
Sunday, December 29, 2024

An Additional Perspective on Mothers and Sons

If you're a regular visitor to Full Marriage Equality, you are familiar with the many interviews posted here with people who are in, or have been in, "forbidden" relationships. This time, we present an interview with someone who has extensive knowledge of, and experience counseling people regarding, familial affection, especially between mothers and sons. He brings his own, distinct perspective.


FULL MARRIAGE EQUALITY: Describe yourself.

David: I'm a 50 year old Asian American man, college and self educated. Heterosexual. I'm both employed and self-employed. I am a spiritualist but I have also explored many religions and I have great respect for people's faiths in what I do. I have multiple income streams. I currently reside in the Western United States. 

In high school, I accidentally discovered that my best friend had a special relationship with his mother and his father was supportive of the situation due to the extenuating circumstances. That shook my thinking out of the box and I have been looking for the truth ever since. I've done collegiate level studies on my own, simply meaning I used collegiate resources  but didn't seek collegiate recognition for my research, and I have spoken to many families and mothers about my ideas. Take that how you will.

FME: So, you know what it's like to be a boy and become a young man. There's much talk these days about young men being "lost.” What do you think about that? 

I think the general sense of society is now waking up to the down side of liberal aspects of society that have dominated for the last 40 years or so culminating in the current "Hookup Culture." Most professionals can't admit that there are both pros and cons to what these conditions have brought to us as a society. I'm not going to go into the big dissertation about this nor am I credentialed as a sociological or psychological expert.  I'll just say this: one glaring side effect is that life has become unbearably difficult and inconsistent for young men at a time in their lives when they are the most unsure of themselves and how to find their place in the world. It feels like trying to throw a ball into a hoop while blindfolded, the hoop is moving and changing direction at random in a 720-degree world and you're not even sure if the ball is smaller than the hoop.

First of all, let me say this: I'm NOT saying that men or women are better. People have forgotten that we are human beings first and foremost. Today's mainstream has made one small tangent the entire context of the news cycle. I just remember this through all the noise: In nearly every human culture historically, there is the concept of balance, of yin and yang. Neither is better than the other and BOTH are equally necessary. Not EQUAL. but equally NECESSARY. That's the difference that people need to keep in mind. Black and white, hot and cold, wet and dry, up and down, masculine and feminine. The only thing that matters is what is empirically, dispassionately, repeatedly TRUE. If it works, it works.

FME: What unique role can mothers play in helping their sons become good men rather than "lost boys"? 

Well, to start, think about the untenable and precarious position we put our young men in. Honestly, I think it's great that modern ideas have celebrated and in many ways empowered women to embrace their transformation into self-aware and empowered women, but this progressive thinking has not made the same strides in evolving in how to raise young men. Biologically, they are becoming adults, their bodies are kicking into overdrive preparing to become physically strong hard-working men. Yet, our social and medical advances have elongated our timelines tremendously so everything is drawn out. Childhood, adolescence, adulthood/middle age, etc.

It's one thing when the average lifespan was 48 like in Shakespeare's time. Now we're having larger and larger numbers of people hitting their centennial birthdays! Yet, we're still running the same basic genetic clocks as we were before. Society has constructed a world out of phase with our biology and normally, we have social constructs to bridge those gaps: birth control, public and private schools, etc. Again, a much bigger topic than the question at hand.

So dialing in on young men only, we have these young men who are biologically supposed to be out looking for mates and procreating - which is how our species survived long enough to have a Renaissance, an Industrial Revolution and survive into the Information Age - but socially, are put into a position where such behaviors are punished rather than rewarded. Teen pregnancies and STDs bring consequences that limit or ruin the life trajectories of those individuals - male and female - if this happens to them. So in the context of boys, I believe that loving mothers are in a unique situation to help their sons cope with and learn about becoming a man and his place in the world. Not just her wisdom and experience, but her femininity and her yin energy are needed. For those of you that might be bristling, gay young men are a more nuanced situation but can be resolved just as amiably.

So what am I specifically talking about? These young men are being affected deeply by the raging amount of growth hormones in their bloodstreams and not just the testosterone. Human beings, especially males, thrive in adversity. So the proper context I believe needed for young men are in ALL areas of development.

Physical: these young men need to exercise, work out, play sports - individual sports like tennis or running; or team sports. The muscles, bones, lungs, etc. all need to be pushed to grow stronger, bigger, faster, etc.

