
Tuesday, January 9, 2024

Helping Warms My Heart

Speaking up and working for civil rights has always made people targets for hate and bigotry. It will range from nasty comments and screeds to assaults and even murder.

When the prejudiced lash out with comments like "You're disgusting!" or "What's wrong with you?" ...I pity them.

How sad must it be to be trapped in a narrow mind, scared that things are changing? Rather than embracing and enjoying that more people will have their rights, they cling to discrimination, mostly because someone told them to and they've never thought things through.

There is no good reason, no point, to trying to deny people their rights to love each other how they mutually agree. It's a losing cause.

Such haters need to grow a heart and find something more positive and productive to do with their energy.

I will continue to speak up for the rights of all. And I hope you will continue to read and continue to share this blog with people who need to see it.

There is nothing wrong, nothing disgusting, but everything right about supporting the rights of all. Love must win and love will win. The joy I experience when I help people and when people let me know I’ve helped them makes the hate fade into nothingness.
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