
Yes, some people are disgusted by the very thought. That's fine. They don't have to be involved in these relationships. But they shouldn't be able to interfere in the relationships of others.
If you, or someone you know, has had such experiences, or you have questions or comments, you're always welcome to contact Keith. You can also comment below (including anonymously). There is also a place to get in contact with others.
Here are other entries that might be of some help.
Interviews With the Consanguinamorous
Why Is Consanguinamory Illegal In Many Places?
Why Do I Feel This Way?
When Someone You Love Wants to Love You More
Should You Do It?
Sometimes The Ice Just Needs Breaking
For Parents Considering Consanguinamory
You Did the Taboo - Now What?
Consaguinamory and Reproduction
Coping With Being Outed as Consanguinamorous
Coming Out Consanguinamorous
How To Be An Ally to Consanguinamorous People You Know
— — —
Thursday, December 9, 2021
Chile Keeps Our Momentum Going
Chile is the latest country to secure the limited monogamous same-sex freedom to marry.
Let's keep going until an adult is free to marry ANY and ALL consenting adults, anywhere on the planet! Let's keep making progress towards full marriage equality!
Some same-sex couples have secured the freedom to marry in The Netherlands, Belgium, Spain, Canada, South Africa, Norway, Sweden, Portugal, Iceland, Argentina, Denmark, Brazil, France, Uruguay, New Zealand, United Kingdom, Luxembourg, Finland, Ireland, Mexico, United States, Columbia, Malta, Germany, Australia, Austria, Taiwan, Ecuador, Costa Rica, Switzerland, and Chile!

Let's keep going until an adult is free to marry ANY and ALL consenting adults, anywhere on the planet! Let's keep making progress towards full marriage equality!
Some same-sex couples have secured the freedom to marry in The Netherlands, Belgium, Spain, Canada, South Africa, Norway, Sweden, Portugal, Iceland, Argentina, Denmark, Brazil, France, Uruguay, New Zealand, United Kingdom, Luxembourg, Finland, Ireland, Mexico, United States, Columbia, Malta, Germany, Australia, Austria, Taiwan, Ecuador, Costa Rica, Switzerland, and Chile!

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Wednesday, December 8, 2021
A Couple of Lily Flag Variations

You may remember this flag featuring The Lily.
A nice lady who is in a loving relationship with her sister sent me two variations.

That one uses more of a pastel coloring.
She also send this one that was meant to shades of red for amplifying the blood relation meaning.
So nice! I really appreciate these variations!
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Tuesday, December 7, 2021
"Will A Name Change Allow Siblings to Marry Legally?"
This was a question asked and answered at Quora. I'm crossposting it here.
"Will it work if we changed the name of my older sister in order to be able to get married legally?"
Getting a government marriage license and being in a valid legal marriage are two different things*, although there is often a lot of overlap.
Sweden and Brazil will LEGALLY marry HALF siblings under certain circumstances. I’m not aware of a government that will knowingly issue marriage paperwork to full siblings. In some places, the basis on which such paperwork is issued is birth certificates. If your birth certificate and her birth certificate indicate you share one or both parents, the marriage would be denied on those grounds.
Even if you could manage to get government paperwork issued despite the laws, this would be considered another crime if you were discovered by authorities to be in an invalid (according to them) marriage, and the marriage would be legally nullified.
Some of us are seeking to change laws so that there will be full marriage equality. Until then, if you want to marry your sister you are probably best off:
- Having a private ceremony. Only have people there you trust with your life (unless none of them know you are siblings, but even then, you run the risk of having pictures/video circulated to someone who DOES know). There are ordained clergy members who will perform a ceremony.
- Make up your own marriage certificate.
- Consider each other spouses and treat each other that way (much easier to do if you’re living where people don’t know of your relation).
- Consult a family law/estate planning attorney who can arrange for you to be as close to legally married as possible. DO NOT tell the attorney you are lovers. Rather, tell the attorney you want to be legally responsible for each other over and above any other relatives. You want joint accounts, you want power of attorney/medical power of attorney, you want to be reciprocal beneficiaries, inheritance between the two of you, etc.
Consider this. You haven’t witnessed the wedding of every married person you know. And even if you were at their wedding, you probably never saw any legal paperwork regarding them marrying. There are countless people in your life you accept as married, solely on the basis that they have introduced themselves/each other that way, or have behaved as spouses. You can live as a married couple on a social level, as well. Friend and neighbors aren’t going to ask for your marriage paperwork. This is especially so if you’re living where people don’t know you as siblings. Just be careful not to state in any legal paperwork that you’re legally married, because if they need to verify that, it can be a problem.
*In some places, people can be considered legally married if they have lived together as partners long enough and aren’t legally married to anyone else, despite never having filed any marriage paperwork. However, this isn’t yet applied to siblings, unfortunately.
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Monday, December 6, 2021
Myth: It is Illegal Everywhere to Act on GSA
Reality: No it isn't. It is not illegal everywhere to act on Genetic Sexual Attraction by having consanguineous sex or a consanguinamorous relationship. There are many countries where it isn't criminalized and a few states in the US with no or only some criminalization of adult relationships.
Where there still is criminalization of relationships between consenting adults, those unjust laws must go.
It is important to keep in mind that even where consanguinamory isn't criminalized, lovers are usually still unprotected from discrimination or bullying. Also, full marriage equality is needed in order for them to marry. Even where criminalized, most lovers never are subjected to a criminal investigation, thankfully.
Lovers should protect themselves.
Friends and family should help protect and support them.
Let's make things better sooner rather than later.
See Myth: People Only Experience GSA Because They’d Heard About It or Knew of Their Relation
See Myth: Acting on GSA Needs to be Criminalized, Prosecuted, and Stopped
Where there still is criminalization of relationships between consenting adults, those unjust laws must go.
It is important to keep in mind that even where consanguinamory isn't criminalized, lovers are usually still unprotected from discrimination or bullying. Also, full marriage equality is needed in order for them to marry. Even where criminalized, most lovers never are subjected to a criminal investigation, thankfully.
Lovers should protect themselves.
Friends and family should help protect and support them.
Let's make things better sooner rather than later.
See Myth: People Only Experience GSA Because They’d Heard About It or Knew of Their Relation
See Myth: Acting on GSA Needs to be Criminalized, Prosecuted, and Stopped
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