Intellectual: most of society has this dialed in with school. Any type of intellectual learning is good and why there are so many literacy and reading programs because reading is the skill of self-directed life-long learning and intellectual enrichment (props to Levar Burton).

Spiritual: This is the time and need for the development of character and integrity. These attributes ARE spiritual muscles that need to be developed through repetitive use and improvement. Whether based in religion or other spiritual beliefs, the important thing is for the young man to develop and understanding of the two-way responsibility between self and community.

Emotional: these young men are transitioning into adulthood and need to develop the emotional intelligence to understand that their emotions are an enhancement of their intellect. It is the fourth dimension where their logic and intellect is bridged to their character and integrity. The skill is to not be ruled by your emotions but to be enhanced by them.

And lastly, Sexually: these young men will NEVER sufficiently burn through their hormones just doing the things above. Exercise, reading, studying, community or charity work, etc. is only the beginning. They have a deep reserve of hormones left at the end of the day for their biological imperative after all that work, right? So how does modern life construct an adaptation for this aspect? Society has shown that abstinence is neither practical nor effective. Even grown adults whom have experienced a dry spell or a sexless marriage knows that the normalized expectation of "just go take care of it" or "just rub one out" is woefully insufficient over time. The Law of Diminishing Returns is especially in full effect here.

So, what to do? What does your maternal instinct tell you he needs? Are you being honest? Would a handjob be sufficient? Maybe, but if effective, for how long? Because empirically and mechanically, how is that different in meeting his needs than doing it himself, which we argued above isn't effective long term. So what is needed? At a minimum, instinctively, oral releases would begin to reach the visceral release he needs to burn off those hormones and pull back the brain fog those hormones have him swimming in.

After his mother gives him his first effective release, she should watch the change. His ability to focus, to be creative in his thinking and his mood along with his ability to self motivate all go up. Personally, I think the improvements would make any parent happy and proud. But, of course, those hormones are ever present (as they should be) and will build up again and the maintenance of his sexual needs should be a part of a mother helping her son develop his potential into real skills and achievements. Just as no mother ever thinks "Geez, again?!  You just ate this morning!", right? You never begrudge him the increases in volume and frequency of his hunger, right? You just feed him, and you feed him MORE as he's growing and needs more to eat. If you don't think twice about that, why are you faulting him for these sexual needs or needing relief routinely? How is it different from a mother's standpoint? Will some mothers give full intercourse? Yes. But that is an individual choice. There are several sociological and psychological contexts needed to make it all part of a young man's healthy development. Just like blind feeding (junk food, spoiled food, contaminated food) is not good. Blind catering to sexual needs is the same. Context must always be towards the development of a healthy, happy, respectful, well-adjusted and contributing member of society for the benefit of the individual, society at large and the future generations of our community and nation or world.

FME: But aren't we told that's wrong? Unnatural? would that make her a bad mother? Will that "mess up" the son? 

Yes, we're told it's wrong by a society built on social control and the taboo is completely man-made. Is it unnatural? I don't believe so considering that sexual intercourse with family members happens all the time in nature (read The Myth of Monogamy for scientific references). Also, speaking directly to mothers, look deeply into your maternal instincts. Does it feel unnatural? There is always the fear of social perception yet if you break it down, when have the complexities of human behavior ever been able to be labeled into a one-size-fits-all construct?

Does abuse exist? Absolutely and we should all resist and deter it. However, saying all sexual activity between family members is abuse is like saying all sexual activity between heterosexual people is rape. I think there are nuances that are being labelled over, don't you? In the past, there are psychologists whom have noticed that there is a gaslighting effect that can happen. The example used was that a brother and sister were found to be having sexual intercourse recreationally. The parents freaked out, called the authorities, the children were separated, individually interrogated by the police, then interviewed by court appointed psychologists, etc.. The entire time, the girl was referred to and talked to as "the victim". Her brother was talked to, treated as, and literally called "the abuser". Is it any wonder that the girl started to feel like a victim and ended up hating her brother and her childhood for the rest of her life? Or is it any surprise that the brother hated himself and made several attempts at suicide when his sister never wanted to see or speak to him again? In my opinion, that's literally gaslighting at its horrifying best.

