
Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Gay Polyfidelity and Polyamory

Here’s a site of interest. At the URL are people calling themselves the Gay Polyamorists. Under “A Journey Into Closed Polyamory,” they write…

This blog is about closed Polyamory, triad and quad relationships pertaining to the gay community (GLBTQ Community)…This blog is going to concentrate more on the closed form of polyamourous relationships. In a closed poly relationship all participants are committing to the relationship of their own free will. These groups can be of any number ranging from three (triad), four (quad) or more.

Under “About the authors”

We are two gay guys in our thirties that have been together for ten plus years and have had a couple of polyamourous relationships and have dated several guys. We are currently in the market for a third.

They provide an e-mail address and are interested in adding contributors.
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