
Thursday, December 8, 2011

Criminal Sentence For Consensual Sex in Canada

In what appears to be an update of a case in Nova Scotia covered previously here

A 20-year-old Amherst resident was given a suspended sentence with probation for 24 months, and a 10-year weapons prohibition after pleading guilty in court on Tuesday to having sexual intercourse with a person, knowing the person was his sister.

Another source reports

The man, who can’t be named, was placed on probation for two years after pleading guilty Tuesday to incest.

At least he won’t have to serve a prison sentence for the consensual sex. Assault is bad. Consensual sex isn’t, and should not be a criminal matter. Who is the victim? Both he and his sister, who is six years older, were prosecuted. Ridiculous.
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1 comment:

  1. This has to be tougher for our new Canadian brother couple to read >.>


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