What I propose is to leave ALL preconceived ideas outside and just look at the individual situation - full family or single parent or whatever it may be. Who are they to each other? What circumstances do they live in and what does and/or will work for them to make things better? If whatever happens works for them, makes their lives better and does not affect others, why is it anyone's business but theirs?

Does this make her a bad mother? How can a mother who's doing her best, including being willing to defy the taboos of a society that doesn't give a crap about her son's individual well-being (just need him to work and pay taxes) and doesn't care if he succeeds or fails in life, etc.; how can she be a bad mother when she DOES care about his well-being and success? She is doing this FOR his well-being and success in life. And as I argued above, if done in the context of love and helping him cope with this difficult stage in his life, it can be a very positive thing. Can it mess him up? Yes, but mainly only if he lets society's prejudices tell him he's messed up and he chooses to believe that lie. But for those who are confident in their upbringing because they KNOW everything is done in love; if he chooses gratitude rather than guilt or shame, society can't gaslight him into victimhood.

FME: How do you know this works? 

I've been on a constant journey to learn about this. I've kept my eyes and ears open for hints of families that have come to this methodology on their own and many have been gracious enough to share with me their lessons learned over the years. And, I've shared what I have learned and observed with select families and single parents (moms) my thoughts and observations and left the choice up to them. And if they chose this path, I kept in touch, and both offered advice as they figured things out for themselves and I learned from their shared experiences. I only continue to advocate and offer this as an option because it works.

FME: "What are signs I should initiate this with my son? How should I initiate this? What would I say to his father? What would I say to my boyfriend/his stepfather?"

In general, the signs will be the usual problems most families complain about their young men: moody, angst-ridden, lazy, withdrawn, mercurial, too aggressive, etc.. These are all effects of emotional and physical frustration due to the hormonal changes. These young men need guidance in helping them understand what they are experiencing and helping them develop healthy habits in meeting their needs. 


There are a myriad of ways to approach this topic with a spouse or boyfriend but it largely depends on the temperament, mindset and cultural backgrounds of the people involved. Most women have a general idea of how to broach difficult subjects with their significant other but if you need help, please reach out to Keith and he can tell you how to reach me for coaching help if he isn't the right person to talk with.

FME: "What are signs I shouldn’t do this?"

If your son does not respect you as an authority figure, then this technique will not work. In fact, going forward with this method will only make matters worse as you condition your son to treat you (and by proxy all women) as sexual objects to be used as needed. Also, if you are "late to the game" and your son is already dating aggressively and using girls for his own gratification, you should not proceed with this method because he will only apply the same callous attitude towards what you are offering. Please remember that, like other types of relationships, sex is not a universal cure (though it may feel like it at times), but rather it is an amplifier. It makes good relationships better (more positive) and it makes bad relationships more toxic.

FME: "I’m not sexually attracted to my son/I don’t think of him in a sexual way/the thought of him being sexual bothers me. So I shouldn’t do anything with him, right?"

If that is how you feel, then it is up to you whether or not you proceed. But then again, you never hesitated to take care of his other needs, did you? Were diaper changes only when you felt like handling poopy diapers? Did you feed him only when YOU were hungry and it was convenient? Did you buy him clothes or shoes only when you had spent enough money on yourself first?  Your son is developing RAPIDLY into a sexual being whether you choose to acknowledge that or not.

FME: "He’s had some struggles, but he hasn’t expressed sexual interest in me, so I shouldn’t consider this option, right?"

Considering the prejudices of society, and a lifetime of society assuming that NO mother would ever consider doing this for her son (regardless of how much it would help him), is it any wonder why he might not even consider it a possibility, much less consider the probability of asking and receiving this type of help? Remember, you are not offering to be his girlfriend or lover. Your mindset is that of a mother who is continuing to take care of her son's/sons' needs as he evolves into an adult until he finds his future spouse.

FME: Let’s talk about abuse. Some will read this and their knee-jerk reaction will be that this is promoting abuse by mothers. How is this different and distinguished from abuse? How can a mother be confident she wouldn’t be abusing, but rather interacting positively?

We are socially conditioned to have this response because it enforces the taboo. The assumption of abuse is as ingrained as the "Ew, gross" response yet no one can articulate why with any degree of logical foundation. Focusing solely on the abuse angle, what must be addressed is, again, everything is dependent on context. An abusive or sociopathic mother will abuse her children regardless of what aspect of her behavior. But under the context of a mother who is taking care of her son's needs, simultaneously providing discipline and life skill lessons, this becomes a very effective method of parenting for her.

