
Friday, January 18, 2019

Where Are They Now?

Some people, while not themselves involved in consanguinamory, are turned on by erotica with an incest theme. Some people who are, or have been, involved in consanguinamory want nothing to do interacting with or providing masturbation material for the first group. This causes friction when these two groups intersect at incest websites. (As always, I’m referring to adult consensual sex.) Some discussion forums have deliberately maintained a policy prohibiting pornographic images or videos. Some of the antiporn sentiment within the consanguinamory community mirrors a general population antiporn sentiment that adult videos and images aren’t good representations of, or are even antithetical to, the reality of intimacy and lovemaking.

I'm not here to take sides on that issue. I try to keep this blog a safe and welcoming place to visit for all.

The rest of this entry is about a specific set of such explicit adult incest videos that have been widely circulated, as I have a curiosity about the participants. Click to read more only if you want to read or comment on this subject. [I am bumping up this entry because it is still relevant. Check the comments below for some updates.]

As the title says, “Where are they now?” Where are the people who are in these videos, which are presented as real, rather than fictional or fantasy?

The series to which I can refer can be described as the “Incest Taboo” series, although probably many series have taken some form of that title. At least one of these has a "World Net, Inc." copyright. Last I checked, the videos were being sold at a US-based website associated with a paid-subscription forum, with two short previews of each video provided for free. The videos have been at various video-tube websites for free streaming, probably to the irritation of those selling the videos, who presumably made many of them and were first to “release” all of them.

A few examples of the videos…

Incest Taboo 1: Alex, Brandy, Cathy. They claim to be brother, sister, and sister, and I can believe it. I could also believe it if they got high right before they started recording (just a hunch I got.) They did their own camera work. This could have been made in 2001 or before.

Incest Taboo 4: Michael and Lynn. They claim to be brother and sister, and I can believe it. They also did their own camera work.

Incest Taboo 5: Barbara and Jason. They claim to be mother and son, and have identical hair color. They have someone else doing the camera work.

Some of the subsequent videos have someone from the “Incest Taboo” site interviewing the participants before the sex, during which the interviewers do the camera work. One video has a man who has difficulty getting and keeping and erection, at least in front of the cameras and watchers. That's hardly a mark of professional performer.

There are several reasons I have to wonder “Where are these people now?" Most of the participants of the videos I actually saw sound like they are from the US and perhaps Canada, where consensual adult sex between siblings and between parents and children is still illegal in most places, and subject to hateful prejudice and discrimination even where not subject to prosecution. As stupid as any laws against consensual sex are, it still seems risky to appear on video doing something that is illegal in so many places. Then again, prosecuting them, at least in the US, would be a state/local matter, and it would be difficult to prove where the “crime” actually took place, and thus proving that it took place in the prosecutor’s jurisdiction.

As I ask in the interviews I have done, I’m curious about how their relationships have fit in to the rest of their lives. What effects, if any, the videos have had on their lives? Are they still active with each other? Were any contacted by law enforcement? Did neighbors or other family members see the videos and say anything to them? One claimed brother and sister are married to other people, who apparently don’t know what they are doing with each other (cheating.) Did the spouses ever find out?

Many people are taking video of themselves having sex now, and even sharing it with the world. It’s another thing, though, for someone involved in consanguinamory to put it on video for the world to see, especially with strangers in the room.

So while I would expect they used pseudonyms in the videos, I have to wonder, where are you now, Alex, Brandy, Cathy (Incest Taboo 1,) Michael and Lynn (4), Barbara and Jason (5), Tom and Marie (6), Dre and Jessica (9), Tabitha and Brian (12), Gabe and Gretchen (13), Bobby and Jill (14), Rick and Tabitha (16) and the rest?

Anyone who has appeared in those videos or others that are presented as actual consanguinamory and can answer my questions (and anyone else for that matter), can contact me at fullmarriageequality at yahoo dot com or on Facebook.

[People have commented with some updates. Please feel free to kep adding comments, and definitely check out what the comments say.]
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  1. hi the couple i 15 were from indiana and the father was busted and served 2 years in state jail the couple in 16 rick and tabitha? were only half siblings the tapes are still avalible from a duth website but importatin to us would be in breach of fed statute as would online viewing.

    1. hi that should be dutch website and importing sorry typo also there is spanish site fa kings which has a real mother daughter team they show offical state photo ids at start of each web show/ says incest above age of consent legal in spain russia erance and israel and japan most likly source for this stuff if you want it.

    2. also fa kings spanish site real mother daughter they show photo ids.

    3. Do you know what the Indiana case was for #15? I'd like the reference. It'd help with naysayers.

    4. The year and last name would be enough.

  2. There's actually another website out there,, that's seems to have taken over from IncestTaboo. (I heard incesttaboo had some problems with the authorities a while back.) There's one couple on incezt that posted a video like the one's you're referring too, and they set off none of my bullshit detectors, which are pretty attuned at this point. The girl at least is going by a pseudonym. There's a repost of the video here. (FYI, the still preview is NSFW.) They've also posted some other videos at the request of incezt members, but those are just sex. The first half of that video is just them talking about their relationship, and I have to say they're one of the sweetest couples I've ever seen. If they are acting, they deserve Oscars, and should move into something more lucrative.

