
Thursday, June 18, 2020

We Get Letters About Consanguinamory

This blog takes comments and you can also contact Keith directly. Here are some "letters" that have come in over the last few months.

After "Acceptance Not Condemnation," Anonymous wrote...
I'm living with my aunt right now and have for 8 years and we love each other. She's my half-aunt(mother's half sister) and is 10 years old than I am. We've always been close and I moved in with her when I left my parents' home to go to college and things blossomed from there. 
I don't think anyone in my family knows as we haven't told anyone and we don't show affection in public. We also have a separate bedroom set up for me for appearances, but we sleep together every night. If I could marry her, I would, but for now, we are very happy, even though we're in secret. Maybe one things will change, but for now, we'll just keep doing what we're doing.
Fortunately, close relatives can usually live together without bigots or gossips attacking.

A message I got from an Anonymous bemoaned a lack of solidarity...
I’m a lesbian, with my lesbian aunt. That’s one reason I’m not too big on the whole LGBT movement. Being in an incestuous relationship with aunt, I learned to keep my business to myself.
That's too bad. There should be mutual support, not division and condemnation.

On a previous post featuring letters, Anonymous wrote...

My mother and I have been involved for a long time. Being at home more has given us more time with each other, and having some great sex along the way. It isn't just sex with us though, we have a special relationship that has mother/son elements, but so much else too. 
After "I'm Stuck at Home With Family," Anonymous wrote...

I am 52 years old mom, my son is 28 years old. My husband could not come back before the lock down was imposed and he is stuck at another city. So it is just my son and me now.
While I don't endorse cheating (which is breaking the rules of your relationship), Anonymous made it clear she was neglected by her husband for a long time. A special moment with her son happened...
We started watching a movie after dinner, he was looking at me and I asked, "What?" 
He said "You look so beautiful that I feel like kissing you."  
He probably meant kissing on my cheeks, but I somehow was too much open and thought it was funny to tease him and said you never know until you try, and pouted and made my mouth went near his and to my shock he actually kissed me, and I found it aroused me. I couldn't stop him and went along with him even though I never thought I would ever do such a thing. Our bodies tangled with each other and it gave me so immense pleasure I can't tell. It happened few more times. It is so addictive. I know it is betraying my husband's trust, going against my family values, but first time I felt that I'm not just a mother, not just a wife, not just someone who would do household chores and even coming home after working long hours go straight to kitchen to make dinners. I felt attractive, wanted and kind of powerful in a way. I think I wrote too much, but I'm still processing all these things and trying to find a way to rationalize the emotions.

Some people quietly deal with desire for years, as expressed by Anonymous in this comment...
I'm very attracted to my sister as well and I've felt this way for 10+ years. I would never confess my attraction to her because even if she felt the same it would be impossible. We both have marriages and things are far too complicated. It is something I'll have to live with.
After "You Did the Taboo - Now What?" Anonymous wrote...
I'm so happy I found this. I'm a mom, early 40s. My son who is in college and I, stuck home together, were both getting restless. I thought extreme times call for extreme measures. But three weeks later I want to keep going after all of this stay home stuff is over. Cant believe I'm admitting this.
And another Anonymous wrote...
Thank you so much for this info!
Last week me and my cousin had sex and we felt like criminals.
Like we committed the worst crime in history!
We spend the last hour reading this blog and we fell better now.
I even admired to her that it was the best sex in my life, and she agrees.
We have decide to continue this relationship and see where it goes.
After "Aunt and Nephews," Anonymous wrote...
Hi everyone, and thank you for sharing your stories and your hearts! :) I was comforted to find this page because I’ve been struggling with a crush on my nephew for several years already… We are part of a very large family, and due to geographical distance, etc. I didn’t really see him or talk to him much while growing up. 
My first in-depth discussion with him was when he was a senior in high school, which I found so surprising and compelling, but I didn’t see him again until he was about 23, and that was when we really connected big-time (I was in my later 30s)… I actually ended up distancing myself from him afterward, because I didn’t know how to handle my crush on him. I’ve even had several “inappropriate” dreams about him, and i get all giddy and coquettish around him… He seems to like me quite a bit, but I haven’t noticed a frisky undertone, which is probably good.  
It really caught me off guard to have such a significant crush on him (a blood relative, for the love of god!;) I should also add, I have a crush on him because he’s just such an unusual, incredible person, so compassionate and expansive-thinking… Just a real gem... anyway, thanks again everyone; it feels really good to get this off my chest... :)
Anonymous left  comment after "Good For Mom"...
I'm 22 year old female just graduated from college. I'm in a spousal relationship with my dad and my mom knows about it. Me and mom have our own time with him, no threesome. My 17 year old brother is also attracted to my mom but she is not prepared for it but she may have feelings for him too. Me and my brother have no sexual feelings towards each other. I had experimented with my cousins (male and female) when I was younger but that was limited to kissing and touching nothing more.
Responding to "Ten Myths About Sibling Consanguinamory," Anonymous wrote...
Me and my brother experimented quite a bit when we were younger, nothing serious such as penetration though. It’s been years and we haven’t done anything or spoken about it since, I guess we both pretend it didn’t happen. We started getting close again recently and it has made me think about the past. I’ve been feeling very guilty and disgusted with myself because I thought it was very bad what we did. I haven’t been able to let it go until I read this, I want to thank you for shedding some light on this because it really helped me. Knowing that it can be common and normal makes me feel a lot better. I don’t feel like such a freak anymore so thank you again
Finally, after "Ten Reasons Why Consensual Incest is Wrong," Mothersoncouple2138 wrote...
So glad we realised none of this matters..MY MOTHER AND I ARE SO INCREDIBLY HAPPY!! 
I am so thankful she is my mother.That she realised that I was made to love her. Nobody can show love to me and make love to me like she can because of this. 
I THOUGHT SHE WOULD HAVE BEEN EXTREMELY ANGRY when she secretly found out about how I felt. I am grateful she understood and did not reveal initially what she had found out. She had never dreamed that we would be like this, yet tells me everyday she is in total bliss that we are. 
She realised there is no substitute for me and needed me badly too. Yet it was not just about the lust we have for each other.
There is much diversity in the consanguinamorous. People from every background and every region have these experiences.

Feel free to add your comments (including anonymously) if you'd like, or write directly to Keith.
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