As with the junk food reference above, she must continue to discipline him and coach him in many ways. Teaching him about consent, about responsible social behaviors, about being a thoughtful and considerate partner before, during and after sex, etc.. And, she must be strong enough to withhold sex if he misbehaves. She isn't submissive to him, she's not his girlfriend, she's not his groupie. She's his mother and must maintain that context. And, all the while, encourage him to develop social ties with his peers, go on dates, etc.. And, another perk is that he now has a frame of reference with girls to base his own self-awareness on and can ask his mother for feedback as he's learning his social graces.

Not to sound preachy, but mothers should not be using their sons for their own emotional and sexual gratification. Yes, to an extended degree she will (and should) have a great deal of enjoyment from their sessions because the goal is to teach him to understand himself and the women he will be doing this with including his future wife so I'm assuming (and hoping) she's not teaching him to be bad at sex. But her motivations should be deeper and selfless. Mothers who cling to their sons because they are lonely, insecure, etc. should not engage this way. The entire goal is to prepare their sons to someday go out and start families of their own.

FME: On the other end, there’s concern that young men are abusing their age peers; they are acting without consent. Would what you’re encouraging help prevent that, and if so, how?

In this current era, we have created a contradictory dating environment. Just look at all the social media about men rejecting women or giving up on dating entirely. Women have swung too far to the opposite end of the spectrum and lost sight of traditional values that should have been kept while shedding the ones that should have been shed (essentially they threw the baby out with the bath water). Focusing ONLY on the men side of things, young men are not taught how to talk to or court women they are interested in. So many young men learn from online sources which, unfortunately, includes things like Pornhub, Tik Tok and dating apps. First of all, those stories of abusers are actually a very small percentage of the male population. They are the players, the bad boys, and the creeps. The bold ones who don't care about consequences, don't care about rejection and eventually don't care about consent. I'm talking about taking the other 90+% of men who are good young men but don't know how to talk to women, worry about rejection, or end up forever waiting for the right moment to tell a girl he likes her.

THOSE are the young men that need encouragement to approach to say hello, soothing when rejected, given gentle feminine feedback on what to say and how to say it, etc. They need a way to release their frustrations while they are waiting to find the right girl to start a committed relationship with. They need someone who won't judge them for their awkward dating mistakes and supports them in learning to be better versions of themselves every day. A young man who's properly cared for doesn't need porn or escapism like excessive video games and fantasy to escape their lives, rather they need support and soothing for life's hurts, learn from the experience, then get back up so they can get back in there (dating world, work world, etc.) and try again.

FME: Can a grandmother, aunt, or older sister do this, especially in the absence of present or willing mother? Or, could they assist the mother?

Yes, anyone with a truly maternal bond with the subject young man can step in but should be aware that the bond with the natural biological mother will naturally be stronger and more intuitive. For a surrogate, it will take more time and effort to achieve the same level of effect.

FME: Is there any analog for daughters? For example, a daughter with urges but won’t find fulfillment with a man (or women) the same age? Would mom or dad take the lead with this?

I don't want to say that there is NO analog for young women but the emotional and spiritual needs of women develop on a different time-line and can more easily carry negative impacts as evidenced by the now-emerging patterns of long term effects of hookup culture and how males and females have been impacted differently. 

I believe it is foolhardy to expect identical results when using identical methodology for the development of young men and women. They are fundamentally different which was the whole point of puberty, wasn't it?

FME: Does this apply to gay sons? Is there a general way for them?

My own experiences are limited in this regard because I don't have any experiences as a gay man. My best estimation is that while a young gay man has an almost identical sexual drive as a hetero one, the lack of sexual orientation towards his mother will cause some differences because he may not derive the same gratification as his hetero counterpart. I would, hopefully, expect he and his mother to bond and relate to each other in other ways. For those mothers whom may wish against wish for this, please do not expect this to "turn him straight". If your son is gay, love and honor him as such. Personally, I would love to hear from mothers and gay sons regarding their feelings on this and get their feedback if they are considering this methodology. My current assumption is that the efficacy would be determined on a case-by-case basis depending on the individuals involved. 


Again, if you want reach out, contact Keith via email at fullmarriageequality at protonmail dot com or on Wire messaging app at fullmarriageequality.

