
Wednesday, April 27, 2022

Celebrating International Consanguinamory Day

April 28 is a day to celebrate and to affirm consanguinamory

People who are consanguinamorous or in consanguinamorous relationships shouldn't have to hide.

Consanguinamory has always been part of the human experience, wherever people have been, regardless of location, class, or demographics. 

Consanguinamory isn't shameful. It is quite often a beautiful thing. 

Consenting adults should be free to love each other how they mutually agree, and shouldn't have to hide their love. They should be free to share their love and be true to themselves, without being prosecuted, persecuted, or discriminated against. 

To all consanguinamorous people:

Most of you have to keep your celebrations private, but we know you're out there, and you are valid and deserve your rights. Thursday, April 28 is your day. Progress is being made. Let's make more!
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  1. never had any experience with it . iam sure it happens more than we will ever know or imagine. problem is it is always shown in negative form . never in a loving positive form and the few positve stories in the news that were two consenting adults are usually condemed .

  2. Definitely needs more positive publicity and the only way that will happen is to legalize it everywhere. I did read a story about a brother and sister who came out to their father in Spain, where incest is legal for people above the age of consent. Let's not forget incest is on TV and in films too. For example, Game of Thrones? Carnival Row and a film called A Simple Favour, which features brother and sister sex. We are getting there as a society but unfortunately it is slow progress.


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