
Friday, May 17, 2019

Taiwan Advances

It's always good to see progress continues in moving towards full marriage equality. This time, it is in Taiwan...
Taiwan's parliament has become the first in Asia to legalise same-sex marriage following a vote on Friday.

More freedom to marry takes us closer.
Lawmakers debated three different bills to legalise same-sex unions and the government's bill, the most progressive of the three, was passed.
Good. There's still much to do, though.
The two other bills, submitted by conservative lawmakers, refer to partnerships as "same-sex family relationships" or "same-sex unions" rather than "marriages". 
But the government's bill, also the only one to offer limited adoption rights, was passed by 66 to 27 votes - backed by lawmakers from the majority Democratic Progressive Party. 
It will take effect after Taiwan's President Tsai Ing-wen passes it into law.
There simply is no reason to deny consenting adults their relationship rights, including full marriage equality. 
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1 comment:

  1. is there any location where the legalization of consanguineous relations are up for debate and vote at the moment?


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