As you can see, there's more than one positive approach to intrafamilial sexuality. This blog is focused on relationships and sexuality that ranges from recreational to spousal. David brings up and illustrates that human sexuality is as dynamic and multi-layered as any other aspect of our humanity. And while social traditions and taboos have kept us alive through the generations, modern life and technology have made enough changes in our reality that new ways of looking at conundrums and finding solutions that work may be possible as in the socialization of our sons and helping them thrive. 

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  1. I think this interview is great! So many good points that just make sense. Taking care of a son's needs is what a mother does and it's just instinct. So yeah, taking care of his sexual needs, especially while growing up, just makes sense. So many family members, especially parents, are confused about this and just try
    to ignore the natural desire to be there in a sexual way for their sons and daughters. I will definitely be commenting more this post!


    1. I agree, when framed this way it makes a lot of sense. I think the fact that it involves sex automatically makes society look at it negatively, and even more so when it includes family. It's almost too easy to learn the bad things about physical intimacy from virtually anywhere. Parents should have a bigger role in it so that the next generation doesn't adopt the awful habits that come with not being able to explore it safely with those they trust.

    2. Totally agree


  2. Following on from my previous comment, I think many will be concerned about whether this abuse but I like the way this is explained in this post. I personally think that this would help coach a son into respecting women and it would be a mother providing an essential life skill and a simple but effective way of taking care of a son's needs.

  3. Following on again, I think this definitely about preparation for marriage and sex but also about helping with testosterone, especially during teenage years, which is covered so well in this article. There is no doubt that's a son would totally benefit from sexual relief from a mother but interesting question in regards to a daughter possibly having the same experience with her father. Perhaps a daughter would benefit from being with both parents for sex education?? It would be interesting to hear from a father or daughter who has had experience. Thanks Keith for a great post.


    1. As a father with a daughter (in which we are sexually active together): it's two sides of the same coin. Men have quite high sexual needs and women can satisfy them. My daughter was there to take care of my needs as my wives ability to do so fell. Make no mistake, a man can be a lot of work. What i learned with my daughter in having her take this role, and how she differs from those without the experience, is that i it her find the true value of herself. She knows she can give pleasure, joy, and happiness with her body and she's not afraid to do so, even as a kindness. She knows it's hers to give but also knows it's a gift that there's no shame in giving either. She has sex on her terms, but knows the power of giving a man sex, how it can show love and appreciation to a man more-so than many appreciate.

      I suspect a daughter who takes care of her father will one day be mother who takes care of her son.

    2. Interesting and thanks for the reply. So how did it start for you and your daughter? Was it something that built up between you two? It's great to hear from a father's perspective. Also, is your wife aware of what has been happening?


    3. It sounds like your daughter really learned to not only love her father, but also love herself in the process. I think that's beautiful.

    4. Probably the best way to learn, I think.

    5. Hello G,

      My wife is aware and supports it. It happened by being open and transparent with my daughter about my needs and desires. We're nudist at home and practice open masturbation/sexual acts and open discussion. I encouraged her to join in and made it clear in what ways i'd like to enjoy her if she was willing.

    6. Beautiful. That's an amazing relationship you have with your daughter. I would really love to hear more about your story if you're comfortable sharing. Is there any way to get in touch

  4. Keith, this is perhaps the most important post you have ever put on this blog since it's inception. This is something EVERY open-minded mother/maternal figure should read. I know that the mere mention of this issue alone is a major taboo, but that's only because we are conditioned to think that way. I urge you, or anyone else reading this, to continue bringing awareness to this topic, and hopefully one day people will start to see it for what it really is—a loving mother being responsible for taking care of her son's needs in a closed-doors, private matter, in a similar way to how she would take care of the other aspects of his life. Thank you for sharing your perspectives, David and Keith. I agree with you both one-hundred percent.

    1. It's a great post, isn't it? The ways it explains everything to do with a mother and son sexual relationship is great! I personally think every mother and son considers, father and daughter has sexual thoughts about one another and the obvious question is should I cross that line? Just think there is a mother and son somewhere feeling the same thing about each other but are afraid to do anything about it and fathers and daughters too. Society definitely needs a rethink about this topic.