  3. I'm looking for couples that are dating or having sex with a relative and are open to discussing the topic. Email me:

  4. There is some evidence that jill from Bobby and Jill is actually a porn star named tonisha mills. If you look at tonisha mills early work it's hard to tell but some of her later work and the resemblance is uncanny even down to the reactions in bed. It's worth investigating.

    1. I'd be happy to investigate thoroughly. Seriously, it is possible for a woman to be an exotic dancer, a porn actress, and to actually have sex with her brother.

      Also, please note that due to spam and other concerns, comments have to be approved before they appear. There is no need to submit the same comment twice. You can if you want to. I welcome comments.

    2. Yeah, TBH, that's the one I'm most suspicious of. The one's people submit themselves I'm less suspicious of.

    3. Yeah I looked her up. They're almost certainly the same person, and the bios don't match. Busted that one.

    4. Although maybe not. The tattoos on the leg are different. Hmmm... Could've gotten them removed. Who knows?

  5. incest taboo 15 the dad is fabian lee feilds parkfeild indiana he was in prison 2 years 2006-2008 the 3 videos were shot 2002-2004 and were on the web

    1. I've only seen the incest taboo #15 video and the blowjob video they made. Does anyone have a link to the third video they made that everyone keeps talking about?

  6. Keith, sadly I think I know the answer on Brian and Tabitha. I'm 100% sure it was fake. See KS.

    1. Could you please elaborate on this? I'd love to hear everything you know about Brian and Tabitha.

    2. "Keith, sadly I think I know the answer on Brian and Tabitha. I'm 100% sure it was fake. See KS."

      Not good enough! Show us some HARD prove or else you're the one that's 100% fake!

  7. Can someone tell me what "See KS" means? I'd really appreciate any details about this couple, thanks.

    1. KS is our forum, Kindred Spirits.

      Someone reported finding an "uncut video" and that after, the man and woman who made it have made other porn videos before. In that person's opinion, they did not act like lovers, but porn performers.

    2. Thanks so much for responding. Will I be able to see this person's post, or do I first have to make an account for the forum? I'd love to see some of their other videos and judge for myself. They certainly didn't seem like professionals in their Incest Taboo video.

    3. Anonymous, there is no video or link to the video at KS.

      The post is in the member area only, but it is just text and it doesn't say anything more than what I wrote here.

      KS is for consanguinamorous people and their allies. It isn't for voyeurs or incest fetishists. If you fall into one of the first two categories, you can try joining.

  8. Well you can definitely consider me an ally in the movement for full marriage equality. I strongly support the right of incestuous couples to marry and detest the current illegal status of such consensual relationships. I greatly appreciate this blog, as I've had a fascination with several of these couples for years, but especially Brian and Tabitha. I've long wondered what their lives are like and if they're still together. I do admit that I find their lovemaking to be thrilling. I hope this wouldn't disqualify me from participating in the forum. Just so I'm clear, would it be against the rules for me to make an effort to find more content from them or others?

    1. As far as I know, Brian and Tabitha are not at KS, and nobody there seems to have any additional info. That's not surprising. Millions of people do these things or have these relationships, so it's not like everyone involved knows everyone else who is. But any ally who wants to join KS should see this:

  9. HI!!This is for Anonymous and Keith Pullman.The Brian and Tabitha is very much real!My twin sister and I have known Tabitha since the first grade!Brian and Tabitha are not their real names of course.They are really from the country in Tennessee though.As you can see their accent is authentic.They made this video many years ago after being on an incest forum early into their relationship.When they decided to make it they did not relish that it would become known and available like it has.They were very excited at the time and had been sharing pictures for others to see on the forum .You can say "Tabitha" is very proud of what she has with her "Brian".It was her wanton show others that real love may be taboo between a mother and son yet very beautiful.It unfortunately turned out to be a double edged sword for them and today they live in a state where consensual incest is not against the law between two consenting adults.She did become pregnant though and they have a daughter already in School.Iam listed as the father.I dated Tabitha for 4 years.This was from the ages of 29 to 33 for both of us.Outside the relationship with her son and my relationship with twin sister.This was the best relationship for both of us.Iam very close to Tabitha and Brian till this day.Brian has stated I was the closet thing to a father to him.Very good people.Although society considers us sick.It makes me laugh when people watch their video and consider it fake.I think it is because it is the real deal that people cannot believe what they are seeing to be true.So they look for things to make it fake.That shyness and nervousness is very real.The way they talk everything.THey have other videos made that were made as a gift to me which really shows how comfortable and in love they are.THere are no socks on or cock rings.Believe me.One of the hottest ones they made when she was 7 months pregnant!VERY LOVING!!!They have given me videos to my sister and I .We have given them videos.I also filmed them and Brian filmed my sister and I.As far as swapping or both couples doing it in front of each other.We are not going that far.We all ARE really in love with each other and are still together.Also brian is listed as the father to my son with my sister.Iam more at liberty say things about myself than them.YOU CAN FEEL FREE TO ASK THOUGH.I CAN TELL you they are very happy.Despite having to live a very secret life that only other person knows by them confessing it(Their mother).P.s.I left Tabitha when my sister got separated from her ex-husband and became intimate with my twin.Though I hurt her at the time .She understood.She really is a wonderful person.Her son too.Really good people.I will leave it at that for now.Nothing really won't be said anything more about them.Though if I feel it is a question I can answer I will.I hope this makes you smile that consensual incestous relationships can be something very beautiful!

