
Monday, July 6, 2015

Casting Call for Cousins

Working with the media can be great (like when it gets our message out in a positive way) or bad (like when people are wrongly portrayed in a negative light. So, I always urge caution in working with the media, but I do want to see our positive message get out to more people.

Here's a casting call for all of you cousins who are in consaguinamorous relationships.

True Life: I’m Dating / Marrying My Cousin
They say you can’t help who you love. So what do you do when the person you’ve fallen in love with happens to be your own cousin? People talk about supporting the right to love and marry whoever they want…but despite all that talk, do you still feel like you and your cousin have to hide your feelings for each other? Are you afraid of being judged? In many cultures it’s common, and it’s even perfectly legal in some states…so why do you have to live in shame? Love is complicated and the love you’ve found may not be “acceptable” by some people’s standards. But it’s time to speak out and be heard. Are you in love with your cousin? Are you married, engaged, or thinking about getting engaged? Let your love be stronger than their judgment. This is your chance to help the world understand, and we want to hear your story.

If you pursue this, please be mindful of how you represent consanguineous relationships. It is also important to remember that there are a few US states in which people can be criminally prosecuted for consensual sex with their first cousin, even though half of US states will marry first cousins.
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