
Sunday, April 7, 2019

Consanguineous Affection is Not a Joke or Stunt

Greg Barradale at analyzed a YouTube video and made it clear he didn't approve of the affection displayed.

Here's what he had to say about it...
One: How the f--- is this a prank?
It's a "prank" because there's a prejudice pervasive in many societies that siblings aren't supposed to be affectionate this way. 

Two (and this is the truly important question): What the F---? No need for a few paragraphs laying out why this, as a concept, is weird.
What the writer is doing is the equivalent of jumping up and down. He simply expects everyone to agree with him. But some people like sharing affection, including with their siblings. The writer doesn't give any reason why they shouldn't.

The writer is so offended, he made and included a gif of the kiss.

Pedalling back a bit, the whole video is sinister.
He follows his sister around the house, filming her and trying to pluck up the courage to ask for a smooch. But it's okay, she's one of his two half-sisters, not his actual full sister.
As long as everyone is a consenting adult, it is OK.
Turning to his three point seven million YouTube subscribers, he says: "This is gonna be really weird but I owe you guys something big so hope you guys like it!"
Maybe he just wanted an excuse to kiss her "in public?"
Maybe this is normal for Chris. His whole deal seems to just be kissing people. It's his thing, like your friend with a fringe, or the guy who makes bad jokes. 
Except, even so, even with such a seasoned kisser as PrankInvasion Chris, it's hard to believe he'd kiss his sister (sorry, HALF-sister) like that.
Why? Again, he doesn't say.
It wouldn't be all that mad for someone to pretend to be his sister for views. And there are a few details that back up the case for the prosecution. 
Conveniently, she's his half sister, so she's got a different surname. 
Pictures of the pair's memories are offered up as a morsel of proof, as though a photo of them standing together is enough to convince you.
 The writer wasn't satisfied. 

PrankInvasion Chris insists she is his half-sister. But when we asked him for a single bit of proof – photos, a family tree, literally one of the many things you'd have to prove your connection to your family – Chris went quiet.
Whatever the truth about these two, the fact is, there are literally millions of people who wish they could kiss their siblings like that while on a date near home and not risk being persecuted.

There are a lot of people who find the idea of a threesome with sisters, especially identical twin sisters (or brothers) to be especially arousing or seek out adult videos featuring sisters or brothers, especially identical twins. If the writer has ever has similar inclinations, it would be strange for him protest this video so much.

As someone who has been fortunate enough to see siblings be so affectionate with each other in-person, I found it to be beautiful, not strange and certainly not a prank.

If  Blogger eats up the embedded YouTube video, here's the link.

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1 comment:

  1. I understand why he did not provide documentation, it would be used to persecute and possibly prosecute them.
    Personally I would never do this, I would rather be in the loony bin they think I should be in.
    Ther is always the concern about inbreeding.
    Open hearts
    Open minds


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