
Wednesday, August 4, 2021

Don't Be Shy

I've been helping people for a long time now. 

Whatever you're going through, you're not alone. Whatever your gender, whatever you sexual orientation, whatever kind of relationships you have or want (even if you don't want any), or if you're an ally, or if you're a friend or family member with questions about someone you know, you are welcome to contact me. Whether you...
  • have feelings for someone or someone has feelings for you and you don't know what to do
  • have or had a relationship or feelings you want to discuss with someone
  • want to talk with someone about having an "alternative" relationship or issues in such a relationship
  • want to network in support of equal rights or someone in particular
...I've helped many people in those situations, who didn't think they could talk with anyone else about it.

If you need someone to talk with you who is very open-minded and supportive, who will never share what you tell me privately with anyone else unless you give me your permission, reach out to me. There are many private ways to do so

I am NOT a licensed therapist. I'm just someone who has helped a lot of people dealing with these situations. I hope I don't come across is immodest when I say people have told me I have saved their life or helped them make their life so much better, and they are so happy they reached out to me.

So don't be shy. 

Even just to say "Hello... I read your blog."

As a reminder specifically for the consanguinamorous and allies of the consanguinamorous: There's a forum for you, which you can check out whether or not you reach out to me privately.

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1 comment:

  1. Legalization of incest would be good for the economy. How? Let's see:

    1. In my state of California, the penalty for consensual incest is either 16 months, 2 years or 3 years, probation or a fine of up to 10,000 USD (or a combination of some) AND, 20 years on the sex offender registry. I read on the internet that it costs 75,000 USD per year to incarcerate someone right in this link:
    If we were to incarcerate someone for 16 months in CA, that would be 99,750 USD, not including pre-trial incarceration, sex offender registry, etc. California will save more than 99,750 USD per year if they legalized consensual incest!

    2. Marriage between consenting independent adults is good for the economy and taxes:
    Also, when an incestuous person has a job and is not stigmatized, the labor force will have more productivity leading to a better economy.

    3. To add on to number 1, it costs more money to incarcerate someone for consensual incest than to help the family. Let's take the money from the incarceration (99,750) and budget it for the family. I read on the internet that it can cost 2,000 USD to get genetic counseling:
    And, if it costs 11,000 USD to care for a pregnant female, we would have 86,750 left! Now, let's say someone was born to incestuous parents and has down syndrome because of the consanguinity that led to them having down syndrome. That's still a heck of a lot of money we have to help a person with down syndrome.

    4. We already have mass incarceration in America. We have 2.2 million inmates and consanguinamorists should be released to reduce the population.

    5. If people stopped harassing incestuous people for their sexuality, there would be more friends. Getting beaten up resulting in requirement for medical attention and not being accepted in a job for your sexuality harms the economy, as we need the health care for those beaten up.

    Perhaps does anybody have another way legalization of incest will help the economy?


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