
Saturday, July 28, 2012

Bobbi Kristina and Nick Gordon Deserve to be Happy Together

Yes, the press is still at it. We recently saw coverage at of the romance between Bobbi Christina and Nick Gordon. People give them grief even though they are not biologically nor legally related. That is how ridiculous the bigotry against consanguinamory can be.

What's wrong with this picture? Nothing!

They love each other. Anyone who has a problem with that is the person with a problem. Not them. Let them be happy together.

Good for them!

For those of you who don't know, Bobbi Christina is Whitney Houston's daughter. Houston treated Gordon like a son for at least part of his life. I think their love is a beautiful thing.
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  1. Hey, I got back :D
    Obviously there is always a plenty of bigotry, in this case there are no blood ties, but bigots need to label them as "bad people" because bigots need to feel themselves as "good".

  2. We can all be good Cornelius, we can all be good :)


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