
Thursday, September 5, 2013

Two Entertainment Notes: Moebius and The House of Yes

From comes this note that "Moebius" went to Venice.
South Korean director Kim Ki-duk, who won the Golden Lion award at Venice film festival last year, is back in the floating city with a tale of incest and self-mutilation.

"Moebius", a story about a father's infidelity sparking a chain of violent events which lead to his wife dismembering their son, was initially banned in Kim's home country.

The Korean Media Rating Board put its foot down over the sex, nudity and incest and Kim had to cut out the offending passages before they would allow it to screen.

Read this blog's previous coverage of this movie for an explanation about those cuts.

Venice got the uncut version of the flick, which is screening out of competition.

A grotesque exploration of the destructive power of guilt and the modern obsession with sex, "Moebius" lingers compulsively over scenes in which limbs are methodically amputated.

Dialogue is forsaken to intensify the gaze as knives cut through penises.

Yeah, but let's focus on the sex being offensive, right?
"My films are an interpretation of the world that I see," the 53-year-old director, whose film "Pieta" stole the top prize last year, told journalists in Venice on Tuesday.

"I start from the concept of sex and develop it in all its detail," he said.

But Kim said the movie "should not be interpreted as a story about incest."
And from at comes this review of The House of Yes being performed in a local theatre in Montreal.
A very obscure play that translated into a pretty indie movie, The House of Yes tells the story of an incestuous twin couple that has an obsession with the Kennedy assassination. The play begins with prodigal son Marty’s (Adam Bernett) return to his childhood home, accompanied by his fiancĂ©e. The arrival of the couple pushes twin sister Jackie O (Jordana Lajoie) over the edge and brings back Marty’s childhood desires for his sibling – which, for some reason, involved a ritual recreation of the Kennedy assassination as foreplay. In other words, it’s far from the story of your typical white-bread American family. After all, the play raises a number of interesting points on human nature and humankind’s fascination for taboo subjects such as murder and sex.
I'm looking forward to having prominent movies and plays where there's an ordinary family (even if just the neighbors to the main characters) in which there are siblings who are or were consanguinamorous, and that information is revealed and received in about the same was as finding out they are vegetarians.
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