
Monday, March 12, 2012

Cafemom Talks Consanguineous Sex

If you are a participant in discussion forums targeted towards demographic groups, you can find or start discussions in which you can promote full marriage equality, a freedom to marry, or other relationship rights. If you do that, always free free to copy and paste the commentary I've offered on this blog, altering it as appropriate, or link to this blog. has seen several discussions about polyamory and polygamy, but recently Anonymous kicked off a very interesting discussion under the heading of "Incest Anyone?"

I am not talking about abuse. I am talking about a sexual relationship between two consenting adults. Have any of you had such a relationship with a sibling/cousin/step-sibling/etc?

Later, Anonymous added...

My former step-brother and I used to make-out, fondle each other, and watch porn together when I was fifteen (he was about two months older than me). We never actually had intercourse though. Also, I have a mutual crush on one of my first cousins.

There were some of the typical "eew" responses, but some people actually answered the question.


No, but I know one person who does. After her mom died and she got divorced in the same year, she and her dad became "close".


My dads family was never that close (we seen each other at weddings and funerals) so there was many of my cousins that Ive never met (or havent seen in like 15+ years), one night I was at a bar flirting with this guy and he was flirting back. By the end of the night we were making out pretty heavy and I was considering going back to his house (I was younger and wilder, and having one night stands), when his friends came up and called him "hey (my last name) we are going to another bar" he was like "go ahead Ill catch up with you tomorrow"... Once his friends walked away I was like "okay what is your last name?" so he told me "T****Y" I was like "are you serious? thats my last nmae also!" Turnsout he was my uncles grandson (my dad was 20 years younger than his brother so thats why his grandson was my age).. We stopped making out and stuff but we exchanged numbers and we are friends on facebook and threw him I have gotten much closer with my dads side of the family which I am very thankful for. So no I never really had sex with a relative but I almost unkowingly did!


I slept with my stepbrother (my stepmom's son) and my stepsister (stepdad's daughter) before. Lol. I don't consider that incest though.


My MIL just married her stepbrother. (her mom is married to his dad and has been for over 20yrs) there is no blood, but it drives my DH absolutely nuts! He always refers him to "uncle d" Haha


My half-sister's half- brother and I used to kiss and hold hands when we were younger. Her and I have different moms, they have the same mom but different we weren't anywhere near related. Still felt a bit strange though, more because I think my sister would've been mad.

I also had a cousin that I kissed, held hands with and spent a lot of time with. However, there was no blood. My grandma re-married a man with 3 other children. One of his son's married a woman who already had 2 kids. So, the guy was my step-grandpa's step-grandson. Bash away...there was no blood.


I had a "relationship" with my stepbrother before our parents got married lol doesnt gross me out at all. No blood there!


i slept with my step-cousin years ago, before i even knew he was my step-cousin, i found out a few weeks later though, when he told me his last name and i asked my mom if my step-dad had a nephew named steve...and he does and it was the guy i was with...and i peck kissed my first cousin and held his hand, he wanted me realy bad and would flirt with me big-time, i felt weird doing it and didn't go further, also even though he was my first cousin i barely knew him, my familys not close and it was my 2nd time seeing him since like 12 years before that, i still didn't take it any further though, it felt ''odd'' even holding his hand and peck kissing.


My mom has cousins that married each other. It was legal because they were both past child bearing years when they got married. I also have a friend who started sleeping with her step brother when their parents were still married. Now they are married and she loves telling people how they met. She says the shock value is hilarious.


I got pregnant by my first cousin. We didnt know we were related


A couple years ago I actually chatted with a woman here on CM who told me she and her brother and sister had a sexual relationship, according to her she loved her brother but they each married other people.


I had a friend who's parents were uncle and niece. I'm one of the only people she told about it. Every time I saw her parents I always thought of Flowers in the Attic.


I have a friend who was with her uncle. He was divorced and had children whom she raised and they all knew what was going on and where ok with it. I met her shortly after he died so I never knew him. Not my style though.


I met my half brother when I was 12. When I was 15 we were at his friends house and we got really freaking drunk. Well now its five years later and I haven't wanted to keep doing it but I do because I don't have a lot of friends so I want my brother to be there for me. Its not so bad as long as u get really drunk first


Ive been sleeping with my half first cousin since i was 16. Im 23 now. We have no intention of stopping.


I gave my ex step-brother a hand job once.

My father and his mom were married for all but 3 years.


I haven't, but I'm very open to the idea.

Genetic siblings (full or half) who aren't raised to together have no small chance of experiencing Genetic Sexual Attraction. There are different factors involved when genetic, step, or adopted siblings are raised together, and still others involved when step or adopted siblings meet or brought under the same roof during or post-puberty. In the case of stepsiblings, if their parents found each other attractive, why wouldn't there be a chance they'll find each other attractive? Siblings have the advantages of proximity, love, trust, privacy, which may foster experimentation or lasting consanguinamory. Regardless, if as adults they want to share love, sex, residence, or marriage, they should be free to do so.
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