
Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Bates Motel Season 3 Starting Soon

Bates Motel season 3 trailer features crossdressing and incest Vera Farmiga Freddie Highmore

The original "Psycho" is a cinematic classic. Extrapolating from that (and the sequels? I'm not sure since I don't watch) is the prequel television series, Bates Motel. This is what reports about the upcoming season...

The season 3 trailer opens with Norman obsessing over his mother’s lingerie and putting on lipstick. The momma’s boy even sleeps in her bed. Norma is chastised for the inappropriate behavior by her estranged son Dylan (Max Thieriot), who recently learned his father is Norma’s brother.
Another promo shows Norman and Norma dancing to the incestuous lyrics: “Momma’s gonna give you love.” Their bodies merge indicating Norman has gone psycho!

Season 3will start on Monday, March 9 at 9 p.m. on A & E.

Here's what Jon Lachonis says at
The preview trailer, set to an eerie take on “All I ever needed”, shows various scenes of Norman (Freddie Highmore) getting way too close to Norma(Vera Farmiga),  and her not exactly resisting it. In fact you might take away that she even likes it. A lot.

Of course having a child with her own brother, Norma has lots of experience with incest so seeing her snuggling in bed with her 18-year old son isn’t that wild of a step. 

Have you watched  any of the first two seasons? Do you plan on watching the season 3, or any of the series? Comment below, if you'd like, to share your thoughts.

Having these elements in this series is not out of the blue, given the movie(s). In other movies or series, incest is a convenient tool, a shortcut to shocking the audience because there has been such a taboo (both on abuse and consanguinamory). Some viewers will say "It's no wonder Norman is messed up with the incestuous background and all" and others will say his incestuous behavior is a result of him already being messed up. Either way, the association is a negative one.

Let's get some things clear:

There's a difference between incestuous abuse and consanguinamory.
There are people who've suffered incestuous abuse who do not have mental illness nor murder anyone (though many people would support them if they killed their abuser.)
There are people who've enjoyed consanguinamory who do not have mental illness nor murder anyone.
Yes, there are some people who've suffered abuse or have enjoyed consanguinamory who've done terrible things.

If all we knew about interracial relationships was O.J. Simpson and Nicole Brown, that would be terrible.

It would be so great to have a portrayal of consanguinamory that doesn't result from, or result in, horror, but rather from good  people who love each other. Here would be some great source material from fiction, and here's some from nonfiction.

(Oh, and there are many people who have dealt with a mental illness who've never murdered anyone.)
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1 comment:

  1. thats what almost all people think that incest is not love of family members.


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