
Monday, July 1, 2024

Meeting Their Needs

We have another exclusive interview to bring you. 

People in consanguinamorous relationships are everywhere, though consanguinamorists tend to be closeted. Fortunately, some are willing to be interviewed for this blog. As a result, Full Marriage Equality has featured scores of exclusive interviews with lovers denied the freedom to marry and have that marriage treated equally under the law. Most can’t even be out of the closet or they’ll face persecution and prosecution under absurd incest laws, which, instead of focusing on abuse, also target consensual relationships.

The lovers interviewed below should be free to legally and publicly marry each other, or simply be together without having to hide, yet they can’t. Prejudice can be deadly. They are consenting adults; why should they have been denied their rights? In much of the world, they could be criminally prosecuted for loving each other this way, and might be persecuted severely in addition.

Read the interview below and see for yourself what they have to say about the love they share. You may think this relationship is interesting, or it might make you uncomfortable, or you might find it ideal, even highly erotic, but whatever your reaction, should lovers like these be denied equal access to marriage or any other rights simply because they love each other this way?

Also please note that someone you love, respect, and admire could be in a similar relationship right now. Should they be attacked and denied rights because of the "incest" label? 

NOTE: This interview has a brief amount of sexually explicit description.

I would like to start by clarifying that I am Enrico, the interviewer. The family interviewed is a family of friends who want to talk about their story but remain completely anonymous, so the names of the three lovers will be pseudonyms.

Enrico for FME: Describe yourselves.

Sebastiano: I'm Sebastiano, I'm 52 years old and I've been working as a cardiologist since graduating. I define myself as an average person in terms of physical appearance. I have a few extra kilos, I have lost my hair like many men, I consider myself lucky in having found a passion in a job that has made me more than financially happy and has allowed me a peaceful life.

I have been married for 24 years to Anna, the only true love of my life and with whom I have a son, Riccardo, who is now 22 years old and is also studying to become a doctor.

Anna: I'm Anna, Sebastiano's wife. I'm 46 years old and I'm also the best friend of Sebastiano's younger sister and this also explains how we met. I have a law degree and work as a state employee in the city where I live.

I won't beat around the bush. Physically, I've been very, very lucky as I manage to keep fit with practically no commitment and I think I'm a beautiful woman even though I'm no longer a little girl. Of course I'm no longer as toned as I was in my twenties, but I have several friends who are much more sagging than me when it comes to breasts for example, despite the fact that I'm quite busty.

I have a son who I literally adore and to whom I am infinitely attached also due to the fact that when I was twenty I lost my parents in a bad accident. I think this is why I have a strong sense of family.

Riccardo: I'm Riccardo, I’m 22 years old, I study medicine. Perhaps my main characteristic is that I'm an old-fashioned nerd - miniatures, comics, fantasy role-playing games, video games, card games - complete package as far as it's about being a nerd. I've always been passionate about this kind of thing and I was all in all lucky in finding friends with whom I could share this passion and overcome adolescence in which they were not pastimes well seen by my peers as passions.

I've been studying medicine for three years even though I still don't know what to specialize in. I don't think I'll choose cardiology like my father.

I'm dark-haired like him, unfortunately not very tall, and very lazy when it comes to sports so I have a bit of a belly.

FME: Are you married or have you ever been legally and/or ceremonially married?

Anna: We’ve been happily married for 24 years, never had any other marriages, and if everything goes as it should, we don't think we will have any more.

Riccardo: I have obviously never been married, I think I want to get married in the future, or at least have a family of my own, but for now I would like to graduate first and have my own financial independence.

FME: How would you describe your genders? How would you describe your sexual orientation and your relationship orientation?

Sebastiano: I’ve always been heterosexual, never had bisexual or homosexual fantasies. I am almost banal from this point of view.

Riccardo: Same.

