
Friday, October 11, 2024

California Voters: Yes on 3

Vote YES on Proposition 3!

If you’re a registered California voter, you might have received your Presidential Election ballot in the mail already.

If you’re not registered or not registered in your current location yet, you likely can still register for this election. Do so ASAP.

You should have multiple ways to vote in-person even if you don’t get a ballot in the mail or don’t want to use a mailed/mail-in ballot. You can also hand-deliver mail-in ballots.

Vote YES on Proposition 3 to advance the right to marry.

Here it is:



First—That Section 7.5 of Article I thereof is repealed.
SEC. 7.5. Only marriage between a man and a
woman is valid or recognized in California.

Second—That Section 7.5 is added to Article I thereof,
to read:

SEC. 7.5. (a) The right to marry is a fundamental
(b) This section is in furtherance of both of the
(1) The inalienable rights to enjoy life and liberty and to
pursue and obtain safety, happiness, and privacy
guaranteed by Section 1.
(2) The rights to due process and equal protection
guaranteed by Section 7.


Here’s the link to the official voter information with the official language of the Proposition (it’s a PDF) if you want to see for yourself:

If you want to see the current “in the book” law as of this posting, here it is:

While Proposition 3 isn’t written like the Marriage Equality Amendment this blog endorses, Proposition 3 can enable the same result with some court cases and some follow-up legislation. It removes “dead” language from the California state constitution that was determined to be a violation of the US Constitution and it adds language to the state constitution emphasizing that marriage is a right. It is wonderful that it is written in a way that doesn’t restrict that right; rights are for all.

Let’s advance EVERYONE’S freedom to marry.

Yes on 3 in California!
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