
Thursday, February 23, 2012

Woman Sentenced For Consensual Sex in Nova Scotia

Completing an absurd case, a Canadian woman has been criminally sentenced for having consensual sex.

A 27-year-old Amherst woman was sentenced Tuesday in Amherst provincial court to a suspended sentence, 24 months probation and a five-year weapons prohibition after pleading guilty Nov. 9 to incest by having sexual intercourse with her brother.

Why? What public good does it serve to have prosecuted and sentenced her?

The 20-year-old brother was sentenced Dec. 6, and received probation for 24 months, and a 10-year weapons prohibition after pleading guilty to having sexual intercourse with a person, knowing the person was his sister.

Look at that. He was younger and yet he got the harsher sentence. Why? And since they were both prosecuted, who was the victim?

He was also sentenced to a suspended sentence with probation for 24 months after pleading guilty to committing assault on the sister involved in the incest incident.

As I wrote before, assault is the crime that should have been the focus of the prosecution.

An adult should be free to share love, sex, residence, and marriage with any consenting adults, without prosecution, persecution, or discrimination. If these siblings want to have sex or get married, that should be their choice and not a criminal matter. How embarrassing for Canadians that their government wastes resources on things like this. As an American, I get embarrassed when prosecutions like this happen in the US. These prosecutions are inconsistent vestiges of a dead, sex-negative past. This woman can legally marry a virtual stranger and can legally have anonymous sex with ten strangers in one night. That should remain her right, but she should also have the right to have sex with or marry her sibling, who is a consenting adult.
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