Anna: Although I am also absolutely heterosexual, I feel like giving a separate answer from that of my husband and my son as, unlike them, I have always had a strong sexual drive which in recent years has become more acute probably due to the approach menopause and related hormonal changes. This is also the main reason that led us to the family situation we live in and this interview. 

FME: You currently live with...?

Anna: For now, all three of us live together since Riccardo is still supported by us, having not finished his studies.

FME: You are in a sexual/romantic relationship with your biological son?

Sebastiano: Yes, Anna and Riccardo have a sexual relationship and are biological mother and son.

FME: What was your childhood like? What was family life like? Were alternative lifestyles/sex discussed in your family, and if so, how? Can you describe your sexual awakening? When and how did you realize your sexual orientation?

Sebastiano: Mine was a peaceful childhood. My parents - still alive - married very young and besides me they had another daughter, Roberta, my only sister, five years younger, of whom I am very fond. My parents were state employees so they had good salaries, we weren't rich but I never lacked anything.

My sexual awakening occurred during adolescence. I never had doubts about being heterosexual and wanting to have a monogamous relationship. In fact, I considered myself quite jealous and possessive, without leading to excess, in the relationships I experienced even before Anna. But in recent years I have changed my mind, discovering an unexpected enjoyment in having allowed my wife to have our son as a lover.

Anna: I have always had a strong sexual drive, but only in adulthood. I had a very peaceful childhood. I traveled a lot with my parents as my dad worked as an administrator for the Italian embassy, first in Switzerland, then in Spain, and I settled in Sardinia, where I still live, only at the age of 14 when my father was assigned to the Sassari police station.

When my parents died, when I was twenty, I forced myself to live alone and was able to support myself with my parents' savings for the three years it took me to graduate and find a job.

My sexual awakening was late if you like, given that it happened shortly after I came of age. Before, I simply didn't feel interested in it. I met Sebastiano when I was 20 years old, so I was only with him, sexually speaking, until three years ago when I started having relations with our son. Despite everything, I consider myself absolutely monogamous.

Riccardo: I don't really know what to say about my childhood. I’d say it was normal. I was a bit spoiled, like many only children of wealthy couples. I started to be interested in girls in adolescence. I had some experiences, but the strangest and most formative thing remains the relationship I have with my parents and having sex with my mother.

FME: How did sexual affection become a part of the relationship between mother and son?

Sebastiano: What we can say is that the current family situation was desired by the two of us and it was not something gradual but rather sudden and arose from some problems within the couple.

The problems in question were related to Anna's growing sexual desire and the stagnation of the couple's sexuality partly due to my age, partly due to work and daily life which is tiring anyway.

Anna: I would never have cheated on my husband, I love him too much, but it was unavoidable that there was a lack and that I had a growing need.

In an initial period of discussions between us parents, the idea of a lover wasn't even taken into consideration, but we only talked about taking time for ourselves and rediscovering ourselves as a couple. Although it was very pleasant, we realized very quickly that it was not enough.

Sebastiano: I realized almost immediately that Anna was missing something, as much as I tried to do it more often than before I ended up being destroyed by work or, in any case, very tired and it never went beyond twice a week. She never complained during that period, but I fully realized that it wasn't enough for her and I couldn't help but think that this could lead to a rift between us in the long run.

The idea of Riccardo as Anna's lover came about due to some fools we parents made with him. He actually found us in intimacy a few too many times / three if we're not mistaken / so much so that he himself became forward with us by showing us a certain discomfort in finding ourselves in certain contexts and asking us for discretion. Not that he saw anything so scandalous. We were just having sex and his mom tends to be a little loud sometimes.

Not feeling right about ourselves, in addition to the necessary apologies, we felt obliged to explain the reasons for that whole situation to our son given that we have always had a very confidential relationship with him, even if until that moment we had not I've never dealt with that kind of topic.

This was more or less the birth of the thought of being able to do it with Riccardo since from that discussion, at a later moment between us parents, the idea of family sex was born. On paper it was the best solution if strangeness was excluded of the gesture.

