
Wednesday, June 23, 2021

Breaking the Law?

I'm active on Quora, where people can ask and answer questions.

Someone asked "Is it illegal for a mother to have sex with her own son?"

Here's my answer

It’s still illegal for a woman who have sex with her adult son in 48 states in the US and many countries.

It isn’t illegal in the US states of Rhode Island and New Jersey, as well as various modern countries, including France and Spain.

Regardless of criminalization, there are mothers and sons having sex in just about every neighborhood on the planet, regardless of class or ethnicity. And there always have been. Sometimes the sex is a very casual “family-with-benefits” agreement, sometimes it is part of a spousal relationship lasting decades, and sometimes it is somewhere along the wide spectrum between.

Very few are ever caught and prosecuted where it is still illegal, but such lovers need to be careful in order to protect themselves and each other.

I added links in the text here for the sake of people who want more information.

Criminalizing sex between consenting lovers is unjust, stupid, and in the US, is unconstitutional. There is no good reason for such laws, whether they are incest laws or try to force monogamy.. Consanguinamory between mothers and son happens everywhere, and always has.

Are you a mother or son who is involved, or want's to be? Do you know someone who is? Comment below or contact me.
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1 comment:

  1. That's confusing but let's get it straight, adult relatives are able to love each other romantically, no matter what.


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