We may be looking for you. If you are someone who is described below, please contact us a fullmarriageequality at protonmail dot com or http://www.facebook.com/fullmarriageequality
1) We are looking for attorneys who are willing to represent consenting adults facing discrimination in criminal and civil law for having relationships.
2) We are looking for counselors and therapists in general, and one in particular, who are willing to help adults who face prejudice, discrimination, and even hostility from family due to consensual relationships with other adults.
3) We are looking for people willing to tell their stories about the love and relationships.
4) We are looking for anyone else willing to advance the cause of civil rights relating to gender, sexuality, and relationship diversities, and included in that, we'd like to hear from graphic artists who are interested in making contributions. Also, have you joined or started a GSA or diversity club at your school?
5) We are looking for you if you've been in videos found online in which you are depicted as having consanguineous sex.

Advocating for the right of consenting adults to share and enjoy love, sex, residence, and marriage without limits on the gender, number, or relation of participants. Full marriage equality is a basic human right.
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- ChristianPolygamy.com
- Charlie Glickman [PhD SexEd]
Sunday, April 30, 2017
Tuesday, April 25, 2017
Married in Every Way Except Under the Law
People in consanguinamorous relationships are everywhere, but are usually closeted. Fortunately, some are willing to be interviewed for this blog. As a result, Full Marriage Equality has featured scores of exclusive interviews with lovers are denied the freedom to be open about their love
and are, by law, denied the freedom to marry and have that marriage
equally under the law.
The woman interviewed below should be free to decide whether or not to legally marry the person she considers her spouse, yet they could be harassed, persecuted, imprisoned, and stripped of their children if they were open about their love. They are consenting adults who aren't hurting anyone; why should they be denied their rights? In much of the world, including all but a couple of US states, they could be criminally prosecuted for their love.
Read the interview below and see for yourself what she has to say. You may think this relationship is interesting, or it might make you uncomfortable, or you might find it incredibly sexy, but whatever your reaction, should these lovers be denied equal access to marriage or any other rights?
FULL MARRIAGE EQUALITY: Describe yourself.
Anonymous Woman: I am an unmarried mom of four living in the United States. I was originally from Brazil and would travel back and forth throughout my life. I am 40 years old. I am a corporate manager for a major company. I have one sister, 35 years old.
FME: You are in a spousal relationship with your biological son? How old is he?
Yes. Jaime is 25 years old. He is in IT at a large company but has an athletic build.
The woman interviewed below should be free to decide whether or not to legally marry the person she considers her spouse, yet they could be harassed, persecuted, imprisoned, and stripped of their children if they were open about their love. They are consenting adults who aren't hurting anyone; why should they be denied their rights? In much of the world, including all but a couple of US states, they could be criminally prosecuted for their love.
Read the interview below and see for yourself what she has to say. You may think this relationship is interesting, or it might make you uncomfortable, or you might find it incredibly sexy, but whatever your reaction, should these lovers be denied equal access to marriage or any other rights?
FULL MARRIAGE EQUALITY: Describe yourself.
Anonymous Woman: I am an unmarried mom of four living in the United States. I was originally from Brazil and would travel back and forth throughout my life. I am 40 years old. I am a corporate manager for a major company. I have one sister, 35 years old.
FME: You are in a spousal relationship with your biological son? How old is he?
Yes. Jaime is 25 years old. He is in IT at a large company but has an athletic build.
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Saturday, April 22, 2017
A Good Grandma
If you're not following this blog's sister Tumblr, you are hereby invited to do so. Follow or bookmark it.
In this entry, a supportive grandmother asks about her daughter and grandson.
In this entry, a supportive grandmother asks about her daughter and grandson.
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Thursday, April 20, 2017
Canada Should Let All Consenting Adults Marry if They Want To
Polygamy as a criminal matter is back on the news in Canada, and as a result, someone identified as Lee Harding of Coquitlam wrote a letter printed at vancouversun.com...
The idea that something that is otherwise immoral or even illegal in Canada becomes somehow acceptable if someone claims it as a religious tenet is ridiculous.Consenting adults should be free to be together however they mutually agree. I'm sure most Canadians, if polled on that without inflammatory phrasing, would agree.
Something is immoral if it violates human rights.Consenting adults loving each other hardly does that.