Anna: No one would ever discover that I had a lover, everything could have happened inside the house, Riccardo was single and very young so we were certain that he had a massive sexual drive. Sebastiano himself was starting to have nascent feelings of curiosity towards that idea and absolutely no hint of jealousy.

Sebastiano: I took matters into my own hands about two weeks after that first speech, speaking face to face with Riccardo. Anna wasn't even home. I explained our situation to him openly and what I was talking about with his mother. I made it clear many times that we didn't want to force him in any way, that we also didn't want to force ourselves in any way and that until that moment it was just an idea, a draft proposal that at this point it was necessary to introduce to him too.

Riccardo didn't react very well. He fell silent and almost didn't speak to us for two days. He broke the silence during dinner by simply saying that "We can try if you want.” Only later did he explain to me that he wasn't angry with us or disgusted but just totally taken aback and embarrassed and that he needed time to think about it.

Riccardo: From my point of view the situation we currently have at home was born like a bolt from the blue. I have always seen my parents as absolutely in love and I took it for granted that they had a sexual life like everyone else, but I deliberately always ignored it like so many children. So catching them having sex was a slight shock. Not that I didn't imagine it but then again, I ignored it.

So hearing them, seeing them naked, it was a strong impact and I confess that it shocked me a little. So much so that I just asked them to be careful and pay more attention to closing doors or when they take time for them.

Their response surprised me. I honestly didn't expect all this sincerity and confidence from them and hearing them open up about such a delicate topic as a couple's sexuality made me very proud of our relationship on the one hand, and on the other it made me the generational gap between us was greatly reduced. I felt they were much more friends than parents and perhaps also for this reason I empathized a lot with them, understanding that for them this was a very emotionally demanding problem.

However, I cannot deny that the sight of mum without clothes in that context left a big mark. For me, mum was beautiful but completely separate from the topic of sex. Let’s say that she was asexual. I hadn't seen her naked since I was maybe five years old and suddenly seeing her so sexualized really hit me.

Despite this, dad's speech was completely unexpected and surreal. It happened two weeks after the first confrontation with them. My father was explaining to me that my mother, the same mother who I saw as asexual, had new physical needs and that between age and work he was having difficulty satisfying them. He clarified that my mother was not actively complaining about the matter, they had talked about the shortcomings but that she was ready to accept this situation if a solution was not found. He explained to me that the idea of a lover was to be excluded a priori but that the idea had remained, mysteriously, and had been associated with my presence in the house, making them think that "If we are really talking about a lover, it might as well be someone reliable and accepted by both.”

The only thing I said was a low "me?" which was followed by a confirmation from my father with a series of further explanations that I honestly don't remember since I was absolutely overwhelmed by the last sentence, so much so that I cut the conversation short and it took me two days to work through everything.

They were the longest two days of my life. My parents were very delicate in never asking how I was, what I was thinking and they didn't force me to give answers in any way. Only later did I discover that mum didn't know of dad's speech. And if on the one hand the shock had to be processed, on the other it would be stupid to deny that at least physically the thing was having more than an effect on me. I had never thought about my mother sexually but in those days I couldn't get her out of my head and, even though I was aware that I wasn't sure I really wanted to get to the bottom of this situation, I chose to make an initial decision probably motivated only by unconsciousness and from the excitement that idea had sparked in me.

Anna: It's true, I had a growing sexual urge and I wanted to talk about it with my husband. It seemed like the only thing to do, but I wouldn't want the message to get across that I would vent it to anyone. If at any point I realized that my husband was getting tired, he was depressed about the situation, or there was simply no solution, I would have kept everything to myself. My marriage, our son, my relationship with Sebastiano are worth the total renunciation of sex even today. As for the possibility of having my son as a lover, I would like to say that for me, initially, it was simply something theoretical. A saying in itself, not something that would materialize. It was not unlike talking about moving to America to live, planning the move and then never doing it but basking in the pleasant desire to do it. It was in fact unexpectedly simple, after the first moments of talking about the matter with my husband, to fantasize about it.

