
Wednesday, April 6, 2011

A Blogger's Personal Account of Genetic (Sexual) Attraction

From weaving love untangling confusion...

This blog is a story of an adopted female finding her birth farther after 33 years and the honest feelings, emotions, attractions that evolved. This is for others who want to learn more about genetic attraction, GA or genetic sexual attraction, GSA from an individual who is navigating and stumbling through in hopes to weave more deeply the love and untangle the confusion.

Whether someone experiencing GSA is seeking to restrain their feelings or is acting on them with gusto, what they do not need is "incest" laws that prevent consenting adults from sharing themselves with each other and being open with each other.
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  1. Thanks for quoting my site. :) Warmly, Art4Me

    And you are right, no two consenting adults need incest laws to complicate things so much more and get in the way of this kind of special love. If I wasn't married with children, I would definitely want the dignity to explore without always looking over my shoulder at the law.


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