
Monday, June 18, 2018

Why Polygyny Should Be Legalized

Polygyny should be legalized because the freedom of association, including the right to marry, is a basic human right and marriage equality means an adult having the freedom to marry any and all consenting adults.

An adult, regardless of gender, sexual orientation, race, or religion, should be free to share love, sex, residence, and marriage (or any of those without the others) with any and all consenting adults, without fear of prosecution, bullying, or discrimination.

Adults should be free to love each other how they mutually agree.

There is no good reason to deny the civil rights of polygynous people or deny their relationships equality. In the US, it is unconstitutional to deny people these rights.

Some people thrive the most within polygynous relationships. Polygyny isn't for everyone, but some people enjoy polygyny.

Polygyny means having more than one wife; as such, it is a form of polygamy (indeed, many people make the mistake of thinking the terms are synonymous). There are many places in the world where such relationships are traditional. There are relationships all over the world that function this way. Sometimes they are called "plural marriages" or simply marriage.

Fortunately, polygynous-style relationships aren't criminalized in general in most countries that don't require all relationships be functionally monogamous, even though it is illegal in places like the US and the UK to register as having more than one wife at the same time. It many places, it is legal to discriminate against people who are in polygynous relationships.

Lets make full marriage equality happen sooner rather than later, so that anyone who wants a polygynous relationship (or a polyandrous relationship, for that matter) will be truly free to have one, and marry if they want. And remember, gender equality is a necessary part of full marriage equality.

 Why Polyandry Should Be Legalized
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