Unexpectedly, I realized that not only, theoretically, did I feel no shame in thinking about it but that it partly intrigued me due to its controversial, rare and socially condemning nature. I have always had an excellent relationship with my son and the idea of adding that physical component while maintaining the maternal and filial roles was both risky and motivating from a challenge point of view due to the pride that would come from being able to do something that no one else - or almost no one else - does.

I was obviously certain that the thing would never become concrete and that it would remain a simple fantasy, even more so since I didn't know about the father-son conversation which, two days later, was followed by Riccardo's positive response proposing to try.

FME: Can you describe your feelings during that process?

Sebastiano: Riccardo's "we can try" totally took me by surprise. I thought he was angry, disgusted, horrified by me and his mother but above all by me. when I heard that answer I almost choked on my mouthful since we were at dinner. Between one cough and another I thank the fact that I have always been a person with a quick response because I was thus able to promptly respond to Anna's doubtful face and Riccardo's legitimate doubts. I explained to Anna about the discussion we had with our son and that nothing had been decided except to talk about the matter in the family since it could be seen as a family problem. No one would be forced to do anything and everything would be discussed calmly with the assumption that everything could be stopped suddenly.

To my great surprise we managed, albeit with a lot of embarrassment, to introduce the discussion that evening and go to bed with the promise to talk about it better the following weekend since the next day was Friday and we would be working and Riccardo would be busy studying.

What we decided on Saturday was that we all agreed to at least try and that no one had any idea how to introduce the thing due to the inevitable embarrassment we were all feeling. It was already a success that we were able to talk about the thing. The only feasible thing in my eyes was for me to be put aside temporarily and for Anna and Riccardo to be alone for a while to see if it was feasible between them. In the end I would have only been a source of embarrassment in as a spectator. I was quite certain that I could accept the thing as far as jealousy was concerned, above all motivated by the fact that Riccardo was my son. I can't explain, but it was half a betrayal given that it's half me. And inevitably by the fear that in the long run this lack would distance Anna from me. So I proposed to both of us that I step aside for a few days. In fact I had a refresher course that I could go to and I would be away from home for three days of the following week, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday.

They both accepted with barely any reluctance, and I confess that even today I don't know exactly what happened in those days but when I returned, things were absolutely done.

I imagined the days would be bittersweet. Being away and knowing that your wife is trying to have sex with your son, coming back and finding out that they are doing it, hearing them do it and seeing them do it. As much as it is something that I had accepted, I thought that being faced with the actual gesture would have shaken me more. Instead it was liberating. They were still them, the tension of the previous days had disappeared, Anna seemed more in love than ever and Riccardo much more serene. Intimacy with Anna also improved a lot without the pressure of having to do it continuously, we were free to do it whenever it suited both of us.

Anna: I repeat again that it is true that I felt the need to have much more sex than I did then, but I didn't imagine this escalation in the slightest. In a few weeks we had gone from talking about "having more time for ourselves" with my husband to actually planning three days alone with my son, trying to have sex with him and seeing if we could make him become my lover.

I know I seem really stupid in saying what I'm about to say, but actually finding myself in that situation took me by surprise and I got carried away by agreeing to try. I had no idea what would happen or how it would end but Sebastiano wanted to try, Riccardo wanted to try, basically I was intrigued by it too and I accepted it. The days leading up to Sebastiano's departure on Wednesday were surreal. We didn't talk about the matter, but we all prepared as best we could. For example, I scheduled the beautician, I went to the gynecologist for a check-up, I bought some lubricant and condoms. Since Riccardo's birth I can no longer have children but I don't know what Riccardo would think so I wanted to be prepared, given that I was certain that we wouldn't be able to do anything.