    1. Thanks for that, Anonymous. Congrats on your love and family. Please contact me at fullmarriageequality at protonmail dot com

    2. Thank you so much for sharing all this info about Brian and Tabitha. I'm desperate to hear more about them and you. Do they plan on making any more videos or pictures public? You mentioned that they shared pictures on a forum, so that seems to indicate they'd be fine having more material available. If you would prefer to talk privately, I would love the opportunity to hear more intimate details. My email is goodthingscoming1 at gmail dot com

    3. Brian And Tabitha FanJanuary 20, 2018 at 1:01 AM

      Hi Keith, I was just wondering if this poster contacted you.

    4. Brian And Tabitha FanJanuary 22, 2018 at 9:57 AM

      It's a lovely story, but without evidence, I have to say I'm somewhat skeptical of these claims.

    5. "It's a lovely story, but without evidence, I have to say I'm somewhat skeptical of these claims."

      Oh yeah, and like you have evidence that they are NOT related! Show me HARD prove that they are NOT related! Otherwise, you come off as intelligent as those who thinks the XFL will destroy the NFL in 2020!

  10. What do you want to know?

    1. Please see this entry to explain what I want to do:

  11. "Tabitha" is porn star Skye Lee. Same Kanji tattoo on lower back, and in some of her videos she has the same blemishes on her left leg.

    1. ""Tabitha" is porn star Skye Lee. Same Kanji tattoo on lower back, and in some of her videos she has the same blemishes on her left leg."

      You are referring to the "Tabitha" with "Rick", I do believe. And yes, she does have other videos as Skye Lee alright. But remember, just because she does other people doesn't necessarily mean that she and "Rick" aren't halflings. In fact, I wouldn't be surprised if she isn't the only porn star out there who's main squeeze off camera (not counting the pornos they've made of course) is a blood relative of theirs.

      Now if you can dig into any background checks on her "half brother" "Rick", then you might be onto something. Get to it.

  12. Hi,
    I have watched few videos on Incesttaboo as well as incezt. They appear to be real. Kudos to your effort in knowing how and where they might be now.

  13. Somebody left a comment here earlier today about Barbara and Jason but I accidentally deleted the comment instead of publishing it and I don't have a way of getting it back. If you could please resubmit that would be great. Sorry!

  14. Quote: antiporn sentiment that adult videos and images aren’t good representations of, or are even antithetical to, the reality of intimacy and lovemaking."

    I agree with that fully. whatever early interest one may have in pron quickly wears off with the harsh sexuality that flows in the movies.

    some soft porn movies do capture more realistic elements of how a regular relationship should flow.

    that is actually what I look forward to seeing..the development of the story...what I consider proper handling of such relations on they began, how the couples try to deal with their feelings and ow it turns out.

    if they end in sexual relations and the promise of a permanent relationship there are regulars ways that would happen, not in porno clinches and various and many outlandish and splayed sexual positions.

    we don't need to see the whole act anyway..only what is necessary to carry the story forward and to completion

  15. I'd be curious to know about Tom & Marie, Bobby & Jill, Scott & Sindee, and even Jeff & Jennifer (although he wasn't able to perform for the video.)

  16. Hi,

    It looks like Michael and Lynn from Incest Taboo #4 love each other over the years...

    Please check this video..

    In spite of having another couple in the video, Michael and Lynn have passionate sex.

    It seems evidence of adult relatives having consenting sex.

    Their video from Incest Taboo is available at

    1. Michael and Lynn seem to be named Matt and Tyler in this video at . Matt/Michael has the same tattoos. They appear with Chabela. says that Matt and Tyler are a couple. Found uploads at

    2. Some people claim that Michael and Lynn are husband and wife...of course, the idiots have no proof of that claim, meaning it could go either way.

    3. Wedding rings not a big enough clue for ya?

    4. Dre and Jessica #9
      Unfortunately the guy in #9 is really Raunnie young a guy I dated. That is not his sister. They met that night and got paid &500 .

    5. In the video ( Lynn literally says "It's fun being married to someone with long hair", implying that they are husband and wife. The Taboo video they filmed was likely a fake and they got paid for it or exercised a fantasy.

    6. Hate to break it to you all, but Michael and Lynn aren't bro/sis. Lynn is actually Tyler Trainor. You can find videos of her and "Michael". I think they're just husband and wife doing some fantasy incest vids. Sorry, it was too good to be true. The only one I think might actually be legit is Barbara/Jason MS. But there's been no information regarding those two.


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