
Thursday, June 30, 2022

A Young Italian Man in Love

We have another exclusive interview to bring you. 

People in consanguinamorous relationships are everywhere, though consanguinamorists tend to be closeted. Fortunately, some are willing to be interviewed for this blog. As a result, Full Marriage Equality has featured scores of exclusive interviews with lovers denied the freedom to marry and have that marriage treated equally under the law. Most can’t even be out of the closet or they’ll face prosecution under absurd incest laws, which, instead of focusing on abuse, also target consensual relationships.

The man interviewed below should be free 
to legallmarry his lover, or simply to be together as a couple without having to hide, yet they can’t. Prejudice can be deadly. They are consenting adults who aren’t hurting anyone; why should they have been denied their rights? In much of the world, they could be criminally prosecuted for their love, and might be persecuted severely in addition.

Read the interview below and see for yourself what this man has to say about the love he shares with his partner. You may think this relationship is interesting, or it might make you uncomfortable, or you might find it ideal, even highly erotic and romantic, but whatever your reaction, should lovers like these be denied equal access to marriage or any other rights simply because they love each other this way?

Also please note that someone you love, respect, and admire could be in a similar relationship right now. Should they be attacked and denied rights because of the "incest" label?

This man primarily speaks Italian and we are very fortunate to get this interview in English.


FULL MARRIAGE EQUALITY: Tell us about yourself.

Enrico: There's not that much to say about me. I consider myself relatively ordinary. I'm twenty years old, studying medicine at university. I have a good average but it's also true that I spend practically all day on books. My family is undoubtedly well off, I've never had any particular economic problems, but that doesn't mean I'm rolling in money.

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Wednesday, June 29, 2022

NOT a Good Reason to Deny Love #5

“It's not natural." Many people have been embarrassed by making this argument, because it is so easy to refute by a cursory survey of sexual, mating, and partnering habits of various animals. But invariably, the person saying that a relationship should not be allowed because they think it is unnatural constantly enjoys things that aren’t natural, from their smart phones to their toiletries to their food to their clothing to their transportation to their housing… on and on it goes. “Hey! You can’t ride a bicycle! It’s not natural!” See how ridiculous that is?

There is no good reason to deny an adult, regardless of gender, sexual orientation, race or religion, the right to share love, sex, residence, and marriage (or any of those without the others) with any and all consenting adults without prosecution, bullying, or discrimination.

Feel free to share, copy and paste, and otherwise distribute. This has been adapted from this page at Full Marriage Equality:

Go to NOT a Good Reason to Deny Love #4

Go to NOT a Good Reason to Deny Love #6 

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Tuesday, June 28, 2022

We Still Need Full Marriage Equality

With everything that's been going on, we're late noting that June 26, 2015 was the date the U.S. Supreme Court affirmed the limited, monogamous same-sex freedom to marry nationwide. 

It was a joyous time of progress that should be remembered and celebrated. A belated Happy Anniversary to all who just marked their anniversary!

We must keep evolving towards full marriage equality, so that an adult is free to marry any and all consenting adults. We are in solidarity!

Let's keep making progress!!!
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Monday, June 27, 2022

What To Do Now Regarding US Marriage and Sex Laws

Others have written much about what the Supreme Court of the United States did with the Dobbs case. The extreme basic explanation regarding law (not addressing any other realities or results) is that the US has three branches of Federal government: Executive (President), Legislative (Congress), and Judicial (Supreme Court and lower Federal courts) and a Constitution that is supposed to be the highest law. There are also the governments of the 50 states, each having their own three branches and set of laws for their state, all supposedly subject to the Constitution. (In addition to State governments, there are also governments for indigenous peoples, and territories like Puerto Rico, and other non-State areas like Washington, D.C., etc.) The Supreme Court ruled, in contradiction to earlier rulings and thus overturning those earlier rulings, that the Constitution doesn't require it to prevent states from having their own laws regarding abortion. The result as far as laws go is that California can have laws saying abortion won't be restricted and Texas can have laws banning abortions. Each state will have their own laws. Unless the Congress passes a law for the entire country. That's a very simplified version of what happened.

One of the members of the nine-person Supreme Court, Clarence Thomas, issued his own opinion agreeing with the majority decision. From that opinion...