Sebastiano left around seven in the morning to catch a plane at nine. The morning and early afternoon passed like any other day except for a general embarrassment on the part of both of us. Around seven in the evening, I took the speech into my own hands. I was literally consumed by anxiety and I couldn't have waited a minute longer. The first thing I said was that we weren't forced to do anything, that we could consider everything something to forget and move on and Riccardo completely surprised me!

Not only did he say that he wanted to try, but that we should try to persist if we didn't succeed right away. The only problem, he said, was that he was really super embarrassed and he didn't know where to start. He showed me incredible tenderness, so much so that I almost forgot we were talking about having sex and I hugged him. We closed the conversation by promising ourselves not to force ourselves into anything, that we would take it for granted that we wanted to try and we would wait for the right moment and limit ourselves to being together more.

In fact, the next day, I wouldn't go to work, he would study at home and so on Friday, among other things, it was bad weather so we didn't mind staying at home. We also decided to sleep together, we hadn't done it since he was very little and it seemed like a good idea to gain confidence. The rest of the evening passed with relative calm. We were certainly very embarrassed but by not trying to do anything, it was all tolerable. Even the night passed without shocks. Shocks which however occurred the following morning when, inevitably due to age, I saw Riccardo asleep with the most classic of morning erections. It was around six in the morning. I did nothing but I remember the feeling as if it were now, a cold shower, for the first time I saw Riccardo as a boy and not as a child, realizing that from a physical point of view it was absolutely possible to do it and, indeed, he was probably even a little more gifted of the father.

Everything was put aside and I went to prepare breakfast, during which I thought it might be fruitful to talk about the matter in order to continue working on it. It was Riccardo, while he was drinking the milk, who timidly pointed out to me that what had happened wasn't right since I had seen him and he hadn't seen anything of me. I couldn't blame him so, since we wanted to take that path so much, I proposed that we go into the bedroom and settle the score by taking some time to get used to nudity, understand if we liked each other, and if we were able to tolerate it. at least that.

I would define the rest of the morning as aseptic. Not because there was no transport, but because the embarrassment flattened any positive or negative manifestation. No one forced anyone, but we both decided to try to do it at least once even if in a completely mechanical. When we think back to that morning we still laugh today, three years later. It was very embarrassing, completely depersonalized, without any foreplay. I remember that Riccardo simply slipped it in after I had lubricated myself with some gel and a few seconds later he came in an embarrassed silence. It was terrible, really, but unexpectedly it had the effect of making any embarrassment between us disappear. I burst out laughing, Riccardo apologized, we talked for I don't even know how long, creating a new confidence between us and promising to try again. To have sex you need at least confidence if there is no passion as in our case.

It didn't take long for Riccardo to want to do it again. I preferred him to come forward, I don't think it's nice to be the one asking, and by mid-morning we were naked again. The next day and a half was really intense and spent entirely getting to know each other. On the one hand, Riccardo, who seemed absolutely in a trance and who continued to have erection after erection, on the other I who unexpectedly discovered a completely new feeling given by sex and also driven by seeing Riccardo so engrossed I never denied myself. It was a type of sex I had never tried, completely physical, animalistic, emotionally it gave me nothing but physically it satisfied me more than I imagined before doing it.

When Sebastiano returned, we were exhausted and we spent the evening telling him what had happened, how we felt, we asked how he was and it didn't take long for the gesture to become a domestic routine.

Riccardo: There isn't much else to say other than what my parents said except that I thought very little in those days, or so much that I didn't understand anything, Embarrassment, discovery, exaltation, satisfaction, acceptance, confidence, affection, everything was mixed so much as to be indistinguishable. None of us really believed it and yet it worked infinitely better than expected and even better when dad came back who, with his acceptance and serenity, put everyone's last doubts to rest. As strange as it is to have sex with your mother, at least for me it is something absolutely unique, obviously it doesn't replace or prevent a relationship but remains a totally pressure-free relationship, in which you feel completely accepted. It is something simple in its special being. Doing what is perhaps the most satisfying physical gesture with the person who judges us least in the world and who feels judged by us less than by anyone else.

