Inbreeding? Really? So let's see...Rodriguez learns of family inbreeding

Avatar star Michelle Rodriguez has been left stunned after learning her father's family regularly practiced inbreeding in a bid to maintain good genes.
Emphasis mine.
Huh? That's it?
The 33 year old recently traced her family history for U.S. TV show Finding Your Roots with Henry Louis Gates, Jr. and researchers unearthed information about her Puerto Rican ancestors that she would have preferred not to have known -What? What could it be?!?
her paternal great-great-grandparents were first cousins.
Huh? That's it?
According to genealogists, incestuous relationships were commonplace in certain territories as a way to ensure desirable characteristics, like lighter skin tones, were carried on to future generations.Uh, there are many happy relationships between first cousins right now, many with healthy children. That a media outlet would treat this as some sort of shocking matter is insulting. What's next? Does she have, gasp, a gay uncle??? Half siblings? Sheesh. There are no doubt famous feature film actors whose parents are first cousins, probably a few whose genetic parents are even closer that that. Drop the prejudice towards consanguinamory and do some more research.
The shocked actress says, "I guess my father's side loved to do it in the family."