
Monday, August 16, 2021

How Parents of Dating Siblings Can Help

Someone asked about this at this blog’s sister Tumblr. Since that post isn't available right now, I've added it here.

1. First and foremost, never out them to anyone against their will. There’s deadly bigotry against the consanguinamorous.

2. ASK them how you can be supportive. Everyone is different, after all. They might need you to help with their cover stories. They might want you to refer to them only by their first names, not as your son or daughter, in front of certain people. Maybe they need you to run interference between them and others in the extended family.

3. If you find what they’re doing “icky,” don’t say that to them. Think about it. Would you want someone else telling you that YOUR love life is icky?

4. If you’re willing to listen to them talk about their relationship, let them know that. Consanguinamorous people often feel alone and like they have nobody to talk with honestly about their love. However, make it clear you’re not going to pick sides if they quarrel.

5. Especially if they’re younger and depending on where you live, they might need your help in obtaining contraception.

6. If they need privacy for a date, give it to them. That might be letting them date at your place, even if they don’t live there, while you’re making yourself scarce.

7. If they don’t know that you know, signal your willingness to be supportive. There are multiple ways to do that, including discussing the topic of “forbidden” relationships in general, and letting them know you think it’s OK for siblings to date. Give them a safe setting in which to come out to you. If they don’t take the bait, don’t push it.

Check this out for more.
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