FME: Before this had you ever thought this would be possible or enjoyable; did you have any opinion one way or the other about close relatives or family members being together?

Anna:  No one, before these events, had ever thought about incest except to the extent of knowing the gesture due to some historical events, rare cases of scandal and little else. For an Italian, something like this is so absurd that it doesn't even occur as a thought.

Riccardo: I had sometimes thought that mum had big breasts.

FME: How do you describe the sex/lovemaking now?

Anna: Sex between us now, I would define it as liberating and extremely natural while partly maintaining its perverse nature. In fact, incest has some perverse notes and it's undeniable. I'm having sex with my son, not with just any boy and this has its weight in the excitement. Physically speaking, it is perhaps the best sex of my life, or at least the person with whom I have had it the most numerically speaking, but we are only talking about the intensity of orgasms and something purely physical, compared to sex in which also has a feeling behind it, something is clearly missing. I would define it as different from any other type of sex, the best possible outlet for me given my increased drive.
Small clarification remains in the area of kisses. Taken by the gesture, we happen to kiss especially with the tongue and it is clearly a very beautiful thing but there remains a minimum of strangeness in the gesture precisely because it is Riccardo.

Riccardo: For me it's obvious it's the best sex I've ever had, but I haven't had all these experiences before mum. Only one other, and it wasn't a relationship that lasted very long, just a few months. Not having the opportunity to have sex regularly due to the absence of a relationship, commitment to studying and in general due to a slight shyness, being able to do it with mum is a godsend. Besides being able to do it really often, I can do it with a really beautiful, busty, mature woman. These are the typical standards of every teenager.

Of course it remains strange that she is my mother, but personally I consider it a plus for the relationship. It gives a sort of push to the gesture and then there is really the total absence of embarrassment and freedom precisely because she is my mother. I want say, it changed me as a child, I have very little to be ashamed of. Not to mention that not risking pregnancy and therefore being able to do it without a condom always has a really strong effect on me.

I also confirm what mum said about kissing. It comes naturally to do it, but when you think about it it's strange.

FME: Describe your relationship now. Do you see each other as family, or lovers, or are those two roles inseparable at this point?

Anna: We are definitely a family with benefits in which mother and son are lovers. We have been living this situation for about three years and, in part, the roles of son and lover have merged in the sense that in that of son there is also the possibility of having sex. It is not a change in terms of power relations but of possibilities. For us, sex is a gesture deprived of its uniqueness when we talk about Riccardo.

Riccardo has had some relationships here and there, but sex in the family has always remained even during those relationships. We know that it is a choice that can be criticized by some, but for us it is something unique to us that can remain in parallel.

FME: Do you get together in pairs or is it usually a threesome? If you split off as a couple, is that spontaneous or is there a schedule?

Riccardo: No, we never do it as a threesome. Mum and I usually take an hour after dinner, but then she sleeps with dad. Sometimes it happens more often but it depends, we don't have particular times to do it. Just on Sunday night we sleep together at mum's request. Also, because dad wakes up really early on Mondays to go to work. Dad and mum sleep together and I sleep in my room. On Sunday night I sleep with mum and dad sleeps in my room.

FME: Does anyone in your life know the full, true nature of your relationship?

Sebastiano: Only you [Enrico] and [his] mother know about our situation. We met in a chat on a channel in our region and initially only Anna, me, and [Enrico] spoke.

Subsequently, we all more or less joined the chat and we managed to develop such a friendship that we trust each other and talk openly about our relationships. Although we then have to confess that we had strong suspicions of each other so it was a confession tainted by the fact that we knew the listener was in the same situation as us. Privacy is maintained by behaving normally in public, limiting the gesture to the home or to more than safe contexts and having as confidants only and exclusively people in the same situation as us, and therefore with literally our own risks on the table in the event of a scandal.

