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Tuesday, December 28, 2021
“I’m Stuck at Home With Family”
Do siblings have sex?
Is it OK to have sex with your mother?
How do I have sex with my brother?
Is it normal to feel horny for my dad?
I fantasize about my daughter.
I want my sister.
I'm feeling attracted to my son.
Should I try to have sex with my mom?
Can I do it with my brother?
Do brothers and sisters have sex?
Is it weird that I want to make love to my brother?
How can I tell if my son wants to have sex with me?
I think my brother is giving me signs he wants to have sex.
How do I seduce my father?
Do people ever have sex with their parents?
I've wanted my son for years, and now that we're home together all of the time I need him.
People are stuck at home and they are considering relieving their sexual tension with a family member, and they have questions.
Lockdowns, shutdowns, staying home, self-isolating, quarantines... people are stuck home and, in many cases, that means being without a partner, a lover, a boyfriend, a girlfriend, a date, a booty call, a hookup, or a chance to meet someone.... unless that someone is someone who lives with them. People are stuck at home with their family members, and many of them are feeling horny, missing sex, feeling deprived of sex. They have urges and needs. They’re frustrated.
There are mothers who want to see if their son or daughter is down for some fun. There are sisters who want to know if they can get together with their brother. Their are sons who ache to be with their mother or father. Or both.
You get the idea.
Whether they are blood family or step or adopted, or maybe not even officially family but have been living together, people are wondering, fantasizing, itching. Masturbation only does so much. A family-with-benefits experiment, or something more romantic, are very real possibilities.
Is it OK? Yes, if everyone involved consents, it is OK.
There is no good reason people who want to be affectionate with each other should deny themselves and each other, if they mutually agree to that affection. Even if it is embraces, caresses, shoulder rubs, kisses... it needn't go any further than you mutually agree. But many of you who dare to do more will find it extremely pleasurable.
You might feel like you're odd, but it is far more common than most people think, and the indication I have is that more people than ever are doing it right now. Whether you’ve never considered it before or you’ve wanted it for a long time, why wait? If you can't think of a good reason to wait or hold back, don't! Just don't be crude or overbearing in how you go about this. If you need more inspiration, read about just a few of the people who’ve already enjoyed this. You love and care about each other. Why not be affectionate, if that is that is what you want?
And if you're separated from a relative right now that you'd like to have fun with through technology, see this.
Feel free to contact Keith if you want to discuss this.
For further reading...
Why Do I Feel This Way?
When Someone You Love Wants to Love You More
Consanguinamory (Consensual Incest) FAQ
More About This Blog
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I’m seeing quite a few questions of those types on Quora. If you’re thinking about it, or already involved, please join us at Kindred Spirits.
ReplyDeleteI don't get confirmation emails, tried 2 email handles. Any problem with registering to kindred spirits?
DeleteAs far as I know, there's no problem. Contact me privately via email at fullmarriageequality at protonmail dot com and I'll try to work it out.
Deleteyou see thats the problem with finding love with someone outside of the family besides just sibling, cousin, or other forms of relatives in the adult generation. Too much i-word out there.
ReplyDeleteCan sudden not pre-planned intimacy possible? Or at least one of them needs to be into other for such situation to arise?
ReplyDeleteAs with any other relationship, things can happen spontaneously. Some people have been surprised at what they've done. Talking about it after is very important.
DeleteI am 52 years old mom, my son is 28 years old. My husband could not come back before the lock down was imposed and he is stuck at another city. So it is just my son and me now. My niece was living with me for few months last year for some work but she found a place near her office and moved there. But she left some of her belongings and she didn't want them back as either the dresses were old for her or things were useless for her. 2 weeks ago I was cleaning the room she was staying and found more of her stuffs like eyeliners, dresses and clothes. I was brought up in a conservative family and always dress modestly. Also sex was kind of taboo and only considered as process for having child, my husband was also have same mindset and as a result after my son was born we were never been much sexually intimate. So I was there all those dresses and couldn't stop wondering how would I look in those. I have a natural slim built and my niece and I have similar structure, I have often lent her my sandals and night wears so I knew. I took a pencil skirt and an off shoulder top, and I wore them. Those fit perfectly. I looked different and younger. Did my hair, put some make up, a little lip gloss and I started feeling more confident. I started with eyeliner and suddenly the door opened and my son was there and I was very much in shock and embarrassment. I couldn't think how to explain it to him, but he was amazed that how different and better I looked. I wanted to change to my dress but he insisted me keep wearing that dress. So all the evening we do chores together, made dinner and gradually his smile and welcoming attitude made me more comfortable with my new look. We started watching a movie after dinner, he was looking at me and I asked what?, he said that you look so beautiful that I feel like kissing you. He probably meant kissing on my cheeks but I somehow was too much open and thought it was funny to tease him and said you never know until you try, and pouted and made my mouth went near his and to my shock he actually kissed me, and I found it aroused me. I couldn't stop him and went along with him even though I never thought I would ever do such a thing. Our bodies tangled with each other and it gave me so immense pleasure I can't tell. It happened few more times. It is so addictive. I know it is betraying my husband's trust, going against my family values, but first time I felt that I'm not just a mother, not just a wife, not just someone who would do household chores and even coming home after working long hours go straight to kitchen to make dinners. I felt attractive, wanted and kind of powerful in a way. I think I wrote too much, but I'm still processing all these things and trying to find a way to rationalize the emotions.
DeleteAnonymous, you’re not alone. Feel free to contact me, the writer, at fullmarriageequality at protonmail dot com
DeleteAnonymous Mom,you are very lucky.
ReplyDeleteEnjoy your life to the fullest but don't let anyone know.Society isn't yet ready for this.
Keith, have you noticed an increase in page hits since the lockdowns starte?
ReplyDeleteYes I have, and the search terms that bring people here have indicated people sheltering at home have been thinking about getting together.
DeleteWhat is best way to ask my single mom for having sex with me?
ReplyDeleteEvery situation is different, so you should probably email me at fullmarriageequality at protonmail dot com or contact me on the messaging app Wire at fullmarriageequality
DeleteBut for you and anyone else reading, if you already know what it is you want (mom-with-benefits? romance? something else?), that can be a help.
Here is some generic advice:
Hello. This was the text I needed to read. Last year, locked inside the house in isolation, I started to reflect on how I would relate romantically and sexually if I couldn't go out to a bar or a rave. I live with my mother and sister, both single, and I soon thought that only they could be a sexual partner and that there was no other way, not only for me, but for everyone who was in the same situation. My mom and sister are very beautiful and attractive. I have had sexual desire for them for several years, but I have never tried any breakthrough because it is a big taboo. Last year, knowing that I would be home for several months, I believed that one of them could have sex with me. I thought of my sister first because she was young and almost my age. I thought that with my mom it would be a lot more complicated. But I ended up having sex with my mom. It has a good story of how my mother and I became incestuous. (I can tell you at another time). Anyway, today my mother and I have been in a casual incestuous relationship for more than six months. We have hot sex regularly. Our relationship is wonderful! Thanks for the text!
ReplyDeleteRobert, thanks for your comment and congrats on your love! I’d definitely like to read more about it. Please feel free to email me at fullmarriageequality at protonmail dot com. Thanks!