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Friday, June 24, 2022

Polygamy and Public Assistance

I'm including a submission from a polygynist friend of FME. The following reflects his thoughts. I will make a brief comment at the end.


Q: I would like more explanation of what the polygamist mindset is like, because to mono people it is so hard to understand. For example. As a mono person all I can imagine is that there is one guy who is fathering 20 or more children and the state ends up providing everything for the family because they can't manage on their own. I don't think that it is right for the state or taxpayers to have to take care of all the children that are born into these families. These so called families are just lazy and want a free ride from the rest of us.

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Sunday, June 19, 2022

NOT a Good Reason to Deny Love #4

“My religion is against it.” If you don’t want an (adult) intergenerational, interracial, same-gender, polygamous, or consanguineous relationship or marriage, then don’t have one. But we should all have the freedoms of religion and association and in places like the US, we have separation of church and state, so this can’t be a justification for denying marriage equality or other relationships rights.

There is no good reason to deny an adult, regardless of gender, sexual orientation, race or religion, the right to share love, sex, residence, and marriage (or any of those without the others) with any and all consenting adults without prosecution, bullying, or discrimination.

Feel free to share, copy and paste, and otherwise distribute. This has been adapted from this page at Full Marriage Equality:

Go to NOT a Good Reason to Deny Love #3

Go to NOT a Good Reason to Deny Love #5 

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Thursday, June 16, 2022

They Loved Each Other

We are very fortunate that exclusive interviews can be featured on this blog with people who've been denied their rights, and scores of such interviews have been. Life being what it is, not all of the interviews can depict happy results. If you need to avoid reading about people being abused, to the point of suicide, because of their love, then you should consider skipping this interview. 

This blog is one way for people to honestly present their experiences, feelings, observations, and thoughts, which is helpful overall even if some of those thoughts don't fit in smoothly with the goals of this blog. There is diversity in the interviews presented on this blog. The voices of the oppressed should be heard.

People in consanguinamorous relationships are everywhere, though consanguinamorists tend to be closeted.

The man interviewed below should've be free 
to legallmarry his lover, or simply to be together with her as a couple without having to hide, yet they couldn't do that, and others like them today still can't. Prejudice can be deadly. They weren't hurting anyone; why should they have been denied their rights? In much of the world, including where they were living, they could've been criminally prosecuted for their love, and they were severely persecuted.

Read the interview below and see for yourself what this man has to say about the love he shared with his partner. You may think their relationship was interesting, or it might make you uncomfortable, or you might find it ideal, even highly erotic and romantic, but whatever your reaction, should lovers like these be denied equal access to marriage or any other rights simply because they love each other this way?

Also please note that someone you love, respect, and admire could be in a similar relationship right now. Should they be attacked and denied rights because of the "incest" label?

***Mild descriptions of sexuality are included in this interview.***


FULL MARRIAGE EQUALITY: Describe yourself.

Anonymous Man: I'm an American man of I assume entirely north-west European descent. I am average height for my nationality and ethnicity, auburn hair, hazel eyes, pale skin with a pinkish hue and no freckles.

I was a software engineer for about seven years, but I can't get past the HR barrier anymore so I'm trying to preserve my savings until the lockdowns and economic/supply-chain disturbances end elsewhere in the world so I can leave the USA, probably for good. I've been replaced by various visa workers at literally every tech job I've had. I had to train my replacements - as much as that's possible given the caliber of scabs brought in - at each job to get my severance package. Right now I work as little as possible at odd jobs doing maintenance and grunt work: digging ditches, shoveling asphalt, mowing lawns. I can pay my rent with the hours they give me for now.

I'd say that I'm upper middle class but that really doesn't mean much when it's impossible to have a career, so on second thought I'm outside the class system altogether. My goal in life is to take everything I can from the system which betrayed me, and to give nothing back if possible.

I live in the Pacific Northwest, and while I like the rain and cool climate I can't afford to live here.

I don't have any living siblings. I had a sister but she killed herself about 17 years ago.

I don't know if I have any children.

My hobbies are various methods by which I cope with my economic dispossession: wandering in the woods and laying down to stare the sky, playing video games when they decide to not crash, working out enough to not get too disgusting, and generally killing time until I can leave.

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Wednesday, June 15, 2022

Father's Day - Sunday, June 19

Sunday, June 19 is Father's Day.

