
Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Speaking of Advice Columns

Dear Abby recently published a letter from Girl Left Behind in California...
"Myles" and I have known each other for five years, but have grown really close over the past three. We tell each other everything, and I have fallen in love with him.

A few months ago, Myles sent me a text saying he needed to tell me a "secret." He went on to say the guy he had told me was his brother, "Jeff," is really his lover. Needless to say, that bombshell floored me.

We have discussed it in person, and I have never told him how I feel. I visit them a couple of times a month and always go home feeling hurt. I want Myles for myself, even though I know I can't have him. I don't want to lose him as my friend, but it hurts seeing him and Jeff together. How do I resolve this?
Abby's response doesn't address the fact that Jeff and Myles could be brothers. Myles could have very well said that Jeff is his brother and not have been lying. They could be brothers and lovers. Either way, if they are monogamous, or if Myles is gay rather than flexible or bisexual, the letter-writter won't stand a chance in getting anywhere with Myles.
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