
Friday, September 27, 2024

National Sons Day

In the US, Saturday, September 28 is National Sons Day.

Celebrate sons. All sons, regardless of sexual orientation or relationships. 

Whether they are cis, trans, fluid, or whatever their identity, if they are sons, it is their day.

Are you a son?

Do you have a son? If you have a son, it's time to think about the good things he's brought into your life and what you can do to show your support and appreciation.

Are you celebrating?

Do tell in the comments below.

If you have something to share or ask you don’t want in the comments, you can write to Keith at fullmarriageequality at protonmail dot com
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  1. Everyday is a day i celebrate my son. I submit to him and serve him in whatever way I can. It's been quite a journey for me in accepting my happiness being a lover to my son but i'm genuinely at a place in my life where things feel right.

    At the start my son's changing needs scar and felt it may be a a sign to take a step back. However, i eventually came to see it as an opportunity to, in a sense, be a better mother to him. To give him what he craves, comfort him and allow him the freedom to explore without simply guilt and in safe, caring company.

    I've come to accept the honest truth: I love my son and want him to be happy and my sense of happiness and satisfaction is based upon that. It was the case when i fed him as a baby, kept him care of him as a child, and worked to provide him with a good life. The fact he now has me as a lover isn't all that different. His need for sex, relief, to play is genuine and making him happy by indulging him has only brought us closer.

    I do hope more families will come forward over time and destigmatize these actions. My son and I have come to realize this is pretty common but simply not disgussed. Though what's more common are people who want this life are simply too afraid to make it possible. When it comes to this topic i like to end on a blunt note: if you love your son i think you owe it to consider incest. I think we in the incest community can do a lot to make statements such as that inoffensive and rational. This blog certainly helps

    1. Absolutely love your comment and you are a great example of what it is to care for a son. Taking care of a son's needs,including sexual needs, is the most natural thing a mother can do. I personally feel that this happens frequently between a mother and son but is not spoken of. I was lucky enough to have a sexual relationship with my mother and benefited greatly from it. Lets not forgot that sex is good for everyone and so it benefits mothers aswell as sons. I think every mother should consider a sexual relationship with their son and should be encouraged and the same should apply for fathers and daughters too, the world would be a better place.

    2. I think a lot of people struggle with feeling they need to justify the sex or desire for it. I find there's this need for people to frame their sexual relationship as a traditional romantic relationship even when it's not really what they have or want. My son doesn't want me to be his wife he just wants to have sex with his mom. Is that really too crazy an idea? Sometimes the desire for sex is just for sex with them, not because it's a display of something much deeper. Many feel like if you don't see your sexual relations with your family member as two souls becoming one, a then it's wrong.

      My son, sexually, is dominant. Some people are like that. He likes it and he wants to be sexually dominant with me. There's nothing wrong with that and if people say something like "Oh but it's because you're so madly in love with eachother, right?" I just respond by stating that I love my son and feel that love motivates me to care for him and want him to be happy. I take great satisfaction in allowing him to have sex with me this way because I know it brings him joy. The more i feel i bring him joy the btter my love for him feels, but he's still my son and I don't want him to romance me and try to be my next husband. My son loves me and part of what keeps that love strong is that I make him happy. He doesn't want anything more than this.

      I keep having to remind people of two things:

      1. Wanting sex, any kind of sex, with anyone, regardless of emotiuonal attachment, isn't wrong. It's a want, a desire, an urge. You can't help it and there's no justificaition in feeling bad for it or makings others feel bad for theirs. A want is not a demand for action, that requires consent. No one picks and chooses what they desire.

      2.. It's fine let people act on these sexual desires with you for literally any reason. It's not something you need to justify. As long as it's your decision (i.e., you give consent), then it's ok and doesn't require anything more. Maybe some people don't get why you'd let consent to it and, honestly, maybe even you don't know why either, but who said that's needed? Accept or decline offers on your own terms and don't let yourself feel bad for the decisions you make.

    3. I think it's great and certainly not crazy for a son to want sex with his mother and vice versa. I agree that you don't have to be a couple to have sex.


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