This includes forcing or coercing children into life-altering situations, such as early marriage; even worse, into polygamy.Ahhhh... yes, well child abuse a completely different matter than consenting adults being together. Guilt by association is not fair.
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Tuesday, April 18, 2017
Clear Out Those Negative Thoughts
The harm of prejudiced bigotry against consanguinamorous relationships, like the bigotry against so many other expressions of love, affection, and identity, extends to being internalized by some of the people involved. Some struggle with their feelings, because they've been bombarded with irrational fears and disapproval, even before they have any understanding or thoughts about, or experiences with, such matters.
Practically, you see this when cousins or siblings or other closely related adults are conflicted about the love they have.
Although there is no good reason why adults who mutually agree to be together in some way should feel guilty, some still do, and that's a shame. In general, consanguinamory is not sick. It is usually beneficial for all involved, with most negative results being solely the result of external bigotries, sometimes enshrined in ridiculous laws.
It would help if people knew that they are not alone and that there is no good reason they shouldn't be free to be together and have their rights.
Our dear friend Jane has written some great material for anyone who is struggling. Although her blog is focused on consanguinamory, much of what she writes in this entry is applicable to anyone struggling to accept themselves or their relationships.
Practically, you see this when cousins or siblings or other closely related adults are conflicted about the love they have.
Although there is no good reason why adults who mutually agree to be together in some way should feel guilty, some still do, and that's a shame. In general, consanguinamory is not sick. It is usually beneficial for all involved, with most negative results being solely the result of external bigotries, sometimes enshrined in ridiculous laws.
It would help if people knew that they are not alone and that there is no good reason they shouldn't be free to be together and have their rights.
Our dear friend Jane has written some great material for anyone who is struggling. Although her blog is focused on consanguinamory, much of what she writes in this entry is applicable to anyone struggling to accept themselves or their relationships.
Because this is how I questioned myself in the early days of my relationship with my dad, it worked for me. Every now and then I’ve also helped others online by asking them these kinds of questions, and some people feel better just for having read this blog and others on the subject… I advocate it because IT WORKS.I’d also recommend to anyone struggling, to join the community at Kindred Spirits. You can talk to other people who are going through the same things and that can help by giving you some extra perspective. You don’t have to be alone with these issues, we’re a friendly bunch and being in a mutually supportive environment helps a lot.
Go read it all!
The good news is that we're on the right side of history. Sooner or later, all adults will have their rights, including the rights to be together and to marry, if they want. We're striving to make it happen sooner rather than later, and there are ways you can help.
The good news is that we're on the right side of history. Sooner or later, all adults will have their rights, including the rights to be together and to marry, if they want. We're striving to make it happen sooner rather than later, and there are ways you can help.
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Friday, April 14, 2017
SPOILERS - Who is Rey? Star Wars Can Advance Marriage Equality
[This entry is being bumped up because Episode VIII is in post-production and it would be great if it could make a difference for equality.]
You know the drill. If you haven't seen "Star Wars Episode VII: The Force Awakens" yet and don't want any of it spoiled, just skip over this entry.
You know the drill. If you haven't seen "Star Wars Episode VII: The Force Awakens" yet and don't want any of it spoiled, just skip over this entry.
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Thursday, April 13, 2017
Jane Examines the Contrast of Abuse
Jane has an extensive look at abuse, including grooming, and the contrast with consanguinamory. Go read it.
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Tuesday, April 11, 2017
Discussing Consanguinamory
Consanguinamorous relationships are often ignorantly dismissed as dysfunctional, sick, or abusive, and sometimes the "incest" discussions found at porn sites do little to dispel that impression. However, and Kindred Spirits forum, which is NOT a porn forum, the discussions are sincere and reflect how real, beautiful, and in many ways, "normal" consanguinamorous relationships can be.
For example, here's a woman describing her relationship that was initiated through reunion reunion Genetic Sexual Attraction...
For [us] the most important things are the respect that we have for each other and remembering to always listen. [He] is my best friend, my partner and my lover. We have often wondered if the reason the sex is so good was because of the brother/sister element. We decided that we just fit together perfectly for what ever reason. Being non judgemental of each others desires and taking time to learn about what we both need.
He walks in the door after work and we are both just happy to be in each others company again especially knowing that we would give almost everything up to protect what we have.Why would anyone want to kill such love? Why should they have to hide? Why shouldn't they be free to be open about their love and, if they want, to marry? There's no good reason.
