
Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Self-Reporting of Consanguineous Sex

Here is a collection of claimed true accounts (might not be considered safe for work) gathered a while ago of consanguineous sex and relationships, as reported by those involved. It is entitled "The Thoroughly Disreputable Incest Digest." Since they were collected through e-mail, take the claims/confessions with as much salt as you need.

Some of the accounts are disturbing and describe what is clearly child abuse for which someone should rot. I wanted to call attention to the positive, consensual encounters that are in the mix, so I am quoting most of those below.

Considering how the consensual activities described are still illegal in many places, it is understandably difficult for anyone to make a collection in which the participants are identified and the accounts are verified.

I have edited the quotes to clean up typing errors and language.

I was seduced at an early age by an aunt and never regretted it whatsoever. It made me into a great lover of women.


I had sex with my cousin when I was 16 and she was 17. Before that we had kissed but that was it. I am now 23, we continue to have sex whenever it is possible. We both feel it has helped our sex lives extremely. We can share with each other fantasies that we are afraid to share with others. I would say that it was and has been the greatest sexual experience of my life. I love my cousin dearly for sharing all our times together.


My cousin and I have had sex on and off for the last ten years or so. It is very casual and we both enjoy it. It is very consensual since we were in our early twenty's when it started.

We both see other people and have been married before. She lives in the midwest and I live on the west coast so we don't see each other often enough to get bored with it.


Have had such experiences. Cousins, nieces, aunt, half-brother. All enjoyable. I agree this is an under-recognized part of our lives. Would like telling you about these, but do not totally trust this distribution system.


Hi, I read your note inquiring about those who have had incest. I am a 22 yr old college student and I have been sexually active with my twin sister since 14, we enjoy our relationship very much and are planning to live together after we both graduate from college this summer. Our dad died from cancer just a few weeks before we graduated from high school and a little over a year later mom joined us kids in our lovemaking and it has been wonderful making her happy. I am going to college close to home and I am home on most weekends. Mom and I spend a lot of time together in bed.


My guess is that a lot of siblings experiment sexually. My brother and I did. He was my first, and pretty much my only (at least my only steady sexual partner) in high school. It wasn't until we got back together again as adults, and reacquainted ourselves, sexually I mean, that we began to fall in LOVE. And that, I'm sure you know, is an entirely different thing all together.


I saw you post and thought that I would reply. I grew up with only one parent, my mother. After I grew up, I started college and rented a room from her. When I was 23, we started to have sex. It was a mutual thing and we continue to do it even today.


A few years ago I was divorced, my parents divorced shortly after and my mother moved in with me. This lasted for over 5 years. Yes I did think about what it would be like for more than a few years before anything happened. I was 35, she was 57 and still very good looking! She did almost everything else, walking around scantily clad, towel from the shower, had me zip up dresses etc. Then it just sort of happened.

Finally she got feeling pretty good at a friends wedding reception that we attended, she was my "date". That night we just fell into bed together, she had begun to undress in front of me. She was very horny and turned out to be a wild woman in bed! I never had any regrets about this!


Yes. I f---ed my mother and a female first cousin several times. It was the most thrilling form of sex i ever experienced due to the forbidden nature of it.

I also tried to get my younger sister to try incest with me but she never did, although once she almost did after a few beers. she let me fondle her t--- and a-- through her clothes but when it came down to actually getting naked and f---ing she chickened out.

My experiences with my mother and first cousin though were both consensual and thrilling. I f---ed my mother at the age of 35, she 59 and my cousin when I was 23 and she was 21. So there you have it.

Some of these accounts might be made-up fantasies, of course, but even that shows that some people desire these things. Consider my friends, consider some of my links I have on this blog. People are engaging in this activity or want to. Shouldn't they have their rights as consenting adults like anybody else?
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  1. I lost my virginity with my sister at age 15 ( she was 18 ), and we have been sexual partners for more than 12 years now.
    The "ood" thing is that we don't want to live together get married or anything like that. We just enjoy having sex.

    1. Fascinating. From what I can tell, this is more common than people think. Do you either of you have other partners, or have you while you have been active with each other? Have any of those other partners known?

  2. When my Brother and I were 10 and 12, him being two years older, we played a little house.
    Including oral sex and me laying on top of her both naked and rubbing our genitals together, with no penetration.
    I liked the taste of his penis, andloved it even more when he licked me down their.
    We stopped after a few months as my Mother suspected something.
    Then.....once when I was in my Junior year of collage, I stayed with my Brother at his Apt. on a long Holiday weekend.
    We went out to a club, and came home pretty buzzed. We then smoked a little pot and I asked my Bro if he remembered the days when he use to rub his penis on my Vag. He said of always felt so good.
    I then asked him if he wanted to try it again....he was excited to do it.
    This time however, he only rubbed it for a minute or so before sticking it in a pumping my brains out.
    I have never cum so hard. Also, he has the thickest penis I have ever experienced.
    We did it all weekend...I was on the pill so there was never any real risk of pregnancy...I loved it when he would ejaculate inside of forbidden, yet the ultimate erotica.

  3. My husband and his sister had had a sexual relationship from an early age until right before we got together.

    1. How did you know that, Anonymous? Did he say why it stopped?

  4. i had sex with sister too but stoped now after her marriage . It nice to do sex at home if concent of both .

  5. I was in my late 30s and my sister was in her mid 30s when our incestuous affair began. It happened quite unexpectedly. She was going through a divorce and I was single. I'm sure we were both shocked as it began.

    I can say with 100% certainty that it was the most intense sex that I've ever had. Knowing how taboo incest is made it incredibly hot. Part of subconscious was screaming for me to stop. The lust in me wanted me to get as deeply inside my sister as I could.

    It was beautiful, intense, romantic and loving. I will never regret what happened.

    1. Anonymous, thanks for sharing that. Please contact me privately at fullmarriageequality at yahoo dot com as I would like to discuss this with you further. Thanks!

  6. Having had a consensual and loving sexual relationship with your sister is one of the most rewarding experiences of my life. The sex is more intense that can ever be imagined with a non-related sex partner, perhaps due to the "taboo" of it - the fact that it is regarded as "not the done thing". I will never forget that first time we were fully coupled sexually with my penis buried deeply into her, and the first time we enjoyed a mutual orgasm when I poured my semen into her body will stand out as the most erotic experience of my life.

    1. Anonymous, thanks for sharing that. If you haven't done so already, please write me a fullmarriageequality at yahoo dot com

  7. I had a physical relationship with my mom when I was in my early 30's and she was in her late 50's. If I had known all I had to do was ask her and she would say "yes," I would have asked a lot sooner! It was pure magic, and I can't tell anybody. Glad I found this blog.

    1. Anonymous, thanks for sharing that and congratulations on your experiences. Please contact me privately at fullmarriageequality at protonmail dot com to discuss this further.


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