
Monday, February 28, 2022

Podcast Examines Consanguinamory

A couple of episodes of a podcast have dropped very recently that examine consanguinamory, especially between mother and son, after the host of the podcast was contacted by someone who wants his mother. The podcast is named "Slutcast," is about "advocating for distigmatization of sex industry," and according to the statement accompanying the listing...

Slutcast is presented by Zoe Starr, an independent escort working in the Central West of NSW. Slutcast is unsponsored at present but Zoe welcomes any offers to be made via DM on twitter @athleticmilf1. Slutcast contains explicit content of a sexual and at times graphic nature, so if this offends please tune out now.

Please note that it could be considered "NOT SAFE FOR WORK" listening. Regarding the word "slut"...

slut is a derogatory term for a female sex worker. the use of "slut" is an attempt at irony- because my podcast is all about trying to break the stigma that society places on the sex industry and my aim is to pay homage to all those amazingly intelligent and savvy escorts and sex workers and to try to shed a light on their amazingness in an attempt to start to change society's very negative and judgemental attitude towards what is a very important job. This is done through the lens of someone (ie me) who is new to escorting (literally turned my first trick this evening)

Here's what Zoe told me about herself...

I'm an advocate for positive sex culture and removal of taboos. I'm an escort in central west NSW Australia. My tenet is to view the world through non-judgemental lens and, if I find an issue instinctively challenging, rather than judge or ridicule or poke fun, I like to examine why it is challenging and reflect back on me. 

"Part One" on this specific topic is what first caught my attention, with the rest of the tile being "Is it ok to have sex with your mum? Exploring the mum fetish."

The description says...
Motherf***er, MILF; both describing the same thing bit one is a derogatory term the other is a complement. The fantasy of wanting to have sex with your mum is not uncommon and it seems genetic councillors in the western world support exploration of this fetish.

This topic turned out to be a bigger topic than expected.

In this episode I present certain anecdotal examples describing mother and son sexual unions. I then look for evidence that these relationships are not harmful or harmful from physical and emotional perspective.

Part Two deals with fantasy and is not relevant to the topic of this blog.

Part Three is here.

Final episode- There is a consanguinamory online community advocating for individuals who are engaging in consensual sexual relationships with family members. But is this movement morally right? is this safe or harmful?

Overall, it is good that she was willing to take on this topic and talk about it. Hopefully, more people will get a better understanding by listening and following the links she provides.

We wish Zoe well with her podcast and everything else.
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