
Sunday, December 25, 2011

How Many Stockings Were Stuffed in Your Home?

I've been meaning to call your attention to this blog entry by Macha, “Saving Marriage: Let's Be Realistic.” It has been several weeks since it was published. It was prompted by a Dan Savage video calling monogamy ridiculous. Macha is monogamous, but is an ally for ethically nonmonogamous.

I agree that monogamy is not superior to non-monogamy, whether we're talking about polyamory, swinging, serial monogamy, or just casual sex. There are many forms of loving, fulfilling, satisfying sexual and non-sexual relationships that people can engage in and be happy.

Great message. Although I enjoy polyamory, I fully support anyone who is monogamous and wants a monogamous relationship. I do think people can be happy and have lasting, monogamous relationships. I like to say that I support the the right of an adult to share love, sex, residence, and marriage with any consenting adults, and that includes monogamy.

Full marriage equality will strengthen marriage. Trying to keep marriage in a small little box that a decreasing percentage of the population is willing to pick up will kill it.
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1 comment:

  1. i agree that monogamy is ridicious and unnatural for us humans.


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