
Sunday, February 16, 2025

Data From College About Siblings

On Quora, Someone named Abigail Petersen. who graduated in 2021 after studying forensic science and psychology, answered a question asking how common it is for brothers and sisters to get together

I will cut in to say, It’s a lot more common than people think or like to admit. The only problem is, getting people to talk about it. We really shouldn’t be surprised about it. A big brother is, quite often, the first grown penis many of us girls see in real life. Living in close proximity, accidents happen, opportunity for peeping is there, and curiosity gets the better of us. That and you have brothers who love to show off to anyone within view and will flash the weenie, or moon us. Sexual experimentation happens, whether people want to believe it or not.


I wrote a paper in my “Psychology of Sex” class in college...I printed a survey and stood on campus having 300 girls fill it out. Only girls because this was my focus. I had a big box they could drop it in, and even allowed them to push their arm down inside to mix up the surveys so it would be impossible to find their survey. Once they were convinced results were 100% anonymous, I’d like to think they were truthful.

  • Over 66% saw their sibling nude after puberty.
  • Over 2/3’s let there sibling see them nude.
  • 45% masturbated in front of their sibling.
  • 39% wanted a sexual relationship with their sibling.
  • 28% had sex with their sibling.


It would be good to get more data on consanguinamory from various places, year after year, while addressing concerns about incrimination, loss of privacy, etc. so the responses would be honest and sincere. From flirting to romantic dating to sexting to various sex acts to lifelong partnerships, what have people done and what would they like to do if they could?

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  1. Wow 39%...! I don't feel alone at all now.
    This is probably the best evidence yet against westermarck.
    If only society allowed people to be open about it. :(

    1. You are definitely not alone. I reckon the figure is probably higher if a national anonymous survey was put out there.

  2. Interesting post and statistics. I wonder what the percentages would of been if it was aimed at men? I used to see my sister's boobs while living in the same house and I would definitely have sex with her if the opportunity came my way.

  3. Hi Keith thought this may be of interest.

  4. wow its way higher than I would imagine even if it isn't a perfect reserch it shows that maybe is orders of magnitude more common that people initially think. I wonder how much Covid affect this and if increased the cases of incest

  5. Assuming this is a real study with a small sample size, these numbers are much higher than I would've guessed. It would be interesting to see a much larger study that includes other family relationships. The trick is getting enough people to submit honest answers.


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