
Sunday, April 12, 2020

Why Moms?

This question was asked at this blog's sister Tumblr. Here's the answer.
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  1. It is the most deepest relationship a man or a woman can experienced.Specifically between a mother and son.To have her son go back into her body that nourished him .I had a normal life(Iam divorced with a child).So I know.Nothing can compare if you are blessed to have this relationship.If neither one of you can experience anything better.Than Why not.My mother and I are only 20 years apart.Iam only 24 and she is 44.We are living as a man and a woman.If society would allow us to marry and reproduce we would in a heartbeat.It is the most beautiful thing.For those that hate us for it .Well,They just do not understand the love and bliss that is felt.

    1. Anonymous, congrats on your love! If you haven't done so, please email me at fullmarriageequality at Protonmail dot com

  2. Hats off,Anonymous for your candid response.
    Could you tell us more as to how it began? In case you have already narrated the whole story,let me know where to look for the same.


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