FME: Having to hide the full nature of your relationship from some people can be a disadvantage. Can you describe how that has been? Are there any other disadvantages? Conversely, do you think consanguineous relationships have some advantages and some things better than unrelated lovers?

Sebastiano: For us it's not a particular problem to have to hide our relationship, even if Anna's lover wasn't Riccardo, but someone else, it would still be something kept to ourselves. The disadvantages of a situation like ours are undoubtedly the social ones in case of full discovery and the legal ones given that incest is a clear crime in Italy. It undoubtedly has several points in favor compared to a normal relationship with a lover since it can be lived more frequently, at home, without having to hide anything or fear scandals - if everything is kept only inside the house - but without a doubt there are some emotional risks and related to power relations within the family. It's easy to lose your mind over sex but parents must remain parents and children children. Not to mention that children must have the right and the possibility to make their own life, so it is a situation that can end at any moment and must be forced to continue.

FME: What do you want to say to people who disapprove of your relationship, or disapprove of anyone having this kind of relationship? What's your reply to those who would say that this is one of you preying on the others, and that you can’t truly consent?

Riccardo: Predation can also happen in a canonical relationship. It's always about being good people and thinking for the good of oneself and others. It works for us, but we don't expect it to be a relationship for everyone. It is undoubtedly true that people should learn to mind their own business.

FME: What advice do you have for someone who may be experiencing these feelings for a relative or family member?

Riccardo:: Don't force anything. If it has to happen it happens. Talk a lot, discuss things, go step by step. If you don't feel like it, stop. Nobody forces you. The relationship must be solid to sustain such a relationship.

FME: Do you consider yourself consanguinamorous in orientation, or could you be fulfilled in a relationship with someone who isn’t a close relative? Do you consider yourself nonmonogamous or could you be fulfilled in monogamy?

Anna: We all consider ourselves monogamous and, in hindsight, absolutely consanguinamorous. But it is a discovery made after the beginning of the relationship. We would never have said it before.

FME: Any plans for the future?

Anna: The normal plans of a family. Seeing our son graduate, with a job, a life of his own. Our relationship will last as long as it has to last.


Clearly, these are consenting adults, and yet they can't even exercise their basic human rights as things are now. They are happy, yet they are denied fundamental rights. They can't even be open about their love without risking harassment or much worse.

Why should they be denied their rights? There’s no good reason. We need to recognize that all adults should be free to be with any and all consenting adults as they mutually consent, and part of doing that is adopting relationship rights for all, including full marriage equality sooner rather than later. People are being hurt because of a denial of their basic human rights to love each other freely.

You can read other interviews I have done here. As you'll see, there are people from all walks of life, around the world, who are in consanguinamorous relationships.

If you are in a relationship like this and are looking for help or others you can talk with, read this.

If you want to be interviewed about your "forbidden" relationship, or that of someone you know, connect with me by checking under the "Get Connected" tab there at the top of the page or emailing me at fullmarriageequality at protonmail dot com or on Wire messaging app at fullmarriageequality, X/ Twitter at FullMEquality, or Facebook. I usually check for private/direct messages and respond in less than a day, so if I don't it might mean your message didn't get delivered.

If you know someone who is in a relationship that's anything like this, or "taboo" or "forbidden," please read this.

Thank you, Sebastiano, Anna and Riccardo, for telling us about your intergenerational, polyamorous, consanguinamorous relationship. We wish you well!

Thanks to Enrico for conducting the interview.
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  1. Fantastic interview and I hope many people, especially families, get to read it. I would of loved this with my mum.

  2. Just fantastic ! I wish if more and more families can be so open and enjoy liberated sex within the family. I am not married yet but would love to create a family where father, mother, daughter and son can enjoy real passionate sex with absolutely mutual consent and without any complications.


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