
Saturday, August 14, 2021

We Get Letters

It’s been a while since I’ve done a roundup of “letters” we’ve gotten. I’ll have to do that soon. Meanwhile, here’s a comment that was left by “iknowwhatisaw” several hours ago here.

I had a girlfriend (16 years older than me) that was intimate with both her daughter and son after she accidentally walked in on them. She had suspected that they experimented when they went to the same college and roomed together. But on this occasion both were married, the daughter 31 and pregnant, the son almost 30. That was how it started, and amazingly learned they never went beyond watching each other masturbate while living at home.

Please share more about this, iknowwhatisaw.

Did your girlfriend walk in on them while you were dating her, or was it before?

Why and when did our girlfriend tell you this? 

How did your girlfriend get involved? 

When you say she was intimate with both, do you mean separately or together?

Had your girlfriend been involved in Consanguinamory before, or had she known of others (either of which would make her more likely to pick up on what her son and daughter were doing), or was this her first time dealing with Consanguinamory?

Did their spouses know?

What became of them, last you knew?

She must have trusted you a lot to tell you any of that. You can comment below (I’ll publish the comment below, unless you say otherwise, when I see it) or email me at fullmarriageequality at protonmail dot com.

Sometimes parents discover their adult or teen children, whether full siblings, half siblings, step siblings, or adoptive siblings, are sexually affectionate with each other. Unfortunately, some of those parents react irrationally and destructively. It’s good this woman didn’t react in such a way. 

Readers, have you ever seen or heard of anything similar, or been involved? You can comment below anonymously.

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