
Saturday, April 27, 2024

Celebrating International Consanguinamory Day

April 28 is a day to celebrate and to affirm consanguinamory

People who are consanguinamorous or in consanguinamorous relationships shouldn't have to hide.

Consanguinamory has always been part of the human experience, wherever people have been, regardless of location, class, or demographics. 

Consanguinamory isn't shameful. It is quite often a beautiful thing. 

Consenting adults should be free to love each other how they mutually agree, and shouldn't have to hide their love. They should be free to share their love and be true to themselves, without being prosecuted, persecuted, or discriminated against. 

To all consanguinamorous people:

Most of you have to keep your celebrations private, but we know you're out there, and you are valid and deserve your rights. Sunday, April 28 is your day. Progress is being made. Let's make more!a day to celebrate and to affirm consanguinamorya day to celebrate and to affirm consanguinamory
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  1. For my celebration, i told my father about my son. To my relief he was calm and accepting of it. We talked about the ethics of incest and he seemed to come to my way of accepting it's totally fine and has benefits. I made it clear enough to him that he could enjoy me too if he wished. He laughed it off but i feel he understands i was serious and, so, in this case, i'll just wait and see what happens.

    Perhaps nothing will happen. Im fine with that. He knows about my son and if nothing else, it's one less secret to keep. Though i've , also i've gifted him the freedom of exploring with me if he wishes. It's a gift he has, the freedom to know he could. It's up to him. It makes me feel good to know he understands i love him enough to do that for him.

    I believe these consanguinamory relationships will become more accepted and common if we are brave enough to be open about their existence and our desires to have them, but also, importantly, for people to be brave enough to simply lower their guard around those who they wish, or are happy to, enjoy or be enjoyed by and state "the only person stopping you is yourself, and that's fine, but all you see is yours if you wish". It is a truly great thing to give. It is both of immense value, and yet one that costs little to give.

    1. I don't thinks what you said could be real


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