If you want to discuss consanguinamory (consensual incest), I know of no better forum than Kindred Spirits, which is free. But if you join, be sure to immediately read and follow all of the rules. If you are a Friend of Lily, it can be very helpful to join with others to discuss life in general, as well as the love you have or had.
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Monday, April 10, 2017
Siblings Day
It’s national Siblings Day, at least here in the US.
In keeping with the interests of this blog, we want to celebrate all people who love their siblings, especially if that includes supporting your sibling as they face discrimination for their gender identity, their sexual or relationship orientations, or their relationships or sexuality. We also want to celebrate all siblings in consanguinamorous relationships. For many of them, there is no more important person in the world than their sibling(s).
So if you have a good sibling, let them know you appreciate them.
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Saturday, April 8, 2017
Documentary on Reunion GSA in Siblings
These GSA documentaries seem to pop up and then go away, so hopefully this one remains available again for at least a while.
There are comments on YouTube, and some are good.
Just in case the embedded video disappears (because Google seems to have a problem with their Blogger keeping their YouTube videos embedded), here's the link.
There are comments on YouTube, and some are good.
Just in case the embedded video disappears (because Google seems to have a problem with their Blogger keeping their YouTube videos embedded), here's the link.
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Wednesday, April 5, 2017
What's So Scary About Equality?
If you're not connected to me on Tumblr, or don't at least have my Tumblr blog bookmarked, well, I'm there, too, and there's content there that doesn't make it here.
Someone submitted this to me for response...
Someone submitted this to me for response...
I want to thank you, you and thefinalmanifesto have completely changed my mind about polyamory, and marriage equality. I think I hadn't let myself consider it seriously before because I felt like that would be validating conservatives' "slippery slope" arguments about same-sex marriage. You've put a human face on the issue, and made me realize I need to stop being intellectually dishonest. I've got a lot of learning ahead of me. Thanks and continue to be awesome!This is what I wrote...
Hey, thanks!
That tactic by those against marriage equality is nothing new. Go back in US history and one of the arguments against abolishing slavery and civil rights was “Those negroes are going to take your women if we free them or give them rights!” And, of course, in the 1960s, bans on interracial marriage were struck down by the Supreme Court, and that is good!
Go back and you’ll see “No, we can’t let women vote! If we do, next they’ll be independent!” And, of course, many are now, and that’s good.
Interracial marriage and adult women NOT having to be subservient to a husband, father, or brother seemed radical and jarring, but what more people should have asked at the time was, “What’s wrong with that?”
So let’s do that now when it comes to adult relationships and marriage. What’s the problem with letting consenting adults be together the way they want? Challenge the prejudiced. They won’t have a good answer. They’ll scoff, or jump up and down, or point and say “See!!!” But those aren’t arguments. They don’t explain why we should discriminate against any consensual relationships between adults.
My call to solidarity: http://fullmarriageequality.tumblr.com/FME
That tactic by those against marriage equality is nothing new. Go back in US history and one of the arguments against abolishing slavery and civil rights was “Those negroes are going to take your women if we free them or give them rights!” And, of course, in the 1960s, bans on interracial marriage were struck down by the Supreme Court, and that is good!
Go back and you’ll see “No, we can’t let women vote! If we do, next they’ll be independent!” And, of course, many are now, and that’s good.
Interracial marriage and adult women NOT having to be subservient to a husband, father, or brother seemed radical and jarring, but what more people should have asked at the time was, “What’s wrong with that?”
So let’s do that now when it comes to adult relationships and marriage. What’s the problem with letting consenting adults be together the way they want? Challenge the prejudiced. They won’t have a good answer. They’ll scoff, or jump up and down, or point and say “See!!!” But those aren’t arguments. They don’t explain why we should discriminate against any consensual relationships between adults.
My call to solidarity: http://fullmarriageequality.tumblr.com/FME
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Monday, April 3, 2017
Jane Obliterates Ignorance
If you don't do so already, you really need to follow Jane's blog. She just put up another great entry obliterating ignorance about consanguinamory.
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Sunday, April 2, 2017
Helpful Short Statements You Are Free to Use
An adult, regardless of gender, sexual orientation, race, or religion, should be free to share love, sex, residence, and civil union/domestic partnership/marriage (and any of those without the others) with ANY and ALL consenting adult, without fear of prosecution, bullying, or discrimination.