    2. I believe such thoughts are more common than we really know. And I agree that this topic should be revisited and reassessed because I think such arrangements and consang relationships can work. It's unfair to label such acts of care and expressions of love as always negative.

    3. So true, I think in time things will change and we will see more programs featuring family relationships and maybe just sex between family members.

  5. Great post. I wish to chime in on this as a mother who has practiced this: First of all I found, pleasingly, my role as my son's sexual outlet came about just as my role as caregiver lessened. As he became a more independent man, i cooked less of his meals and cleaned less of his clothes, but became a more important part of his developing sexuality. I did not fall out of the picture as so many parents do or live to face a person i no longer felt close ti. For us It started with bathing together in which i asked about his sexual feelings and if he wanted me to play with him. He said he'd like that so i did. From then on when bathing i'd use my hands and mouth to bring him to orgasm with him exploring my body too. Eventually iasked more about his growing sexual feelings and said they can be explored whenever he wanted, not just bathing. He could initiate it by asking or just touching me in a private setting.

    I let him explore as he saw fit, as he grew into himself. Let me tell you, i did bite off a bit more than i could chew at times. Few things can prepare you for the intensity a young man can have. I occasionally felt as worn out by his sexual desire as i did being kept up at night when he was newly born. At a certain point he did not ask, i was his to enjoy. Yes, I did sometimes feel the sting of stigma about it all. Sometimes I felt m6 son saw me as a body to play with and i felt dehumanized. However, when i asked about this this he said he enjoyed my body very much and emphasized there was an art in how i made love to him that made my body special to him.

    I think the effects on my sons development were very positive. My son was, and still is, very relaxed and developed the confidence of experience which others he grew up with often lacked. He did not feel the usual sexual frustrations that distracted his peers and didn't throw himself on the first girl who smiled at him as his needs were already met, in part, be me. Later, in dating, he knew he always had me to fall back on which limited the desperation and allowed him to conduct himself better in his relationships.

    He's now in in college and comes to visit often when his schedule permits. Most visits, without saying anything i'll be between his legs making sure he is all right down there before fully asking him about his life. It's not that it's a kink to us, it's that, to me, it's how i make sure he's alright. It's something i can do to make him better and still do something as his mother. I find it hard to believe we'd be so close it it wasn't for the sexual element. It is, in some ways, a pretty hard to replace thing when it comes to building intimate relationships.

    My main message to mothers would be this: your body can give your son a lot of joy, experience, confidence, and build a strong relationship. He will reach an age where he is tearing his hear out for an outlet, and you can be that for him. If all you see it as is handing over your body to an excited young man, then that's ok, because is that so bad if it brings joy and does no harm? Your son grew inside you, he sucked on your breasts to grow, and dependent on your body's strength to stamina to proivide sedurity and stability. It doesn't seem so crazy your son might also use the body to explore, and enjoy.

    1. Thank you so much for sharing your experiences here. You are such a great and loving mother to provide for your son the way that you did. Would you say that you and him are in an intimate relationship (like a serious, boyfriend-girlfriend type of relationship), or moreso that your initial relationship grew to include acts of intimacy? In any case, I enjoyed reading your post and would love to hear more about you and your son's story (there are some couples who did interviews here to share how things started for them as well).

    2. [Original mother posting here]

      I'd say we're in a mother-son relationship which is sexual. I don't love him like a husband or BF, nor does he love me like GF or wife. It's just we're sexual and i take care of his needs. Other mothers i interact with normally lose their relationship with their sons after a while and i think would've too if i didn't permit (and encourage) the sexual intimacy between us.

      I'd happily do interviews. I can be contacted at

    3. Thank you for answering. It's always interesting to hear about the dynamics and I think it also helps to debunk some common assumptions about consang relationships. I'm glad that your relationship with him has continued to grow stronger.

      You can reach out to the webmaster here to do an interview too. Link is below. I think many of us would love to hear your story:

    4. I look forward to hearing about this one! Good to hear positive info on family sex

    5. Thank you for sharing your experience with teaching your son, and about how your relationship with him changed over time. The only sad note is that you say your son “saw you as a body to play with,” at least early in your early days. Is this still a problem for you?

    6. Zips.Ragweed's mail can't be reached.
      Why can't she use Case Studies to express herself?

  6. Great article. Really wish there was some way this could be made into a formal study. Honestly we as a society have grown more than enough and should be capable of making this and consang relationships work. Unfortunate that people are stubborn and still want to believe old, stigmatizing views.

