
Sunday, December 31, 2023

Permission Granted

Dear Reader,

This is your permission slip. This is your license.

If you have had feelings or thoughts, maybe even some sexual contacts, that you’ve been told are wrong because you’re not supposed to be with…
… you are hereby granted permission to explore.

If both or all of you are:
  1. able to consent
  2. free to consent per the rules of whatever existing relationships you have that you want to keep intact
  3. consenting
…you have permission.

It doesn’t matter if people who aren’t involved don’t like it.

Whether you don’t know if they’d consent yet, or you’ve already gotten together with them & are questioning it, or you’re somewhere between those places, know that…
  • You’re not alone - many people have felt, thought, and done this and are feeling, thinking, and doing this 
  • It’s not wrong to feel your feelings
  • It’s not wrong to think your thoughts
  • It’s not wrong for people to consent to share affection or play 
  • What matters is consent 
  • You’re more likely to regret not trying than respectfully and carefully trying 

We embrace love, affection, freedom, curiosity, experimentation, exploration, and shared experiences.

Contact Keith for further discussion.

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The holder of this permission slip is hereby granted permission to fantasize about & otherwise consider and engage in sharing love, touch, sex, kink, relationships, partnerships, residence and more with any and all who consent, as they mutually agree.

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  1. I might print this out! ;-)

  2. My wife really wants to send a permission slip to her daughter for a weekend of pure hedonism with us.

    1. Interesting. I'd like to hear more about the situation. Please feel free to contact me by emailing me a fullmarriageequality at protonmail dot com, or messaging me on Wire at fullmarriageequality.

    2. I wish we had more to say, but we are still trying to figure out a good way to break the ice to her about our feelings towards her and me and my wife's hope I could be the father of her children.

  3. This is terrific, and I wish more people accepted this. I am chatted with so many that want a close and special relationship with a family member, like I have with my brother. But so many are just afraid to do it, and they need this sort of understanding and encouragement. If anyone ever needs to talk about this, you can contact me.

    Liz Smith
    Wickr: blondone89

    1. I agree. I think one day society will accept this but it's a long wait.

  4. I have enjoyed receiving/giving massages with my adult daughters home from college. I wasn’t sure it was OK to view them this way. I definitely think one of them is open to more. Not sure how to approach it.

    1. You’re not the only father that has a close relationship with his own daughter. I adore my daughter opinions questions and my interest in her display modeling of her lingerie to me in text messages or emails. My daughter is a grown married adult in which we guard our private relationship.
      If anyone is interested in email I can be contacted at dan4you1970@ g….

  5. The warmth, trust, and love between consenting family may be the most beautiful thing in the world. It's natural and right. Thank goodness more and more are understanding and supporting. Love, David

  6. retroactively using this to cover the past 25 years of my adult life!


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