That's what this blog is here for.
Maybe you've scoured the entries here and you agree with our goal of bringing about relationship rights for all, including full marriage equality, sooner rather than later, but you don't have a lot of time to counteract the ignorance prejudice of those who try to block progress.
Always feel free to point people to this page, which answers all of the typical arguments used by anti-equality forces.
Feel free to use any of these statements/questions that we have found to be helpful:
I support the rights of all consenting adults to their relationships. If you have a good reason to deny anyone their equal rights, please share it. (This is especially helpful when they say, "So you support [fill in the blank], too?!?" If they cite something like human-toaster marriage, ask them what part of "consenting adult" they don't understand.)
Can you give one good reason to deny consenting adults their fundamental right to the relationship to which they mutually agree? (They won't be able to.)
Every bit of time and money spend trying to deny consenting adults their right to be together as they mutually agree is time and money that could be better spent preventing and treating abuse.
Allowing all adults their rights will make it easier to prevent abuse and prosecute abusers as victims and witnesses will be more likely to cooperate with law enforcement if their own love lives aren't criminalized.
If people don't have the right to love each other how they mutually agree, do they really have any rights at all?
You don't have to want something for yourself to agree that other adults should be free to have their relationships.
It is wasteful, counterproductive, unjust, and cruel to try to keep consenting adults who love each other apart. Real people, including children, are hurt by making criminals and second-class citizens out of adult lovers.
That's what this blog is here for.
Maybe you've scoured the entries here and you agree with our goal of bringing about relationship rights for all, including full marriage equality, sooner rather than later, but you don't have a lot of time to counteract the ignorance prejudice of those who try to block progress.
Always feel free to point people to this page, which answers all of the typical arguments used by anti-equality forces.
Feel free to use any of these statements/questions that we have found to be helpful:
I support the rights of all consenting adults to their relationships. If you have a good reason to deny anyone their equal rights, please share it. (This is especially helpful when they say, "So you support [fill in the blank], too?!?" If they cite something like human-toaster marriage, ask them what part of "consenting adult" they don't understand.)
Can you give one good reason to deny consenting adults their fundamental right to the relationship to which they mutually agree? (They won't be able to.)
Every bit of time and money spend trying to deny consenting adults their right to be together as they mutually agree is time and money that could be better spent preventing and treating abuse.
Allowing all adults their rights will make it easier to prevent abuse and prosecute abusers as victims and witnesses will be more likely to cooperate with law enforcement if their own love lives aren't criminalized.
If people don't have the right to love each other how they mutually agree, do they really have any rights at all?
You don't have to want something for yourself to agree that other adults should be free to have their relationships.
It is wasteful, counterproductive, unjust, and cruel to try to keep consenting adults who love each other apart. Real people, including children, are hurt by making criminals and second-class citizens out of adult lovers.
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Saturday, April 1, 2017
Raise Awareness By Signing These Petitions
If you believe all consenting adults should have their rights, there are
some petitions you can sign to help raise awareness, especially with the people
in power.
In New Mexico, it's illegal for certain adults to simply be affectionate with each other, so please sign this petition now!
France doesn't criminalize consanguineous relationships, but it still needs to be more egalitarian in marriage laws. As Jane has noted on her blog, there is a petition we urge you to sign that calls for this.
Now there's also a similar petition for The Netherlands.
The same situation exists in New Jersey. Please go sign this one for New Jersey.
The same situation as France, The Netherlands, and New Jersey exists in Rhode Island. Please go sign this petition for Rhode Island.
Share the links with other people who want to support civil rights and human rights in general, who think it is outrageous or just plain wasteful to prosecute and imprison adults for loving each other or to deny them the right to marry.
In New Mexico, it's illegal for certain adults to simply be affectionate with each other, so please sign this petition now!
France doesn't criminalize consanguineous relationships, but it still needs to be more egalitarian in marriage laws. As Jane has noted on her blog, there is a petition we urge you to sign that calls for this.
Now there's also a similar petition for The Netherlands.
The same situation exists in New Jersey. Please go sign this one for New Jersey.
The same situation as France, The Netherlands, and New Jersey exists in Rhode Island. Please go sign this petition for Rhode Island.
Share the links with other people who want to support civil rights and human rights in general, who think it is outrageous or just plain wasteful to prosecute and imprison adults for loving each other or to deny them the right to marry.
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