
Sunday, October 14, 2012

Video Clip: Mother and Son Tell of GSA

Bumping this entry up. It has been one of my more popular entries...
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  1. I've been in a GSA relationship with my mother for about a year, yet it can never work out the way we want to because our love has to be kept secret from my very conservative Christian family. You know how it goes...

  2. Anonymous, I'm always interested in having people tell of their relationships. You can remain anonymous if I interview you. You can write me at fullmarriagequality at yahoo dot com.

  3. I've felt what they feel. I've experienced all they say. I'm listening to what they are saying. but i am not his biological mom. i adopted him, loved him, lost him as a toddler, found him as a adult. is this thing genetic only? I'm being made to feel like I'm not a mom too. we used to joke that we wish we could do a blood transfusion and exchange blood so our blood could run in each odds veins, well, he wasn't joking. b4 it became way it became. i resisted 4 for while. i was powerless d feeling was too intense. he said he loved me as a mom and as a woman. he said yeah it was strange but it felt right. so confused. we both feel v guilty. he even wants a child from me. so confused.

    1. Anonymous, thanks for sharing. What we call GSA appears to have multiple causes, and in some cases, only some of them are present. For example, there have been biological (half) siblings and parents-adult children that met and fell madly in love before finding out about their biological relation. Conversely, I read recently about a case where a man THOUGHT a woman was his long-lost daughter, and they felt a strong attraction; as it turns out, he wasn't her biological father. And then, of course, there are people who ARE biologically related and do know that when they meet/reunite, and they experience GSA.

      So it is not out of the realm of possibility that you have experienced what we call GSA with your adopted son. The separation and reunification came AFTER there was some bonding, imprinting, and learning each other's scent. Those things could have added up to cause something like GSA.

      Whatever the cause of the attraction, what matters is what the two of you want and need. As adults, you should be free to conduct your relationship they way you want. Feel free to write more here or to contact me a fullmarriageequality at yahoo dot com.

  4. Not there anymore....evidently frank talk about mother and son without any porn whatsoever is a no-no for YouTube. But not for Jerry Springer episodes! Go figure...

    1. Thanks for tipping me off to that. If I can find it again, I will post it again.


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