
Tuesday, April 6, 2021

One Family in Serbia

We have another interview to bring you.

As this interview is being published, there are many people still spending more time home with family members. Perhaps some of them will find this interview an inspiration? Or they can see this for some possibilities.

People in consanguinamorous relationships are everywhere, though consanguinamorists tend to be closeted. Fortunately, some are willing to be interviewed for this blog. As a result, Full Marriage Equality has featured scores of exclusive interviews with lovers denied the freedom to marry and have that marriage treated equally under the law. Most can’t even be out if the closet or they’ll gave prosecution under absurd incest laws, which, instead of focusing on abuse, also target consensual relationships.

The man interviewed below should be free 
to legallmarry his lover, or simply to be together as a couple without having to hide. They are consenting adults who aren’t hurting anyone; why should they be denied their rights? In much of the world, they could be criminally prosecuted for their love, and might be persecuted severely in addition.

Read the interview below and see for yourself what this man has to say. You may think this relationship is interesting, or it might make you uncomfortable, or you might find it ideal, even highly romantic, but whatever your reaction, should lovers like these be denied equal access to marriage or any other rights simply because they love each other this way?

Also please note that someone you love, respect, and admire could be in a similar relationship right now. Should they be attacked and denied rights because of the "incest" label?


FULL MARRIAGE EQUALTY: Describe yourself.

Anonymous Man: I am a 19 year-old student from Serbia. I am an average looking  guy, I wear glasses, I am kinda shy, a gamer type person. My ethnicity is Serbian, I already have primary school, secondary school, and now I am learning in a university. I am studying s media course. I have a 21 year-old sister who is learning in the same university as me. But not on the same course.

My mother and her first son are a couple but they aren't married because of the law. But they wear rings. They are our parents. Our mother is 62 and our father is 42.

FME: How do you describe your gender and sexual orientation?

I am he/him, and I am bisexual. 

FME: Who do you live with?

I am currently living with my family: it's my dad, my mum, my sis, and me.

FME: Describe your childhood.

My childhood was good. I don't notice more or less than other people's childhood. I loved my dad and my mum as in a normal family.

FME: With your parents being your mother and your half-brother, do you have any genetic problems?

I don't have health problems, nor does my sister.

FME: Was sex discussed in your family? Tell me about your sexual awakening. 

My sexual awakening involved trying to have sex with my sister. We were both young. We did have sex. Yeah, we discussed sex. They told us if me and my sister want to have sex or have a child they won't stop us.  

FME: Who knows about you and your sister?

Some of my classmates, and friends know it.

FME: How have they reacted?

I get some bad words, for sleeping with my sister because we slept together a lot, because we shared a bed. It wasn't on purpose back in the day.

FME: Tell us more about how things started with your sister.

My sex life with my sister started very sudden, it was a thunderbolt. But I always had crush on my sister, and I think that is because I saw her a lot naked. The sex was just one more step from that.

I was very horny, and I was very happy after it and couldn't stop smiling. The day after, we cuddled in bed, but at that time we kept that as a secret from our parents.

FME: How would you describe your sex life with her now?

I describe our sex life as wonderful. I still have sex with my sister weekly. It is as natural. It is more erotic than other sex, I think.

FME: Are you spouses? Girlfriend-boyfriend? Siblings-with-benefits?

I describe us as a girlfriend-boyfriend couple.

FME: Have you two ever involved others?

One or two times we involved our parents, but nowadays not. I had sex with my mum, and my dad had sex with my sister, one or twice.

FME: What do you want to say to someone who disapproves of this?

I'm having fun. I found love. This isn't a crime. Nobody pushed us to do this.

FME: Would you get legally married to her if you could?

If it would be possible, I'd love to marry my sister.

FME: What advice do you have for someone who has these feelings for a sibling?

Go for it. Ask them, tell them what you feel. It is the easiest way.

FME: What do you want to say to friends and family of someone who might be having these feelings for a sibling?

Support them, because it is hard to announce your feelings to a sibling.

FME: Do you consider yourself consanguinamorous in orientation, or could you be fulfilled in a relationship with someone who isn't a close relative?

I think I couldn't be that happy without my sister.

FME: Do you know of any others who are consanguinamorous?

In my town there is another family, but they do it because of traditions.

FME: Any plans for the future?

My plan is to have children with my sister, and be a good dad.


Thanks to this man for being willing to reach out to us. There was a bit of an language barrier because I am not multilingual, but you can get an idea of what is going on.

Clearly, these lovers are consenting adults who aren't hurting anyone, and yet they wouldn't even be able to exercise their basic human right to marry as things are now. They love each other and are happy, yet they are denied fundamental rights.

Why should they be denied their rights? There’s no good reason. We need to recognize that all adults should be free to be with any and all consenting adults as they mutually consent, and part of doing that is adopting relationship rights for all, including full marriage equality sooner rather than later. People are being hurt because of a denial of their basic human rights to love each other freely.

You can read other interviews I have done here. As you'll see, there are people from all walks of life, around the world, who are in consanguinamorous relationships.

If you are in a relationship like this and are looking for help or others you can talk with, read this.

If you want to be interviewed about your "forbidden" relationship, or that of someone you know, connect with me by checking under the "Get Connected" tab there at the top of the page or emailing me at fullmarriageequality at protonmail dot com or see here.

If you know someone who is in a relationship like this, please read this.

Thank you, Anonymous, 
for doing this interview about your consanguinamorous relationship! We wish you well in your relationship and life.
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  1. Multi generational incest is uh...kind of dangerous, but I guess as long as they test the pregnancy's for abnormalities they should be fine.

    1. It’s a very dicey roll of the genetic dice.

    2. For now, our family is winning the bet.I have children with my mom,aunt, cousins and nieces.

  2. MalcolmD says: As you say, this is a pretty simple and straightforward interview, and it raises a few questions that it would be nice to answer. As unfortunate as the language barrier is, that makes it even more excellent that you were able to ask some questions and receive the answers that we have.

    Thank you for communicating with this individual, Keith, and thank you to the Anonymous Serbian for sharing as much of your experience as you could!


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