    1. Honestly, all we need for a formal study is proper funding for someone like David who seems to have already done a ton of work on his own.

  7. Good post. So were you nervous when it first happened? How was after your first sexual interaction with him? Also, what age was was he when it all started for you two? Your son is very lucky to have a mum like you!


  8. I'd love to see more articles like this. I don't know how common it would be to talk to more people like David, but I like hearing about perspectives like this. Really nice to see that there are people out there with alternative, more positive takes on this subject matter. I really like how such openness to these tasks a mother can do for their son emphasizes so much on love and positivity, unlike many stigmatizing views that we see all too common about this.

    1. Totally agree. Don't forget in some countries this is legal between adults

  9. Great article. Thank you for sharing!

  10. This view is more like an advanced family sex education. It is different from the pure theory taught by school teachers. It also includes sexual intercourse practice and experience teaching. It is an adult education tailored by mothers for their sons. However, there are two obvious problems. One is the age of sexual consent and statutory rape. Of course, the laws of many countries do not recognize women raping men. However, what I want to emphasize here is the age limit. Society seriously discriminates against sexual relationships with age gaps.

    As the author said in the article, if "the mother starts the game too late", then it is meaningless, because the son's mind has already been formed, he has even been in love and has a girlfriend, including sexual experience, he will only treat mother as another women. The mother will become passive in this relationship. The son does not learn from the mother, but simply regards the mother as a sexual partner. This is also the age limit issue I'm talking about. As a mother, you can only educate your sons as early as possible. If you strictly follow the age of sexual consent, then most of the sons will no longer be boys, and there will be many who lose their virginity and fall in love. Do you still expect your son to accept your teachings?

    The second problem is that many mother-son cases show that in this relationship, the mother often loses her way, is overturned by her son in the family status, and instead becomes the passive party in sex. In fact, in the sexual relationship between men and women, men are often the dominant party. Whether it is husband, boyfriend, father or son, women will eventually become passive and lose their status and majesty. That is, your son will no longer regard you as his mother, but Is a sex partner. Under such circumstances, can you still educate your son in a condescending manner? If not, then your family sex education program has failed.

    Therefore, I don’t know what method the author has in this regard, that is, to allow the mother to have sexual relations with her son, and at the same time to discipline the son and make him surrender and accept instruction? I think that with education as the starting point, it is natural for the mother to control her son's sexual rights, exercise his will, and let him get used to regular sex and masturbation to release physiological pressure, instead of having uncontrolled estrus at will. I think the specific approach may be to require the son to wear a chastity lock, not to abstain from sex, but to adjust his physiological sexual time, and at the same time, strengthen his psychological suggestion and let him maintain respect for his mother.

    Lastly, I want to say that there is a myth and prejudice. Many people openly advocate the mother-son relationship, but oppose the father-daughter relationship. In my opinion, their views lack rational basis. Although there are differences in the physiological structure of men and women, but daughters are women just like mothers. The problems that daughters will encounter in their sexual lives will also be faced by mothers. On the other hand, if the mother can have a regular sex life with her husband through contraceptive measures, then the same method can be applied to the sex life of her daughter. In terms of female anatomy in sexual life, daughters and mothers are not that different.

  11. Great monograph of one type of mother-son sexual relationship — that of teacher and guide. I hope we can see some guest contributions from M/S couples who have, or have had, this type of relationship. But I’ll also sound a note of not caution, but one thing to expect. Any mother and son who enter into a sexual relationship, of any kind, should be prepared for their own concept of their relationship to change. For example, as the son matures, they may become each others’ preferred lovers, or go their own ways and keep their special intimacy for special occasions.

  12. Interesting , but probably not a good thing . Affects the Family Dynamics . Then again who am I to say what other’s decisions work for them .

  13. I think that for a few societies, India and China specifically, might evolve to have some kind of tacit understanding of mom/son relationships. Both countries have a large surplus male population in their teens and early 20s and it's unrealistic to advocate for a "sex only in marriage" belief.

  14. Great article. Mother knows the best and if she willingly assists to her son sexually, without doubt it is the best for the don.
    I spent decades hoping for my mother's helping hand but never came and I had to satisfy my urges through handjob.

  15. One day, this will become a reality for many, and I already wonder who it is a reality for now.


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