
Thursday, July 22, 2021

"Twincest" Keeps People Fascinated

Liz and Julia Nolan are twins and known for being on "Big Brother 17." There us buzz because they share an OnlyFans and some people question what the twins do with each other in their pictures and videos. See this article at from Andrea Reiher.

Identical twin sisters Liz and Julia Nolan of “Big Brother 17” have created quite a stir in the online “Big Brother” community with their recent sexually explicit OnlyFans photos and videos. Here’s what you need to know about it and what the fans are saying.

Of course there were people who were objecting, but we know watching or being with twins is a common fantasy and very popular in erotica. 

It's possible the twins are doing this strictly for attention (and subscribers). What we know for certain, however, is that many siblings, twins or otherwise, share sexual affection. Even if someone finds that yucky, there's nothing wrong with close family members sharing sexual affection and recreation. Consensual incest, twincest, or consanguinamory; whatever it is called, if people want to share it with each other, they really don't need others telling them they find it yucky.
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  1. Most people have not heard of consanguinamory yet plus they're not even aware of it yet.

  2. If all involved consent, there shouldn't be anything wrong with siblings showing and giving each other sexual affection. After all, such acts are signs of love, why restrict that because the people consenting are related?


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