
Monday, May 6, 2024

Don’t Forget Mother’s Day - This Sunday, May 12

Mother's Day is celebrated annually on the second Sunday of May (at least it is where I live). If you have a mother or mothers in your life you should honor and celebrate - they don't have to be your mother - consider making plans if you haven't already. But if this person IS your mother, and your mother has been a good one, do be sure to show that person how much you appreciate them. 

We keep in mind people become mothers in many ways, including birthing, being married or partnered with someone who gives birth, donating gametes, adopting, fostering, marrying or partnering with someone who has a child, and simply becoming someone's honorary mother through actions.

This applies even more to those of you who have added a special additional bond with your mother, or want to. You have more ways of showing your mother your appreciation than anyone else. If you haven't made plans yet, make them now!

If you have any special plans you want to share, you can comment below, including anonymously. If you want to privately share with me what your plans are, contact me.

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1 comment:

  1. This year I learned Mother's Day may not mean the same thing for everyone, and I'm still trying to wrap my head around it.

    How did I stumble upon this realization? Completely by accident. So not too long ago, I went to drop of some stuff at my grandparents house. Nobody answered the door so I went around the back of the home to knock on my cousin's window and that's when I saw him having sex with my aunt (his mother). Thankfully, they didn't see me so I quickly left. I haven't told anybody because for one, they're both adults, and two, I'm concerned it would create a massive problem within the family.


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