
Tuesday, October 5, 2021

New Zealand Still Prosecuting Consenting Adults

In what must be a national embarrassment and perhaps a disgrace, consenting adults are still being prosecuted in New Zealand for having sex. 

You read that right: Criminally prosecuted for having sex.

Coverage of this outrage was provided by

A Hastings woman in her 30s has pleaded guilty to committing incest with her brother.

This wasn't an assault. It was sex. Why is this a criminal matter???
Appearing before Judge Bridget Mackintosh in the Hastings District Court, the woman was granted interim name suppression, which was not opposed by police.

Judge Mackintosh, I'm not familiar with the system in NZ. Could you have dismissed this matter? If you could have, don't you feel ridiculous for carrying out this outrage?

Her lawyer Darren Foster entered the plea to a charge of incest between a brother and sister both being over the age of 16 and knowing each other to be related.

Unfortunately, the way court systems are, many people are pressured to plead guilty when they shouldn't have even been prosecuted in the first place!

It's a charge that carries a maximum penalty of 10 years' jail.

What a waste of public resources.

A summary of facts states the woman and her brother were born to the same biological parents, but the siblings were raised by different caregivers.

"Despite not growing up in the same household, [both] were fully aware of the fact they are biological brother and sister."

Sounds like it could be a reunion Genetic Sexual Attraction case.

They formed a relationship, knowing they were related.

And the state prosecuted them know they were consenting adults!!! One thing was wrong, the other wasn't.

Despite family members "discover[ing] their relationship and challenge[ing] them about it", the relationship continued.

Who cares if the family members knew and disapproved? What do we have in New Zealand, arranged marriages?!? The family members should have protected them, not ratted them them.

The woman will be sentenced in November.

Anything other than the court apologizing and throwing this out would be a miscarriage of justice. There is no good reason for this prosecution. There is NO VICTIM!!!

Adults have a right to choose to be lovers with each other, even if it is "incest."

This is why we need relationship rights and full marriage equality everywhere, for all! Unfortunately, until then, people need to protect themselves.

What do you think? Comment below, if you'd like. If you've been in a situation similar to this or know about a situation like this, you can reach out to me.
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  1. its similar to idaho or anywhere else

    1. That's awful, considering I'm an Idahoan myself :(

  2. There is no rhyme or reason to prosecute both of these individuals, or anyone else for the matter, all for the sake of knowingly consenting to a incestous relationship. If it doesn't hurt them or anyone else, why should people feel the need to interfere? 😓


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