
Wednesday, October 6, 2021

Twins Share a Spouse

Someone left a comment with this link (thanks!) and I figured I'd take a look at it. The article is from more than five years ago. It's "by" Singapore Women's Weekly. I will add the warning that there is non-consent in this article.

The writer says that "May" (not the actual name - nor are the others in the article) is her twin sister.

I have never felt that I needed anyone else in my life other than May. She’s not just a sister and best friend, she’s my confidante whom I can trust all my secrets to. Even when we went to different colleges, our bonds did not break. We might have developed some different friends and priorities then, but we still talked about everything and shared everything… from new interests to gossip in school… and cute boys we liked. 


It was during this period that I met and fell in love with Edmund*, a charming expat from London whom I met on one of my work trips. Edmund and I got along so well from the get-go, that we started dating after just a few weeks. And three months into our relationship, he proposed to me! 

I generally recommend waiting much longer than that, but there are some people for whom that's worked.

May met Edmund during one of our family lunches, when she came back to visit the family. I’d told Edmund about my twin sister, but it was still amusing for him to meet another woman who looked exactly like me. And all of us were amused with Edmund as he could not tell us apart – he even walked into the kitchen and placed his hand on May’s back, only to find out that it wasn’t me! 

OK. Maybe come up with a signal?

Because later, during one of my weekly chats with May over the phone she confessed to me that she liked Edmund, and not just as a brother-in-law. She said she had greater feelings beyond that; she revealed that she felt passionate towards him. 

Hearing May, I expected to be upset and shocked… but I was not. Somehow I knew May would love Edmund like I did, because we often shared the same passions in the past. Also, May and I had never kept any secrets between us, so I was not surprised that she was so frank with me. 

I decided to do the unthinkable, I suggested to May that she could sometimes date Edmund in my place – without his knowledge. He could not tell us apart anyway. 


And at our wedding dinner, when I went out to change into my second gown, it was May who returned in the dress, while I stood in the background pretending to be her. We had a huge wedding and many people at the tables had not seen May and I for many years, since we were children, so we were able to get away with it. We never told anybody what we did. I just wanted May to experience the most important day in my life in the same way I did, and I was so happy when I saw that she was in tears of joy when Edmund kissed her.

The story continues with details about May and Edmund spending time together.

It doesn't specifically say that Edmund and May do more than kiss, but isn't that the implication?

While it isn't perfect, one way to figure out if something is wrong is ask, "Would I want someone doing this to me?" Like I said, it's not perfect. For example, some people want to be spanked and others don't. I have to ask if the writer would be OK with it if Edmund's brother had slipped into bed with her in the dark one night when she was expecting Edmund. Maybe she would? In some places, though, it is legally considered rape to do something like that. 

Some people would call what's going on incestuous, although it isn't literally so.

If these twins had been honest and upfront with Edmund from the start, he might have been thrilled. A lot of people have fantasies about being with siblings, especially identical twins. However, some people wouldn't like it at all. Edmund wasn't given the choice. That's where the problem is with this. If he had been allowed to make an informed choice and chose this, there would be no problem with it at all, including if he said "Don't tell me when you switch out." There is also the possibility that Edmund DOES know, but he hasn't let on because he's happy with things this way.

What do you think? Would you want them to be honest now, if you were Edmund? If you're an identical twin, have you ever tried something like this? Would you want to date or be married to identical twins? You can comment below, including anonymously.
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1 comment:

  1. I think it's a lovely ménage à trois.


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