
Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Poly People Give Good Relationship Advice

Over at Polyamory Paradigm, there is some good advice about incorporating someone new into your life.

Don't cut corners.

It may be tempting to overlook things with that new relationship. Maybe you find out the person doesn't shower every day and it bugs you. Maybe they leave the sink full of dirty dishes which annoys you a bit. Don't make the mistake of overlooking those things just to facilitate the relationship. Those are the little things that can come back later and bite you. I'm not saying make a big deal or keep score or anything like that. In any relationship you always pick your battles. What I'm saying is don't dismiss them completely in the interest of merging your life with the new person.

This is true of any relationship, poly, monogamous, or whatever. You should not commit yourself beyond what you know and with what you are comfortable. Someone new can be exciting, but it is foolish to have sex, or move in, or make promises or demanding agreements too soon, and these thigns should not be done without being honest about each other, including in our own minds.

Don't terraform.

You know what that is right? The destruction of an existing environment for the purpose of creating a new one. (Yes, that is a rough definition, don't quote me). In other words, don't destroy your current life just to fit in the new person.

Again, this is good to apply to any relationship.

There is much more to consider in that writing, but you’ll have to go check it out for yourself.
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1 comment:

  1. "This is true of any relationship, poly, monogamous, or whatever. You should not commit yourself beyond what you know and with what you are comfortable. Someone new can be exciting, but it is foolish to have sex, or move in, or make promises or demanding agreements too soon, and these thigns should not be done without being honest about each other, including in our own minds."



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