For all men raising or helping (or who have helped) to raise a child, whether you are a biological father, presumed father, grandfather, stepfather, bonus father, adoptive father, foster father or any variation… we wish you a Happy Father’s Day!

A special thanks to fathers who have supported and loved their children who are LGBTQ+, polyamorous, consanguinamorous, or have otherwise faced persecution or oppression because of who they are or the person(s) they love. And you fathers who ARE LGBTQ+, polyamorous, or consanguinamorous, we see you, too.

We offer a note of encouragement to all fathers who can’t legally marry the person(s) they love, but would if they could, or who face bullying due to love or who they are: We will win so that every adult can pursue love, sex, and marriage with any consenting adults.

If you have a good father in your life, are you planning anything special for Father's Day?

Some considerations if you have, or are considering, a more physical relationship with your father...
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Monday, June 13, 2022

Seeking Help Making Videos in the Style of PSAs

[UPDATE: Thanks to those of you who have reached out. I'm bumping this up to see if we can reach anyone else who wants to be involved.]

Want to save lives? Want to improve lives? Want to advance civil rights?

Or, have you ever felt like you were alone? Isolated? How much would it have meant for just one person to say "You're not alone. There are others like us."?

Here is your chance to do that, to BE that for someone else. 

We intend to make short, informative videos, somewhat in the style of “public service announcements,” regarding consanguinamory

Such videos will enlighten and reassure. They will be a lighthouse in the dark for those we haven't bumped into yet online. 

While this blog provides enlightenment and reassurance, walls of text aren’t a format that work for everyone. So we’d like to put together some videos. We need your help to make them.

So, if you’re experienced with consanguinamory or an ally to the consanguinamorous, we are looking for people who can help in any one of the following ways:
  • a friendly face
  • a clear, reassuring voice
  • copy writing
  • video graphics 
  • video editing 
Like this blog, these videos would be a labor of love. Helping with them will not be for pay. Our goal is to provide each person who might be feeling alone, confused, discouraged or even losing their struggle with feelings of consanguiamory and help them feel human again.

If you’re worried about protecting your privacy, reach out and we can discuss that. You might be able to contribute in ways that don’t put your privacy at risk. If you have any interest, please reach out. Reaching out will not obligate you in any way and you can cease involvement at any time. If you have questions, I’ll try to answer them.
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Friday, June 10, 2022

Polyamory Pride Day - June 11

Polyamory is getting more and more visibility, and that's wonderful.

Polyamory is expressed many ways, but it is a category of ethical, disclosed, or consensual non-monogamy. 

During Pride Month, we recognize Polyamory Pride Day to continue to raise awareness, let people know they have options when it comes to relationships, and that polyamory or being polyamorous isn't something of which to be ashamed.

Sadly, so many polyamorous people have to hide who they are due to ongoing prejudices and discrimination. You probably know polyamorous people, whether you know it or not. Some people identify as polyamorous whether or not they are in a relationship, or only with one partner right now.

There is no good reason someone of any sexual orientation or gender shouldn't be free to love, sex, kink, residence, or marriage (or unions or partnerships) with any and all consenting adults.

Are you celebrating?
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Tuesday, June 7, 2022

A Cruel Double Standard

I've considered adding another entry to the Discredited Arguments page, because I've heard and read people say that people in consanguinamorous relationships (or step or adoptive relationships that have gone romantic) don't need the freedom to marry because they're already family. In addition to being as senseless as telling a woman she can't marry her sister's husband's brother (which is legal and does happen) because they are already family, the statement can bring up a very cruel double standard.

In many situations involving Genetic Sexual Attraction, the lovers are not legally family for the purposes of insurance, benefits, taxes, hospital visitation, next of kin, etc. because they were adopted into or born into (via sperm, egg, or embryo donation) different families. Also, in many places, when a married woman gives birth, the child is legally her spouse's child as well. What if, due to sex with someone other than her spouse, the woman's child is genetically a half-sibling to another married couple's child, and as adults they decide they'd like to marry?

The double standard is that, while these genetically related people don't enjoy the benefits of being family, in places that still have ridiculous laws discriminating against consensual adult incest, they are considered family and thus can (and are) criminally prosecuted for consensual sex or at least denied their right to marry.

You're not family so you can't get the benefit of being family. You are family so you are going to be prosecuted for having loved each other in sexual way. That's cruel.

As an example, if something were to happen to Melissa and she ended up in a hospital, her adoptive parents could bar Matthew and Linda from even being by her side, let alone making decisions about her care, even though Matthew and Linda are, for practical purposes, her spouses. She would be married to them if she could, but the law isn't there yet.

Those who are sharing, or want to share their lives as spouses or partners often do need the same rights, benefits, and protections as any other spouses, and there’s no good reason to deny them their fundamental right to marry. Also, marriage automatically provides for next-of-kin status, which is especially important when there is some discord between at least one of the lovers and legal family members outside of the consanguinamorous relationship.

There are many cruel double standards when trying to tell other consenting adults how to love each other. GSA or not, consanguinamorous people need discriminatory laws to be done away with, and need access to the protections provided by marriage, if they want them. This is yet another reason we need full marriage equality sooner rather than later.
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Friday, June 3, 2022

Not Too Close For Comfort

A comment came in on our popular entry "Aunts and Nephews"...
I'm currently in an active sexual relationship with my nephew. We aren't blood or marriage related. His mom and I are best friends and I helped raise him. The last time I saw him he was 11, we reunited now that he's 18 approaching 19. I'm 34. The attraction was instant and mutual. I feel like I am betraying my friend however, the amount of enjoyment and satisfaction I get from this guy is worth the risk. I think she suspects we're intimate but there's no proof. Her boyfriend is quite jealous that I don't look in his direction and tried to out nephew and I... Good luck, we both deny until we die! I don't want to stop, and neither does he. Any thoughts?
It's time to write a long-overdue essay on "fauxcest" or "nearcest" of whatever else this can be called. So that's below. But first, let's answer the questions raised Anonymous.

1) You two are consenting adults. You should be free to have this relationship. There's nothing wrong with having this relationship.

2) "I feel like I am betraying my friend..." This is not a rational reaction. It is a feeling that is based in prejudices and faulty reasoning. Your "nephew" would certainly be sexually active with someone, whether his mother is comfortable with that thought or not. Why is it is a bad thing that is with someone who already knows and cares about him? Sex isn't a bad thing, unless you are doing it wrong.

Someone might say to you "He's young enough to be your son" or to him "She's old enough to be your mother." But so what? Someone might go a step further and say he must be harboring a secret desire for his mother and you for your son (if you have one). That may or may not be true, but even if true, neither of you would find any scolding from us. It is very common for people to find someone who is like one of their parents or siblings, for example.

There's a chance your relationship will be outed (some of this advice might be helpful). And, it is likely that if that happens, your friend will be very upset with you. She might try to attribute her anger to the secrecy, but that would most likely just be an excuse. Neither of you is under any obligation to tell her the details of your sex life. If she finds out and is angry, give her time to cool off. You can tell her you understand her feelings without denying your entitlement to your love life. Many parents get upset at the thought of their child (even though their child is an adult) having sex. Some people get upset that someone they know is having sex  with someone to whom they're related. Neither reaction is based on logic, but rather things like aversion to change, feeling old, and even envy.

After she cools  off, she might realize that it can be a better thing that her son is with someone who has already known and cared for him. Some of this applies.

Enjoy what you have. There's no reason you shouldn't. Goodness knows there are many people out there who are miserable in a relationship or lonely. Why deprive anyone, especially yourself, of happiness?
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Thursday, June 2, 2022

Viral TikTok by Kendradollx is Debated

Found at is this article by Andrew Court about a woman whose TikTok posting has gotten a lot of attention.

A stripper has gone viral on social media after claiming she danced naked in front of her own brother at his bachelor party.

The wild story was relayed by the exotic entertainer — known only as Kendra — in a TikTok posted May 15 that has since clocked upwards of 10 million views.

“I ended up being the stripper at my brother’s bachelor party and I didn’t realize until I was completely nak3d,” the dancer, whose handle is @kendradollx, wrote in text overlaying the video.

If the story isn't real and she was just looking for a way to boost her numbers, she certainly did get a boost!

Kendra did not explain where or when the purported party occurred, but the brunette beauty has previously revealed that she works at a strip club “in the south.”

The TikTok in question has since sparked fierce debate, attracting hundreds of commenters apparently skeptical of the entertainer’s tawdry tale.

Let's think about this.

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